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(江苏专用)2016届高考英语一轮复习Unit3Scienceandnature单元检测(必修5)Science and nature单元检测.单项填空1(2014徐州高三模拟)When she heard her son had been admitted to a key university, words couldnt _ her excitement.AconveyBexplainCconduct Ddistinguish2(2014蚌埠九中模拟)General secretary Xi urged Washington _ concrete measures to loosen hightech export controls to China.Aadopting Bto adoptCadopted Dto be adopted3(2014江苏潼阳中学模拟)It is reported that onethird of the food Americans eat _ upon foreign raw materials and the great majority of the people _ used to it.Adepends; get Bdepends; getsCdepend; get Ddepend; gets4(2014湖北荆州高三质检)We use passwords (密码) to keep our personal information secret and safe, but some passwords we use may not be as _ as we think.Aaccurate BappropriateCcomplex Dreliable5(2014无锡高三检测)It is reported on TV this morning that a group of college students went on an exploration in Huangshan, _ in the mountain because of their losing the way.Yes, I know. Worse still, in order to rescue them, many soldiers went to help, _ one of them to lose his young life.Atrapped; caused Btrapping; causingCtrapped; causing Dtrapping; caused6(2013安徽高考)How did your interview with the manager go?_ He seemed interested in my experience, but he didnt ask for references.APerfect! BIm not sure.CThats right. DCouldnt be better.7(2014泰州高三模拟)Manmade failures are a(n) _ problem for IT professionals, particularly when it comes to inexperienced users.Acommon BusualCnormal Dordinary8(2014宿迁模拟)Could you do me a _ and take the box up to the sixth floor?With pleasure. No problem at all.Afavour BgoodCpleasure Dkindness9(2014合肥八中模拟)Dont you think Sam is the best person for the position? He is very wise.I dont quite agree. He is _ wise.Amore kind than Bas kind asCnot so kind as Dkinder than10(2014江苏泗阳中学模拟)It made our head teacher angry _ Wang Lin, without the _ from the school, was absent from class for a week.Athat; permission Bwhich; permitCwhich; permission Dthat; permit11(2010陕西高考)His first book _ next month is based on a true story.Apublished Bto be publishedCto publish Dbeing published12(2014湖北襄阳高三调研)Hes a fashion designer whos always swum against the stream; his work is very _.Aoriginal BridiculousCcontemporary Dabnormal13(2014宁波抽样检测)Martys disability is “one in a million”. _, there are not many people in the world like him.AIn other words BAll in allCFor one thing DOn the other hand14(2014苏州高三质检)_ some people claim they can predict the future, there is no scientific basis behind it.AAs BOnceCWhile DBecause15(2014安徽两所名校联考)A survey _ by the UN shows developing countries are particularly attractive to tourists.Abeing conducted BconductedChaving been conducted Dto be conducted.阅读理解A(2014阜阳一中高三模拟)Anyone who has ever lost keys or money will have wished for a simple but effective way to make sure it never happens again. A US company is trying to help. Using a tiny microchip which is implanted into the arm, they have come up with a replacement for cash or credit cards that cannot be left at home or dropped on the bus.The Verichip is about the size of a grain of rice and works using radio frequency identification technology. At a shop, a radio frequency “reader” would send a signal and the chip in your arm would respond with your unique identity number. That would give the “reader” your financial information, and money could be taken directly from your accounts and you wouldnt even have to reach for your wallet.The company also hopes to include other information on the chip, such as medical records, building security codes (密码) and passwords, making life even easier.But not everyone is happy with the developments. Critics say that a lot can go wrong with the chip. A clever thief could build a fake (假的) reader that would steal your information without you knowing. So your money could still be stolen. Privacy is a big issue too. Stores, or even the government, only need to track the chip to find out what you buy, how much you spend and where you go.And if you wanted to get rid of your chip, you would need an operation to remove it.1The Verichip is _.Athe identity number Bthe security codeCa tiny microchip Da radio reader2Paragraph 3 is mainly about _.Ahow the Verichip worksBthe importance of the VerichipCthe development of the VerichipDhow money is taken from your accounts3Which is true of the Verichip?AYour information on it will always be safe.BMedical records have already been included.CYou can easily reach for your wallet using it.DAn operation has to be performed to remove it.4What
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