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Unit12 Whatdidyoudolastweekend SectionB 1a 1e Guessinggame Myjob 2 Iwroteanewsong Ipracticedmyguitaryesterday amusician 3 Imetmymoviefansandsomereportersatthehotellastweekend anactor actress 1 LastSaturday Icaughtathief apoliceman policewoman 4 Iwasbusy ApatientvisitedmelastSaturday adoctor Guessinggame 5 Iwasverybusylastweekend Therearemanypeopleatthesupermarket Icountedmoneyallthetime ashopassistant Myjob 6 IhadalotofhomeworktodoandIstudiedforthemathtestlastSunday Iwastired astudent Nemo Dory abook read read 08 00a m geography studied study 09 00a m Let sgoandseewhatDorydidyesterday cleaned theroom clean 10 00a m soccer 11 00a m played play Let sgoandseewhatDorydidyesterday had have 12 00a m 14 00p m visited friends visit Let sgoandseewhatDorydidyesterday lunch 17 00p m cooked cook 18 00p m watched TV watch Let sgoandseewhatDorydidyesterday dinner tothemovies went go 19 00p m 21 00p m alettertoNemo wrote write Let sgoandseewhatDorydidyesterday getup getdressed brushteeth eatbreakfast gotoschool takeashower A Whatdidyoudoyesterday B Igotupat6 00 HerearesomethingsthatSallyandJimdidyesterday Matchtheactivitieswiththepictures 1a 1a 1 sangandplayedtheguitar2 studiedforatest3 haddinnerwithfriends4 wenttothelibrary5 flewakite6 swaminaswimmingpool d c f e a b Doyouthinktheactivitiesin1aarefun Drawahappyfaceoranunhappyfaceundereachpicture 1b Listen WhatdidSallyandJimdolastweekend Completethechart 1c studiedforatest wenttothelibrary sangandplayedtheguitar flewakite haddinnerwithfriends Makeaconversationwithapartner TalkaboutwhatSallyandJimdidlastweekend Whowenttothelibrary Sallydid 1d DidSallygooutonSaturday No shedidn t Shedidherhomeworkandstudiedforatest ThenwhatdidshedoonSunday Shewenttothelibrary Itwasrelaxing Well HesangandplayedtheguitaronSaturdaymorning HowwasJim slastweekend Really WhatdidhedoonSaturday No hedidn t HeflewakiteintheparkonSundayafternoon DidJimdohishomeworkonSunday WhataboutSundayevening Well hehaddinnerwithfriends Didyoudoanythinginterestinglastweekend Makeaconversation Askwhatyourpartnerdidlastweekend Notreally butIvisitedmysister 1e Hi Alice Whatdidyoudolastweekend Iwenttothecinemawithmyfriends Hello Bob Didyougooutlastweekend Yes Idid Icampedbythelakewithmyuncle MakeanInterview Whatdidyourfrienddolastweekend Name Howwasyourweekend Whatdidyoudo Giveareportlikethis Myfriend hadabusy nice happy great colorful weekend OnSaturdaymorning he she Mylastweekendwasinteresting Ivisitedmygrandparents Theylivedinasmallvillage Ifedthechickensandsheep Iwentfishingwithmygrandpa Describewhatyoudidonyourlastweekendtoyourclassmates Mylastweekendwasboring IstayedathomeanddidmyhomeworkonSaturday IwenttotheparkonSundaymorning butitrained SowewenthomeandwatchedTV Whatdidtheydo Howwastheirweekend playedcomputergamesfor24hours playedcards drankwine smoked Itwasnotgood It sunhealthy 不健康的 Discuss Howwastheirweekend 用所给动词的适当形式填空 We live inJapanlastyear Jack stop thecarlastSunday Tom clean myroomand study fortheChinesetestlastweekend 4 What you do lastnight 5 LastSundaymorningI play tennis lived stopped cleaned studied did do played 用所给动词的适当形式填空 6 I be athomeyesterdayafternoon was 7 Myfather run everymorning 8 Shealways wear areddress 9 Iwouldlike go tothemovieswithyou runs wears togo 10 Gina fly akitewithherfriendslastSunday flew 句型转换 1 TomlistenedtoCDsyesterday 变否定句 Tom toCDsyesterday 2 FathersleptalldaylastMonday 改一般疑问句 father alldaylastMonday 3 Iwasverybusylastweek 改否定句和一般疑问句 I verybusylastweek youverybusylastweek didn tlisten Did sleep wasn t Were
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