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反意疑问句 反意疑问句又可叫做附加疑问句 由 陈述句 反意问句 构成 反意问句的动词总是助动词 情态动词或be动词的某种形式 反意问句的主语用代词充当 基本原则是 前否后肯 前肯后否 知识梳理 1 陈述部分含有must的反意疑问句陈述句部分谓语动词含有must时 must如表示 必须 反意问句用needn t 如mustn t表示 禁止 其反意问句部分用must e g Youmustgettoschoolat8a m needn tyou Youmustn tsmokehere mustyou 2 must be 表示 推测 时 反意疑问句部分用be的适当形式 如 Shemustbeastudent isn tshe 3 陈述句的谓语部分是 musthave 过去分词 时 如果这个结构带有一个表示过去的时间状语 则反意疑问句部分用did作助动词 如果没有表示过去的时间状语 则反意疑问句部分用have作助动词 如 Theymusthavefinishedtheirworkyesterday didn tthey Theymusthavefinishedtheirwork haven tthey 2 陈述部分含有usedto和oughtto的反意疑问句 1 陈述部分谓语动词是usedto时 用didn t或usedn t两种方式反问 e g Heusedtogoswimminginsummer didn t usedn the 2 陈述部分谓语动词是oughtto时 用oughtn t反问 e g Heoughttobepraisedforwhathehasdone oughtn the 3 当陈述部分有neither none nobody nothing few little never hardly seldom等否定意义或半否定意义的副词时 反意问句应用肯定形式 e g Nobodyunderstoodhisspeech didthey Hissisterseldomargueswithpeople doesshe 注意 陈述部分出现含有否定意义的前缀或后缀的词时 反意问句仍用否定结构 e g Heisunfitforhisjob isn the 4 如果陈述句的主语是表示人的不定代词 如anyone someone noone everybody nobody somebody等时 反意疑问句的主语可用he 也可用they e g Everybodyknowsthat don tthey doesn the 5 陈述部分谓语动词是dare need时 如果作情态动词 用dare need本身反问 如果作实义动词 则用do的适当形式反问 e g Youdaren tclimbtherock dareyou Thelittlegirldoesn tdaretogoaloneatnight doesshe Weneedtohelpthem don twe 6 陈述部分谓语动词have作 有 解时 可用don t或haven t反问 作其他意义解释时用do的某种形式反问 e g Hehasn tanysisters does hashe Theyhavetoreceivestricttrainingbeforehand don tthey 7 含有宾语从句的反意疑问句当陈述部分带有宾语从句时 疑问部分的主语与助动词应和主句保持一致 e g Heneversaidshewouldcome didhe 注意 当陈述部分谓语动词是think believe suppose expect imagine且主语为第一人称时 疑问部分的主语和谓语动词均应和宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致 且应注意否定转移 但如果主语不是第一人称 反意问句则与主句保持一致 e g Idon tbelievehewillsucceed willhe Marythinksyouwillcometotheparty doesn tshe 8 并列句的反意疑问句则根据最接近的分句来完成 e g Weforgottobringourtickets butpleaseletusenter willyou 9 感叹句的反意疑问句陈述部分是感叹句时 一律用be或助动词的否定形式反问 e g Whatanaughtyboyheis isn the Howhardsheworks doesn tshe 10 祈使句的反意疑问句祈使句的反意疑问句的构成 必须按其句子结构及讲话人的语气来决定其反意部分 有四种形式 1 祈使句的肯定形式 其反意问句表示 请求 时 通常用willyou 表示 邀请 劝说 时 用won tyou e g Besuretowritetous willyou 表示 请求 Cometohavedinnerwithusthisevening won tyou 表示 邀请 Trytobebackbytwo won tyou 表示 劝说 2 祈使句的否定形式 其反意问句通常只用willyou构成 e g Don tsmokeinthemeetingroom willyou 3 以let开头的祈使句 构成反意问句时 除let s用shallwe构成外 其他均用willyou e g Lettheboygofirst willyou Let stakeawalkaftersupper shallwe 11 反意疑问句的回答反意疑问句的回答 不是根据汉语习惯来确定用yes还是no 而是根据答语的内容来确定 不管主句为否定 还是反意问句为否定 回答时只看所提到的事情是否已 会发生 如果发生了 用肯定回答 否则用否定回答 要特别注意陈述部分是否定结构 反意问句部分用肯定形式时 回答的yes要译成 不 no要译成 是的 e g Helikesplayingfootball doesn the Yes hedoes 是的 No hedoesn t 不是 Youhaven tseenthefilm haveyou Yes Ihave 不 我看过 No Ihaven t 是的 我没有看过 高考对反意疑问句的考查主要集中在陈述部分含有表推测的情态动词的反意疑问句 陈述部分含有usedto或oughtto的反意疑问句 陈述部分含有否定意义的词的反意疑问句及陈述部分是宾语从句或祈使句的反意疑问句 主从复合句和并列句后面的反意疑问句 常见考点 阅读下面对话 然后完成设空处的反意疑问句 M Wouldyouliketogoouttoamovietonight D Notreally M Beforewegotmarried youalwayswantedtogotomovies 1 D Isupposeso ButI mtirednow I dratherstayhomeandwatchTVorrentamovie M You realwaystired 2 D Well actually yes Iworkhardallweek andnowIjustwanttorelax didn tyou aren tyou 巩固练习 M Whenwegotmarried weplannedtospendalotoftimetogether 3 D Iknow Butmarriedlifeishard Besides wespendalotoftimetogetheronweekends 4 M Yes wedo Wegoshopping wedothelaundry wevisityourparents wecutthegrass wecleanthehouse Butwedon thaveanyfuntogetheranymore 5 D Fishingisfunforme NextweekendI mgoingfishingwithmybuddies Butyoudon tlikefishing 6 didn twe don twe dowe doyou M Notreally D Beforewegotmarried yousaidyou dtryfishingwithme 7 M Yes Idid ButIwasjusttryingtopleaseyouthen IrealizeIliketoeatfish butIdon tliketocatchthem D Well somebodyhastocatchthemifyouwanttoeatthem M Butwenevereatthembecausewedon thavetimetocook Nowthatit sSaturday we rebothtootiredtocook Whatarewegoingtodofordinnertonight didn tyou D Wecangetsomecarry outfromthatnewChineserestaurantnearby 8 M Isupposeso D You renothappy 9 M That snottrue Iloveyou butIjustwanttospendmore qualitytime withyou D Ihaveanidea Let sinvitesomefriendsovernextweekend andwecanmakeourspecialfishrecipeforthem Thatwillbefun 10 M That sagreatidea can twe areyou won tit 从A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1 IspenttwoweeksinLondonlastsummer ThenyoumusthavevisitedtheBritishMuseumduringyourstay you A mustn tB haven tC didn tD hadn t 2 Thereislittledoubtinyourmindthatheisinnocent A isthereB isn tthereC isheD isn the3 Itdoesn tmatteriftheywanttocometoyourparty A doesn titB doesitC don ttheyD dothey4 Itoldthemnoteverybodycouldrunasfastasyoudid A couldheB didn tIC didn tyouD couldthey
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