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Foods that will give you a much needed boost 10 大食物让你越吃越开心 The saying you are what you eat may have some merit when it comes to your mood Many people fail to realize that a majority of the chemicals that regulate our moods actually come from the nutrients in the food we eat 有句话怎么说来着 吃什么可以决定心情 要想改善心情 食物可以帮大忙 很多人都没有意识到我们食物中富含很多营养化学物质 这些都对提升心情有好 处哦 If your mood is not want you d like it to be stock up on foods that will give you a much needed boost 如果心情不是很好 那就吃点会让你开心的食物来个好心情大爆发吧 1 Cold Water Fish 冷水性鱼类 A deficit in omega 3 fatty acids can reduce the efficiency or movement of neurotransmitters such as serotonin which can throw your mood off balance 缺乏 3 脂肪酸会降低诸如神经递质5 羟色胺的分泌 这将会使情绪失衡 Cold water fish like salmon tuna or sardines can put you back on track and offer an easy snacking source to boost your mood and satisfy your appetite 像大马哈鱼 金枪鱼以及沙丁鱼这类的冷水性鱼类可以让你回到正轨 可当零食 来吃 既能改善心情 还能大饱口福哦 2 Nuts 坚果 Nuts are another great source of omega 3 fatty acids This option works especially well for vegetarians 坚果也是富含 3 脂肪酸的食物之一 这可是素食主义者的最好选择哦 Spruce up oatmeal with a variety of walnuts pecans and almonds or experience the mood boosting benefits of nuts with a peanut butter snack bar when you re in a rush and a little flustered 在燕麦里加点核桃 胡桃和杏仁 或是在忙碌疲惫时去花生酱小吃店享受一下坚 果带来的好心情吧 3 Spinach 菠菜 Adding folic acid to your diet can increase the serotonin levels in your brain and calm your mood at the same time Cooked spinach is a good source of folic acid 在饮食中添加点叶酸可以提高大脑中血清素水平 同时能放松心情 而煮熟的菠 菜里富含叶酸 When your mood is low fix yourself a salad of spinach lima beans and chopped root vegetables to boost your spirits and your folate intake 情绪低落时 不如吃个菠菜 青豆和切碎的蔬菜根沙拉吧 这样可以改善心情 同时保证叶酸摄入哦 4 Whole Grains 全谷类 Get a daily dose of selenium by incorporating more whole grains into your diet A lack of selenium can make you anxious irritable hostile and depressed 饮食里加点粗粮能补充每日所需的硒 缺硒会让你焦虑易怒 敌对且压抑 5 High Protein Foods 高蛋白食物 Fill your daily diet with high protein foods such as oats bananas dried dates and low fat dairy products to jump start your new attitude These snacking sources provide the best sources for tryptophan 每日餐饮中加入燕麦 香蕉 干枣等高蛋白低脂肪食物能让你心情大好 这些小 吃可都富含色氨酸哦 Tryptophan plays an important role in regulating mood and decreasing tryptophan can lead to increased aggression It is not produced by our body naturally so it s critical that we get it from our diet 色氨酸在调节情绪上起着至关重要的作用 缺乏色氨酸会导致负面情绪增加 由 于我们人体无法自然分泌出色氨酸 所以不妨在饮食里有意识的摄入一点吧 6 Fresh Fruits and Veggies 新鲜水果和蔬菜 Eating healthy tastes good and helps you feel better Toss out those sugar packed treats and stock up on fresh fruits and veggies 饮食健康不仅是一种享受同时还能改善心情 别再吃那些添加大量糖分的零食 啦 选择新鲜的水果和蔬菜吧 Sugar spikes and drops your blood sugar leaving you feeling cranky and moody Changing your diet can be difficult but you have to be able to tolerate temptations 糖分会使血糖峰值下降 让你变得暴躁和喜怒无常 改变饮食的确十分困难 但 是你必须能抵挡诱惑 7 Fiber Rich Foods 高纤维食物 Kormeili recommends attacking that bad mood with fiber Foods rich in soluble fiber such as barley apples oranges sweet potatoes carrots and beans can drastically boost your mood and spruce up your good cheer 认为想要对抗坏情绪 不妨试试纤维吧 那些富含可溶性纤维的食物 如大麦 苹果 橙子 甜土豆 胡萝卜和大豆可以大大提升你的情绪哦 They slow down the absorption of sugar in your blood and therefore potentially lessen blood sugar and mood swings 这些会减缓血液中对糖分的吸收 从而降低血糖 防止情绪波动 8 Pumpkin Seeds 南瓜籽 You don t have to wait for the fall season to break out the pumpkin seeds High in tryptophan and zinc pumpkin seeds are calming and offer a great snack to help balance blood sugar during any season 其实你不用等到秋天来收集南瓜籽啦 由于富含色氨酸和锌 南瓜籽是绝好的零 食 可以在任何时候平衡血糖哦 Spice up the seeds and your taste buds by baking them with sea salt turmeric ginger and pepper 要想有滋味点 不如试试干炒 外加海盐 姜黄 生姜和胡椒 9 Eggs 鸡蛋 Start your day off with a homemade breakfast that will boost your mood and your energy level Eggs have amino acids for making feel good chemicals like serotonin They are great for breakfast and getting a good start to the day to prevent blood sugar swings 早起吃一顿爱心早餐能提升心情和能量哦 鸡蛋富含让人心情好的化学物质氨基 酸 如血清素 早餐吃鸡蛋是绝好的选择 开启美好的新一天 还能防止血糖浮 动 So whip up an omelet boil an egg for a midday snack or scramble eggs with your favorite veggies and feel the mood boosting effects 所以无论是煎鸡蛋 煮鸡蛋 中午吃或是和喜欢的蔬菜配在一起 都能让你觉得 心情大好 10 Vitamin C Sources 富含维他命 C 食物 Mild to moderate deficiency of vitamin C may be associated with increased nervousness and anxiety Boost your immunity protect against toxins and improve your mood by adding more oranges bell peppers potatoes broccoli kale and leafy greens to your diet 轻度及中度缺乏维生素C 会增加紧张和焦虑 想要提高免疫力 抗毒 提高心 情 就多吃点诸如橘子 灯笼椒 土豆 西兰花 羽衣甘蓝这样的食物 Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach kale and chard contain plenty of calming magnesium as well as good amounts of the B vitamins 深绿色叶子的蔬菜 比如菠菜 甘蓝和甜菜富含镁以及大量的维生素B
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