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本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目 Chinas Pathway to Low-carbon Development文献、资料来源: Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China文献、资料发表(出版)日期:Vol.2 No.3, 2010院 (部): 管理工程学院专 业: 工程造价班 级: 造价084姓 名: 学 号: 2008021501指导教师: 翻译日期: 2012.5.28山东建筑大学毕业论文外文文献及译文外文文献Chinas Pathway to Low-carbon DevelopmentAbstractPurpose The purpose of this paper is to explore Chinas current policy and policy options regarding the shift to a low-carbon (LC) development.Design/methodology/approach The paper uses both a literature review and empirical systems analysis of the trends of socio-economic conditions, carbon emissions and development of innovation capacities in China.Findings The analysis shows that a holistic solution and co-benet approach are needed for Chinas transition to a green and LC economy, and that, especially for developing countries, it is not enough to have only goals regarding mitigation and adaptation. Instead, a concrete roadmap towards a LC future is needed that addresses key issues of technology transfer, institutional arrangements and sharing the costs in the context of a global climate regime. In this light, it is argued that China should adopt an approach for low-carbon development centred on carbon intensity reduction over the next ten years.Originality/value The paper thus provides a unique summary, in English, of the arguments supporting Chinas current low-carbon innovation policies from one of the authors of this policy. Keywords:Carbon, Sustainable development, Environmental management, Government policy, ChinaPaper type Research paperClimate change has become the most signicant environment and development challenge to human society in the twenty-rst century. Responding to climate change is the core task to achieving global sustainable development, both for today and for a rather long period of time from today. International negotiations on prevention of global warming and related actions not only concern the human living environment, but also directly impact the modernization process of developing countries. Although the process of global climate protection depends on the consensus of our scientic awareness, political wills, economic interests, societys level of acceptance, as well as measures adopted, a low-carbon (LC) development path is, undoubtedly, the critical choice of future human development.The science basis of climate change and its extended political and economic implicationsGlobal warming of the climate system has become an unequivocal fact. According to a large amount of monitoring data, global average land surface temperature has risen 0.748C over the last century (IPCC, 2007a, b, c, d). And the rate of rising has been sped up. In the meantime, global average sea level has been constantly rising too. Global warming has posed a serious challenge to Chinas climate, environment and development. In the global context of climate change, Chinas climate and environment are changing too. For instance, in the last century, the land surface average temperature has witnessed an obvious increase; though the precipitation has not changed too much, its interdecadal variations and regional disparity have been big. In the last 50 years, there have also been major changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events (Editorial Board of Chinas National Assessment Report on Climate Change, 2007).The IPCC (2007a, b, c, d) integrated assessment shows that since 1750, human activities have been a major cause of global warming, while in the last 50 years, most of the global warming is the consequence of human activities, with a probability of more than 90 per cent, in particular from the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions due to the human use of fossil fuels. It is forecast that before the end of the twenty-rst century, global warming will continue, and how much the temperature will rise depends on what actions humans will take. According the Third Working Group Report of the IPCC fourth Assessment (IPCC, 2007a, b, c, d), human actions to mitigate climate change are feasible, both economically and technologically. Actions to deploy key mitigation technologies in various sectors, adopting policy and administrative interference and shifting the development pathway could all contribute greatly to mitigation of climate change.With China becoming the worlds largest CO2emitter, China faces increasing pressure to reduce its emissions. Being a responsible country, China will take actions to tackle climate change. When developing its mitigation target, China will consider such factors as level of development, technology know-how, social impact, international image and a new international climate regime underpinned by fairness and effectiveness. China will move into a win-win development path to achieve climate protection, quality economic development and other related policy
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