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江苏省灌南高级中学高一英语M3 U1 The world of our senses导学案(2) 译林牛津版必修3一 Task before classAsk students some questions: With what can we see and hear? How can we know whether a dish is delicious? How can we know that a flower has a pleasant smell? What do we do when we want to know whether the water in the basin is hot or cold? How do we know about the world around us?Fill in the formactionsense organsthe sense二 Task in classPicture 1What can you see in picture one? Picture 2Are the two lines of the same length? You can measure the two lines with a ruler or use two pieces of paper to cover both ends of the two lines. Got the answer now.Picture 3Can you prove that the two lines in picture 3 are straight? Place a ruler next to the line or use a ruler to draw more straight lines which run parallel to the two lines. Picture 4 we can read them as letters K, B, R, M, or K, 13, R, M. Did your eyes mislead you at the first sight of the four pictures?Language points:1. sense (1) n. c 感觉,感官;意义a sense of hearing听觉in no sense决不make sense有意义,有道理make sense of理解的意义make no sense 没意义,没道理,行不通in a/one sense从某种意义上说The whole affair left me with a sense of helplessness._(2)(U)识别力,常识,见识vt. 意识到(某事物),了解,领悟(后跟名词、代词或从句)lose/regain ones sense_common sense_There is no/ a lot of sense in doing sth.做某事没有/很有道理2. affect vt. 影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭affect sb. to tears_They were deeply affected by the news of her death._effect n. 结果;影响have an effect on/upon sb./sth._ take effect_3. one another 指三者以上 each other 指两者以上The two brothers always fight against _.这两兄弟总是互相斗来斗去。4. even if = even though 即使,尽管(引导让步状语从句)She wont leave the TV set even if supper is on the table.即使晚饭摆在桌子上,她也不愿意离开电视。5. confuse v. 迷惑;打乱;弄混Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans._confuse A and/with B 把.混淆 confused adj. 困惑的,糊涂的confusingadj. 令人困惑的,含糊不清的It was a very _ situation. He was in a _ stated of mind.DiscussionDiscuss the following questions in groups of four.Do you use your senses more than the others? Give an example.Some people cannot remember something until they have seen it. Other people only need to hear something once or twice before they can remember it. Which sense helps you learn best? How does it help you?Do you know of any people who have made great achievements even if they have lost one of their senses? What did they achieve?Task after class1.Translate sentences1)这个句子不通。2)新政策影响了煤的价格。3)即使他在这儿,他也解决不了问题。4)我总是把那对姐妹弄混,她们看上去太像了。2.ReadingTeaching Children the Five SensesAs a childs first teacher, a parent has many important concepts to teach including how to use the five senses to learn about the world.The sense of touchOne game that parents can play is to take an empty pillowcase and place familiar objects inside. Let children, one at a time, try to guess what the objects are. Parents can help children describe how each object feels.The sense of sightParents can help children focus on their sense of sight by placing four or five familiar objects on a tray. Give children one minute to look at all of the items and then cover the tray and ask the children to share what they saw on the tray.The sense of tasteParents can teach children how to identify foods and other household items by smell. Cover childrens eyes and have them smell each thing and guess what it is.The sense of hearingParents can help to develop a sense of hearing and listening by helping children listen to objects and animals. You can cut pictures of animals and everyday household items out of magazines. Then use a tape recorder to record sounds of these objects and animals. Encourage children to point to the appropriate picture.3
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