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(讲练测)2017年高考英语二轮复习专题02完形填空(测)(含解析)专题2 完型填空班级 姓名 学号 分数 (测试时间:45分钟)1.【四川省成都市2017届高三一诊】 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填人空白处的 When you are living a fully-scheduled life, every minute counts. No matter how many ways you divide your _ 41 , there-s never enough time in a day to catch up. Six years ago, I was 42 - with a care-free, stop-and-smell-the-roses type of 43 . When I needed to rush out, she was taking her sweet 44 picking out a purse and a shining crown. When I needed to have a 45 1unch, shed stop to speak to the elderly woman who looked like her grandma. Whenever my child caused me to deviate(偏离) from my main 46 , I thought to myself, we don-t have time for this. 47 , the two words I most commonly spoke to my little lover of life were: 48 ! Then one day, things _ 49 . Wed just picked up my older daughter from kindergarten and were getting out of the car. Seeing her little sister not going fast enough for her liking, my older daughter said, You are so 50 . When the older one crossed her own arms, it dawned on me that her annoyed look 51 - that of mine. I saw the damage my hurried existence was doing to _52 . of my children. Though my 53 to slow down was made almost three years ago, Living at a slower pace still takes great effort. My younger daughter is my living 54 of why I must keep trying. In fact, she reminded me once again the other day. When I thought my little child was going to eat the last 55 of an ice cream, she held out a spoonful of it. I saved the last for you, she said. At that moment, I 56 Id just got the deal of a lifetime. I gave my child a little time, and unexpectedly, 57 , she reminded me that things taste 58 and love comes easier when you stop 59 through life. Pausing to delight in the simple joys of daily life is the only way to truly live. Trust me, I learned from the worlds born 60 in joyful living.41. A. attention B. memory C. love D. experience42. A. bored B. blessed C. content D. patient43. A. sister B. grandma C. son D. daughter44. A. time B. ice cream C, step D. lunch45. A. big B. quick C. nutritious D. joyful46. A. goal B. responsibility C. schedule D. interest47. A. Consequently B. Frankly C. Surprisingly D. Unusually48. A. Cheer up B. Pull up C. Shut up D. Hurry up49. A. improved B. changed C- appeared D. worsened50- A. silly B. excited C. careful D. slow51- A. silenced B. contradicted C. mirrored D. encouraged52. A. both B. all C. some D. neither53. A. demand B. offer C. promise D. mistake54. A. reminder B. memory C. image D. example55. A. half B. bite C. cup D. piece56. A. wondered B. realized C. recognized D. valued57. A. in conclusion B. in short C. in return D. in fact58. A. hotter B. softer C. sourer D. sweeter59. A. rushing B. going C. getting D. surviving60. A. scientist B. magician C. expert D. designer42. B考查形容词。A.厌烦的B.祝福的C.满足的D.耐心的。be blessed with是固定搭配,意为幸运地享有。选B。43. D考查名词。A.姐妹B.奶奶C.儿子D.女儿。根据后文的提示可知此处指女儿。选D。44. A考查名词。A.时间B.冰淇淋C.步伐D.午饭。句意:她慢腾腾地拿出钱包和闪闪的花冠。take ones time:不着急,慢慢来,固定搭配,选A。45. B考查形容词。A.大的B.快的C.营养的D.开心的。句意:当我需要快速吃完午餐时,她会停下来跟看起来像他奶奶的一个老人聊天。选B。46. C考查名词。A.目标B.责任C.时间表,日程表D兴趣。句意:无论什么时候我的孩子导致我偏离我的主要日程安排时,我都会想我们没有时间做这个事。选C。47. A考查副词。A.因此B.坦白地C.令人惊奇地D.不同寻常地。句意:因此,我跟我的小甜心常说的两个字是快点。选A。48. D考查动词短语。A.加油B.停下C.关起来D.快点。根据上题题意可知选D。49. B考查动词。A.改善B.改变C.出现D.恶化。句意:有一天,事情发生变化了。选B。50.D考查形容词。A.傻的B.激动的C.小心的D.慢慢地。句意:你真慢。前文中提到走路,故选D。51. C考查动词。A.安静B.反驳C. 映照;反映D.鼓励。句意:她那生气的表情映照了我的表情,选C。52. A考查代词。A.两者都B.所有C.一些D.两者都不。本段提到了我的两个女儿,故用both。53. C考查名词。A.要求B.提议C.承诺D.错误。句意:尽管三年前我做了要放慢节奏的承诺,选C,make a promice.54. A考查名词。A.回忆起的东西B.记忆C.景象D.例子。句意:我的小女儿是我为什么必须要不断尝试的生活提醒者。选A。55. B考查名词。A.一半B.咬C.杯子D.一片。句意:当我想到我的小女儿准备吃最后一口冰淇淋的时候,选B。56. B考查动词。A.想知道B.意识到C.认识D.重视。句意:那一刻,我意识到我得到了生命中的东西。选B。【名师点睛】完形填空解题技巧巧解完形填空题,考生必须进行通篇考虑,掌握大意,综合所学词法、句法和常识进行分析判断。为帮助考生能更好地解答完形填空题,在这里介绍几种解题技巧。1. 复现解题法:这类题多为同义词、近义词和反义词的复现或同义词、近义词和反义词异形复现的形式。这种测试手法主要是考查考生的整体篇章意识和上下文推断能力。2. 语法结构法: 这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识,能够从句式的结构上辨别出须填相关的关联词、连词、副词、形容词或相应的动词,当然还要考虑到主谓一致的关系等语法知识要点。3. 语境信息解题法:这类题主要是通过短文中上下语境所透露的信息进行解题,首先要正确理解所给信息,在进行合理分析和推断,这种语境信息一定要遵循逻辑概念,符合运动规律,时态的交替,以及特殊场合下的应急合理判断。考点:考查夹叙夹议类文章阅读2.【河南省中原名校豫南九校2017届高三上学期第四次质量考评】 My mother had a special way of education. When we grow up, she made us 41 that our life is going to be what we make it, making sure we were 42_ for our decisions and the person
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