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餐饮部物品管理规范(中英文)Purpose目的 To extend effective control for cost saving.保证有效控制成本。 To create awareness amongst the employees for taking care of hotel assets.在员工中树立起爱惜酒店财产的意识。Policy政策1. A breakage register will be maintained by each outlet manager and chief steward containing the following column.各营业点经理和总管事应保存包括以下内容的破损记录。a) Date日期b) Item code 物品编号c) Name of the article品名d) Unit price 单价e) Quantity数量f) Amount金额g) Name of the waiter/waitress accountable责任员工(服务生)2. Any breakage if made due to carelessness will be charged to the incumbent employee. Outlet manager/chief steward will recommend and Division head will approve.任何由于粗心造成的损坏应由相应人员予以赔偿。由营业点经理提出,部门总监批准。3. Price of the costly item will be displayed in the kitchen in a location visible to each concerned employee. This is required for the awareness of all waiters/waitresses and steward.可计价物品的价格应在厨房明显的位置公布给所有相关的员工。以使所有服务生和管事部员工明确了解。4. The banquet manager must ensure that no flatware/chinaware has been lost during any banquet event.主管应确保宴会中不丢失餐具。5. Security will check the staff locker along with the HRD staff from time to time.保安应不时会同人力资源部员工检查员工更衣橱。6. The benchmark for the breakage/loss is 0.8 % of food and beverage revenue including F&B other income. If breakage/loss exceeds 0.8 %, the excess amount will be charged to the F&B employees as follows:雅高周转存货破损率标准为餐饮收入包括餐饮其它收入的0.8%。如果破损率超过0.8%,超出的金额由餐饮部员工按以下原则承担:a) Breakage/loss of each outlet and storeroom will be ascertained based on quarterly inventory.各营业点的破损由每季度的盘点确定。b) All employees of a particular outlet will share the loss of item of that outlet based on the ratio of salary.各营业点的损失由各自的所有员工按工资比例分担。c) Loss of common items will be borne by all F&B staff based on the ratio of salary.通用物品的损失由餐饮部全体员工按工资比例分担。d) Any loss of storeroom items will be borne by the stewards based on the ratio of salary.仓库中的损失由管事部员工按工资比例负担。e) As the stewards are directly involved with all outlets, the loss will be shared by the stewards for all outlets together with the F&B service and kitchen staff based on the ratio of salary.由于管事部员工与各营业点的破损都直接有关,因此管事部员工应与其它各餐厅和厨房员工共同按工资比例对分担损失。7. Items from the storeroom can not be issued without approval of division head. Requisition must be available for the checking by Finance representative from time to time.非经部门总监批准不得从仓库领取物品。领料单应被妥善保管以备财务人员抽查。8. Bin card will be maintained for each item in the F&B storeroom.餐饮部仓库中各个物品应设立货卡。9. Monthly inventory will be taken for F&B storeroom and outlet items by F&B Department. The result of physical count (only quantity) will be reported to Finance Department and Executive Office.餐饮部每月应对仓库进行盘点。存货的盘点结果(仅包括数量)应报告给财务部和行政办公室。10. In principle once an item is issued from the storeroom it will not be returned to the storeroom. If it is a necessity for some reason, items returned from the outlets will be recorded in the bin card with proper supporting document.原则上,物品一旦出库就不能再退回仓库。如应某种原因有必要退库,所有从餐厅退回的物品应根据相关凭证记录在货卡上。11. Quarterly physical inventory will be undertaken jointly by Finance and F&B divisions. F&B will count the items in the outlet and make ready to count by the Finance representative. After completion of physical count Finance Division will ascertain the quantities broken/lost. F&B will justify the losses /breakages.每季度财务部将会同餐饮部进行实物盘点。餐饮部应清点各营业点的数量并准备好以便财务部的代表盘点。盘点之后,财务部应确定破损和丢失的数量,餐饮部应对丢失和破损进行说明。12. If items are purchased the Finance Department will include those items in the inventory list and updated list will be sent to the F&B Department.财务部会将新采购的物品加入清单中,并将更新的清单提供给餐饮部。13. Any movement of items to outside of the hotel for outside catering will be listed by F&B Department and items will be counted by Finance representative as per list. After the event the F&B will prepare the list for the items returns to hotel. Finance representative will count all items as per list. Finance Department will prepare a variance report and circulate the report to all concerned.用于外卖使用的餐具,餐饮部应列出清单,由财务部员工根据清单进行清点。外卖结束后,餐饮部列出返回酒店的物品清单,由财务部员工根据清单进行清点。财务部应编制差异报告并分发给各相关部门。14. If any item is found chipped will be taken out from the operation. Those items will be stored in the storeroom in a separate shelf. Chipped items will be donated or discarded according to the decision of the General Manager.任何有破损的物品应从营业中退出。这些物品将在仓库中另架保存。破损的物品将根据总经理的决定捐赠或丢弃。15. If for operational needs some items are required to be transferred from one outlet to another outlet, the transfer form (attached) must be filled in and approved by the F&B Director. A copy of the transfer document will be sent to the attention of Financial Controller for record. If however, the items are required to transfer for a particular event and the receiving outlet do not need these items to keep in the same outlet after the event, a return form (attached) must be filled in and approved by the F&B Director. A copy will be furnishe
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