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2020年高考英语仿真冲刺卷(五)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThree men have had a big influence on modern sound and communication technologies. We started with the beginnings of computer-generated music.Max Vernon MathewsMax Vernon Mathews has been called the father of computer music.He created electronic tools so that people could use computers, as musical instruments.He had a huge influence on the development of electronic music and how it is written, recorded and played.In 1957, Max wrote the first: computer program, Music,to enable a computer to create sound and play it back. The computer was so slow that it would have taken an hour to play the piece of music. in seventeen seconds.For that reason,Mathews moved the work to a tape player, which could be sped up to play the music at a normal speed.Mathews continued creating other versions of the Music program.He became interested in how computers could help musicians outside recording studios.The Groove program he developed was the first computer program made for live performances.Norio OhgaSony Corporation official Norio Ohga helped to develop, the compact disc in the late 1970s.He pushed for CDs to be larger, and with a longer playing time.He wanted them to hold seventy-five minutes so that they could store all of Bcethovens Ninth Symphony on one disc.This way, listeners could enjoy the musical work without any break.The compact disc changed the electronics industry and the way people listened to music.Hubert Joseph SchlaflyHubert Joseph Schlafly was an electrical engineer who helped change the way actors, politicians and other people speak on television.In 1950, he and two other men developed the teleprompter.One co-worker, Fred Barton, was an actor.He had an idea for a tool that would help television actors read their lines without having to memorize them.The first teleprompter involved a person who turned a long plece of paper printed with tall letters, As the actor read the lines, another person would, move the paper ahead on the device.Later versions used television screens to show the words that were to be read.1. Why did Mathews give up using computers to create sound and play it back?A. Because he wanted to use computers as musical instruments.B. Because he couldnt create sound on computers.C. Because he wanted to enjoy musical work without any break.D. Because he wanted to find better ways to create sound with modern technologies.2. Whats the meaning of the underlined word teleprompter?A. 投影仪 B. 电子提词机C. 屏蔽仪 D. 显示屏3. From the writing, we can learn that_.A. Mathews first computer program could play the music at a normal speedB. the Groove program was the first computer program made for live performances by Hubert Joseph Schlafly.C. owing to Norio Ohga, people can enjoy all of Beethovens Ninth Symphony on one disc.D. only Hubert Joscph Schlafly and Fred Barton worked together to develop the prompter.BOur tolerating ability is indeed way beyond our imagination.But not until the very critical moment will we realize our potential tolerating ability.There was a woman in the countryside who got married at the age of 18 and had to escape with her two daughters and a son wherever she could at the age of 26 due to the Japanese armys invasion, Many people could not bear the suffering of being a fugitive (逃亡者)and wanted to commit suicide.Knowing that, she would come to those people and soothed them by saying, Don t do that silly thing.There are no such setbacks that we could not overcome.The Japanese armies are bound to be driven away one day!”Finally, she insisted until the day when all the Japanese armies were kicked out of China.However, her son died of disease without sufficient medicine and nutrition in those days of hardships.Her husband, after knowing the death of his son, lay in bed for two days without eating and drinking anything.She teared to her husband and said, “We have a tough destiny, but however tough our lives will be, we should persist in our efforts.”After she gave birth to the second son, her husband died of edema (水肿), which almost, blew her away.But eventually, she recovered and embraced the three young children, saying, My sweet hearts, don,: feel scared.You still have me, your dear mum!”It took her painstaking efforts to raise her children up and, the life of her family was getting better and better.Two daughters were married and so was her son finally.She said to everyone she met,Look! What I said is ly right.There are no such setbacks that we could not overcome! My life is so happy now!”She lived until 86.Before she went to Heaven, she said to her children, You all should live to your best.There are no such setbacks that we could not overcome!”4. What does the underlined wordsoothedin Paragraph 2 mean?A. Criticized. B. Evaluated.C. Thrilled. D. Comforted.
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