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七选五 题型解题技巧高考新题型解题方法 授课教师 秦政珊 七选五 题型解题技巧 七选五 题型解题技巧 题型解读 在2009年英语试卷中多个地区采用 七选五 型阅读理解题 试题模式为 给出一篇缺少5个句子的文章 七个选项 根据文章结构 内容 选出正确的句子 填入相应的空白处 考试说明 对该题型命题目的的表述为 主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握 文体特点 短文 说明文居多 或对话选项特点 选项大致可分为主旨概括句 文章整体内容 过渡性句子 文章结构 注释性句子 上下文逻辑意义 三类 另外两个多余的干扰项也可以通过这三个特点来排除 例如主旨概括句要么过于宽泛要么以偏概全或偏离主题 过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构 注释性句子与上文脱节等 2010 全国大纲卷 W Hi John M Hi Lucy 61 W Yes I mrequiredtotellastoryinEnglishbeforethelessonbegins M Oh Isee 62 W You reright Ineedtopracticeonthestagebeforetheyallcome M 63 W Yes here inmypocket Oops whereisit M Don tworry 64 W No notinthebag either I mafraidIleftitathome M 65 W Aha It sjustthekeyoftheclassroom Thankyousomuch 七选五 题型解题技巧 A Gladtoseeyou B What sthestoryabout C What sthataroundyourneck D Maybeyouputitinyourschoolbag E Doyouhavethekeytotheclassroom F You regoingtoschoolratherearlytoday G Soyouwanttogettotheclassroomearliertomakesomepreparation F You regoingtoschoolratherearlytoday G Soyouwanttogettotheclassroomearliertomakesomepreparation M Hi Lucy 61 W Yes I mrequiredtotellastoryinEnglishbeforethelessonbegins M Oh Isee 62 W You reright Ineedtopracticeonthestagebeforetheyallcome E Doyouhavethekeytotheclassroom C What sthataroundyourneck M 63 W Yes here inmypocket Oops whereisit M Don tworry 64 W No notinthebag either I mafraidIleftitathome 七选五 题型解题技巧 C What sthataroundyourneck M 65 W Aha It sjustthekeyoftheclassroom Thankyousomuch 61 F62 G63 F64 D65 C 七选五 题型解题技巧 整体答题步骤与注意事项 句际关系 层递 转折 总分 解释 因果等 如一些表示转折的连词 but However yet though nevertheless等 另外还有些表示并列关系的连词如一些表示并列关系的连词如and also as well as neither nor either or notonly butalso ononehandontheotherhandonehand Ontheotherhand等 因为这些连词可以表现句子与句子之间的关系 通过不同的连词我们可以推出句子与句子之间不同的关系 整体答题步骤与注意事项 逻辑关系 递进 转折 并列 对比 因果A 同位关系 并列关系 标志词 and also likewise similarly too either or neither nor not but notonly butalso inthesameway equally B 对比关系 转折关系 标志词 but however nevertheless nonetheless still inanycase unfortunately while onthecontrary bycontrast incomparison conversely ontheotherhand B 递进关系标志词 then besides inaddition additionally whatismore moreover further D 因果关系标志词 because since as for nowthat so therefore thus hence accordingly consequently asaresult E 让步关系 标志词 although though eventhough evenif nevertheless despite inspiteof F 时间关系标志词 when while as after before since until assoonas once G 条件关系 标志词 if suppose that supposing that unless incase so as longas sofar oncondition that without I 表示目的 意图 标志词 to inorderto soasto sothat inorderthat H 解释与被解释关系标志词 is thatis thatistosay means themeaningis that Takinggoodnotesisatime savingskillthatwillhelpyoutobecomeabetterstudentinseveralways 71 Second yournotesareexcellentmaterialstorefertowhenyouarestudyingforatest Third note takingoffersvarietytoyourstudytimeandhelpsyoutoholdyourinterest Youwillwanttotakenotesduringclassroomdiscussionsandwhilereadingatextbookordoingresearchforareport 72 Wheneverorhoweveryoutakenotes keepinmindthatnote takingisaselectiveprocess 73 Thefollowingmethodsmayworkbestforyou Readthetextquicklytofindthemainfactsandideasinit Carefullyreadthetextandwatchforwordsthatcanshowmainpointsandsupportingfacts Writeyournotesinyourownwords 74 Noteanyquestionsorideasyoumayhaveaboutwhatwassaidorwritten Asyoutakenotes youmaywanttouseyourownshorthand 速记 Whenyoudo besurethatyouunderstandyoursymbolsandthatyouusethemallthetime75 A Usewords notcompletesentences B Therearethreepracticalnote takingmethods C Youmustwriteyournotesonseparatepaper D Otherwise youmaynotbeabletoreadyournoteslater E youwillalsowanttodevelopyourownmethodfortakingnotes F Thatmeansyoumustfirstdecidewhatisimportantenoughtoincludeinyournotes G First thesimpleactofwritingsomethingdownmakesiteasierforyoutounderstandandrememberit 七选五 题型解题技巧 总结 七选五 答题技巧 七选五 题型解题技巧 MuzakThenexttimeyougointoabank astore orasupermarket stopandlisten Whatdoyouhear 71 It ssimilartothemusicyoulistento butit snotexactlythesame That sbecausethismusicwasespeciallydesignedtorelaxyou ortogiveyouextraenergy Sometimesyoudoenergy Sometimesyoudon tevenrealizethemusicisplaying butyoureacttothemusicanyway A Somepeopledon tlikeMuzak B Themusicgivesthemextraenergy C Musicisplayinginthebackground D Factoryworkersproduce13percentmore E Muzaktendstohelppeopleunderstandmusicbetter F Theygetasmuchas 4millionayeariftheirsongsareused G Muzakisplayedinmostofthebigsupermarketsintheworld Quietbackgroundmusicusedtobecalled elevator 电梯 music becauseweoftenhearditinelevators Butlatelywehearitinmoreandmoreplaces andithasanewname Muzak Aboutone thirdofthepeopleinofthepeopleinAmericalistento Muzak everyday Themusicplaysfor15minutesatatime withshortpausesinbetween Itisalwaysmorelivelybetweentenandeleveninthemorning andbetweenthreeandfourintheafternoon whenpeoplearemoretired 72 A Somepeopledon tlikeMuzak B Themusicgivesthemextraenergy C Musicisplayinginthebackground D Factoryworkersproduce13percentmore E Muzaktendstohelppeopleunderstandmusicbetter F Theygetasmuchas 4millionayeariftheirsongsareused G Muzakisplayedinmostofthebigsupermarketsintheworld A Somepeopledon tlikeMuzak B Themus
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