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2020 7B 提高班7B Unit 5基础巩固及首字母任务型阅读拓展训练一、单项选择1. ( )Did amazing thing happen to Simon last night? - Yes,he saw UFO.A. an a B.an; a C.a an D. an; an 2. ( ) -Dad, why must I stop computer games? -For your health, my boy.A. play B to play C. to playing D. playing3. ( )The teacher told him late. but he late this morning.A.isnt; is B.not tobe; is . C. wasnt; was D. not to be; was4. ( ) - Did you see jim in the playground? - -No. He_ there six minutes ago.A .left B. was leaving C leaves D. has lefit5. ( ) There is a supermarket on side of the street.A. the other B the others C. other D. others6. ( )There sheep on the hil, They are eating grass.A. is a little B. are little C. is litte D. are a little7. ( ) - Are you of the dark? - Yes. So I always go to sleep with lights .A. worry; on B. worried; off C. afraid; on D. fear; off8. ( )The girl stopped but she nothing.A. to listen; hear B. to listen; heard C. hearing; heard D. listening: heard9. ( )Please me more about it, Kitty to Simon.A. talk; spoke B. tell; said C. say; spoke D. speak; told10. ( )The little cat a sound a whisper last night.A. make; like B. makes; as C. made; like D. made: as11. ( ) -A nice tie! A present?-Yes. it is. My aunt it to me for my birthday.A. is sending B. send C. will send D. sent12. ( )The woman Julie teaches us English this year.A. is called B. called C. caling D. is calling .13. ( )一Excuse me. I m iooking for Mr Green. Does he live here? 一Sorry, he doesnt live here A. no more B. at more C. at last D. any more14. ( ). - What you yesterday afternoon? -Oh,I felt a little sick.A. happened B. happening C. happening to D. happened to 15. ( )The bag was so heavy. but who yesterday?A.pick it up. B. pick up it C. picked it up D. picked up it16. ( ) Is there in loday s newspaper? .A. something interesting B. interesting something C. any thing interesting D. interesting anything17. ( )My mother the cat here and there but she couldnt it.A. looked for; look for B. searched; look for C. found; search D. searched for; find18. ( )The old man kept the whole thing to ,and never anybody.A. he; said B. him; told C. himself; spoke D. himself; told二、词汇1. Please listen to the teacher_ _ (认真地) when you are in class.2. 1 still felt very_ _ (虚弱的) after I was ill in hospital for two weeks.3. This morning my father went to work as_ _ (平常).4. _ _ _(搜索) the Internet. He wants to find something interesting.5. The story_ _ (发生) in Shanghai in 1945.6. I hope_ _ (一切) goes well. .7. Can you hear anything_ _ (奇怪的) in the museum?8. The_ _ _(事实) is that some children dont have enough food.9. He is very_ _ _ (惊讶的) to see his favourite pop star in the surect.10. You dont have to_ _ _(耳语). No one can hear us. .11. _ _ _(蚂蚁) are lovely animals. I think.12. The teacher_ _ (to want to know) why Jim is always late for school.13. The question is so easy, but_ _ can answer it.14. CCTV is starting a project (call) Looking for the most beautiful country teachers.1. (sudden),I heard someone shouting for help from the bushes behind the tree.15. Dont stop (walk) until you come to the end of the street.16. Dont you think the world is full of (amaze) things?17. We can t live_ _ _(with) water for a long time.18. Shanghai Disneyland is full of_ _ _(amaze) things.19. Five days_ _ _(late), he came to my home again and took Away that computer.20. Nobody_ _ _(reply) to him when he phoned just now.三、句型 每空一词1. Amy likes singing while she is dancing. (改为同义句)Amy likes singing and dancing .2. He went to school, but he didnt have breakfast. (改为同义句) He went to school 3. I go to school by bike every day. Today 1 go to school by bike, too. (改为同义句)Today I go to school by bike 4. My father drives me to school every day. (用last year作时间状语改写句子)5. My father to school every day last year.6. I went to Beijing zoo on Sunday afternoon. (对画线部分提问) you to Beijing zoo?7. Fish sleep with their eyes open. (改为-般疑问句) with their eyes open?8. The book cost me 10 yuan.(对画线部分提问) the book you?9. My brother heard a whisper five minutes ago. ( 对画线部分提问) brother five minutes ago?10. They felt very excited when they saw me. (对画线部分提问) they when they saw you?11. Mackie can sing very well. Joy can sing very well. too. (合并为一句)Joy can sing Mackie
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