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Howdoyougettoschool Unit3 Period3 SectionAGrammarFocus 3c TeachingandLearninggoals 一 语言知识 1 掌握下列词汇 drive car live2 熟练运用下列短语 howlong howfar from to walktoschool driveacar二 语言功能 熟练掌握以how howlong howfar引导的一般现在时的特殊疑问句及回答 三 学习策略 在运用how howlong howfar引导的特殊疑问句基础上总结它的结构规律 WritedownthefollowingphrasesandChinesemeanings 1 rideabike 2 takethesubway 3 takethetrain 4 takethebus 5 walk 6 Howfarisitfrom to 7 Howlongdoesittake 8 Ittakessb sometimetodosth bybike 骑自行车 bysubway 乘坐地铁 bytrain 乘坐火车 bybus 乘坐公共汽车 onfoot 步行 从 到 有多远 花费 多长时间 做某事花费某人多长时间 10kilometers20minutes Role playtheconversation2e 15minutes Yes Irideittoschooleveryday Hey Jane Isthisyournewbike Pairwork A Howdotheygettoschool B They A Howdoyougettoschool B I takethebustoschool gettoschoolbybus walktoschool gettoschoolonfoot 20minutes2kilometers home school Whichpairscanmakeaconversation Howdoeshe Howlongdoesittake Howfarisitfrom to A Howdoeshegettoschool B Hegetstoschoolbybike Herideshisbiketoschool A Howlongdoesittaketogettoschool B Ittakesabout20minutes A Howfarisitfromhishometoschool B It sabouttwokilometers Youcansaylikethis 呈现语法 观察领悟 Howdoyougettoschool Iridemybike Howdoesshegettoschool Sheusuallytakesthebus Howlongdoesittaketogettoschool Ittakesabout15minutes 呈现语法 观察领悟 Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool It sonlyabouttwokilometers DoesJanewalktoschool No shedoesn t Shegoesbybike Dotheytakethebustoschool No theydon t Theywalk Canyoufindouttherules 1 前四个句子为特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词为 特殊疑问句句式结构 特殊疑问句句式答语 后两个句子为一般疑问句 其句式结构为 其答语 2 How意为 本句中用来提问 等 How Howlong Howfar 特殊疑问词 助动词 主语 动词 词组 其他 用陈述句作答 助动词 主语 动词 词组 其他 用Yes No回答 怎么样 出行方式 Howlong意为 用来询问 答语为表示一段时间的名词性短语 Howfar意为 用于 答语要用表示距离的词语 3 Ittakessb sometimetodosth 是固定用法 意为 it是形式主语 不定式是真正的主语 如果对时间宾语提问 要用引导的特殊疑问句 Canyoufindouttherules 多长时间 某个动作所持续的时间 多远 询问两地间的距离 某人花费多长时间做某事 todosth howlong Haveachallenge 实战演练 Choose 2marks isitfromheretothesupermarket Abouttwentyminutes walk HowfarB HowlongC HowoftenD HowmanyChoose 3marks Mollygoestoschool herfather scarandLarrygoestoschool foot A by onB in byC in onD on by A C 连词成句 3marks how they do to school get everyday 连词成句 4marks howlong it does take you get to home from to school Howdotheygettoschooleveryday Howlongdoesittakeyoutogettoschoolfromhome 完成句子 3marks 昨晚我用了一小时写作业 It onehour myhomeworkyesterdayevening 完成句子 4marks 她住的地方离学校有多远 How shelive school tookme towrite longdoes from 完成句子 3marks 上学打的要花10分钟 Ittakes10minutes schoolbytaxi 就画线部分提问 5marks Mymothergoestoworkbybike yourmother towork togoto Howdoes go 同义句转换 3marks Jennyoftentakesabustoschool 同义句转换 Jennyoftengoestoschool 就画线部分提问 5marks MrSmithlives10milesawayfromhisoffice 就画线部分提问 MrSmithfromhisoffice by bus Howfardoes live 3a Matchthequestionswiththeanswers Thenpracticethem 1 HowdoesMikegettoschool 2 Howlongdoesittaketogethome 3 Howfarisitfromhere 4 Doyourfriendsgotoschoolbybus 5 Doesyourdaddrivetowork a Yes theydo b No hedoesn t c Herideshisbike d It sfivekilometers e About15minutes 控制性机械 为特殊疑问句 对出行方式提问 故用c作答 2 特殊疑问句 对时间提问 故用e作答 3 特殊疑问句 对距离提问 故用d作答 4 一般疑问句 主语为第三人称复数 故用a作答 5 一般疑问句 主语为第三人称单数 故用b作答 补全对话A Doyouusuallygettoschoolbycar B Iusuallyridemybiketoschool A doesshegettoschool B Shetakesthesubwaytoschool A isitfromherhometoschool B It s12miles A doesittakehertogetfromhometoschool B Ittakes15minutes No Idon t How Howfar Howlong 3b Usethesewordstomakequestions Thenaskandanswerthemwithyourpartner 1 school you getto do how 2 to school getto does howlong take it Howdoyougettoschool Howlongdoesittaketogettoschool Iridemybike Ittakesaboutfiveminutes 半控制性意义练习 3 school your from it is howfar home to 4 you to walk do school Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool It sabouttwokilometers Doyouwalktoschool No Idon t Ialwaysridemybike 5 ride theirbikes do school yourfriends to Doyourfriendsridetheirbikestoschool Yes theydo 1 看句子末尾的标点 可知这五个句子都是问句 2 先在所给的词汇中找特殊疑问词或助动词等 3 判断该句是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句 4 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 助动词 动词 词组 其他 5 一般疑问句 助动词 动词 词组 其他 Challengeyourself 挑战自己 试用三种以上方式组合上学 A HowdoesMarygettoschool B First he to C Next he to D Finallyhe A HowdoesNinagotoschool B First she to C Next she to D Thenshe Togotoschool firstNina to Nextsheto Thenshe Makingasurvey 开放性交际运用 Groupwork DiscussWe reinBeijingnow We regoingtoShanghaiforvacation It s1 056kilometersfromShanghai train 90km hplane 1 000km hbike 10km h ship 30km hbus 60km hcar 120km h HowshouldyougotoShanghai Why Howlongdoesittake Reportlikethis gettoShanghaiby Ittakesabout It sverycheapalthoughittakesalongertimetogetthere Butit salsoverysafe Howtogettoplaces Yes Noquestions Do Does 主语 动词 词组 其他 e g DoesJanewalktoschool Howquestions 对出行方式提问 对两地间的距离提问 对时间段提问 1 Howdo does 某人 某人怎么去某地 how是疑问副词 本句中用来提问 等 你叔叔通常怎样去香港 出行方式 getto某地 HowdoesyourunclegettoHongKong 2 回答方式有两种 A 某人 take s to某地 B 某人 get s to某地 我叔叔乘飞机去香港 the交通工具 by交通工具 MyuncletakestheplanetoHongKong MyunclegetstoHongKongbyplane 3 如果对时间段提问的话 就用 doesittakesb todosth 句型 Howlong Howlongdoesittaketowalktoschool Howlongdoesittaketodoherhomework 4 对两地间的距离提问下列句型 isit 某地 某地 从他家到服装店多远 isit hishome theclothesstore 从北京到上海有多远 is fromBeijing Shanghai Howfar fromto to Howfarit Howfar
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