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(浙江专用)2016-2017高中英语Unit1CulturalrelicsPeriodThree课时作业新人教版必修2Unit 1 Cultural relics Period Three Period ThreeUsing Language.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Obstacles(绊脚石) that lie on the way to success1LazinessEven with a great idea and the courage to pursue it, your efforts will be for naught unless youre willing to take massive action._1_ Write down your goals and the action steps youll take to pursue those goals.Post your vision and plan in your bedroom, bathroom, office.Share it with others, so theyll hold you accountable for delivering on your plan.2Complacency(自满)Without passion, even the most compelling vision will be not realised._2_ Make your passion into an almost physical characteristic of your personality, an inexorable force that keeps you engaged every moment of every workday, bringing you one step closer to the measure of success that you desire.3DistractionThe modern world calls for your attention in everlouder ways._3_ It takes selfdiscipline to persevere amidst the noise and haste, to assert your willpower over casual desires and instincts.Channel your emotions, behavior, and desires toward obtaining the reward of success.Remember: Living a life of selfdiscipline is less painful in the long run than regretting “what might have been.”4DoubtOnce youve made a decision, doubt is a worm that eats away at your ability to succeed.Life and work can be hard and even cruel.Remember, the race is not for the swift but rather those who persevere._4_ You owe it to yourself to remain confident in your vision and your plan.5DishonestyAs you begin to be successful, youll be tempted to lie, exaggerate(夸大), and cheat in order to move your thing forward.However, taking the easy way of dishonesty has a tendency to sneak back up on you._5_ True success comes when you are a person of your word, when you have a pure conscience, and when you have not cheated others on your way to the top.AEvery path to success begins with a great idea.BYou should focus on what you are doing.CDont allow doubt to influence your process.DDiligence can make up for lack of intelligence.EIt causes far more problems than telling the truth in the end.FWithout passion, your energy and enthusiasm will disappear.GIf you cant experience gratitude you might have stayed exactly where you started.答案1.D本段内容说明的是“懒惰”,选项D意为“勤能补拙”,说明勤奋的重要性,与“懒惰”形成对比。故选D。2F空格处的句子格式与空格前面的句子一致,都是说明没有激情的坏处。故选F。3B本段主要内容为“分心”,而选项B意为“你应该专注于你正在做的事情”,与本段内容形成对比。故选B。4C本段标题为Doubt(怀疑),选项C意为“不要让怀疑影响你的进程”,与标题内容相符。故选C。5E本段标题为“不诚实”,选项E意为“最终,不诚实比说实话造成更多的问题”,符合本段内容。故选E。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Having a goal based on love is the greatest life insurance in the world.If you had asked my dad _1_ he had always smiled, you would have found his answer _2_ (especial) simple: “To make my wife happy.”Mom and Dad met when they _3_ (be) nine.Every day before school, they met on a park bench with their homework.Mom corrected Dads English and he did the same with her math.Upon _4_ (graduate), their teachers said that the two of them were the best “students” in the school.They took their time building their relationship, even though Dad always knew she was the girl for him.Their first kiss occurred _5_ they were 17, and their romance continued to grow into their 80s.Just how much power their relationship created was brought to light in 1964.Dad was _6_ (tell) by the doctor that he had cancer and estimated that he had six months to one year_7_(leave) at the most.“Im sorry to disagree with you, Doctor,” my father said. “_8_ Ill tell you how long I have.One day _9_ (long) than my wife.I love her too much to leave the planet without her.”And so it was, to the _10_ (amaze) of everyone who didnt really know this lovematched pair, that Mom passed away at the age of 85 and Dad followed one year later when he was 86.答案1.why考查连词。根据后面的回答“To make my wife happy.”可知,询问者询问的是“他为什么总是微笑着”。2especially考查词性转换。空格处所填单词应该修饰后面的形容词simple, 故用especial的副词形式。3were考查时态。故事发生在过去,主语为名词复数,故用were。4graduation考查词性转换。Upon为介词,后面应该用名词形式。5when考查连词。they were 17是时间状语从句,故用when引导。6told考查时态、语态和主谓一致。Dad是第三人称单数,是被告知的,时间为过去时。7left考查动词时态。have some time left表示“还有多长时间”。8But考查连词。Im sorry., but.是固定口语搭配。9longer考查词性转换。根据空格后面的than可知应该用比较级。10amazement考查固定结构。to the amazement of相当于to ones amazement,意为“使某人吃惊的是”。.阅读理解Mill Ends Park sits in the middle of a busy street in downtown Portland, Oregon.Many beautiful flowers grow in the rich soil of the twofootwide circle.Drivers waiting for the traffic light to change may not know the story of this tiny circle, but it began with a hole in the ground.A man named Dick Fagan worked for the Oregon Journal, a newspaper with offices at the crossing of Front Street in Portland.One day in 1945, Fagan looked out of his office window and noticed a hole in the middle of the street.Every day Fag
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