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注射Injection A 常用语Sentences Commonly Used 1 Would you hand me your medcical record the sheet of the injection and drugs 请把病历 注射单和药品给我好吗 2 Did you take this kind of medicine before 请问你以前用过这种药吗 3 I m going to do a tetanus hypersensitive test for you 我要给你做破伤风皮试 4 I ll do a skin test to see if you are sensitive to streptomycin 现在我给你做链霉素过敏测试 5 Well it s not very painful is it 恩 不太痛 是吗 6 You need to wait here for twenty minutes to get the result of the test 你需要在在等 20 分钟观察结果 7 Don t leave here and please don t touth the injection spot 请不要离开 也别用手触摸注射部位 8 Twenty minutes later I ll have a look at your reaction 20 分钟后我来看皮试结果 9 If you have any discomfort please tell me in time 如果有不舒服的感觉请及时告诉我们 10 You have been given an intravenous injection Don t move this arm 你的静脉针已经打好了 请别动这只胳膊 11 Please lie on your right side and raise your left leg to relax gluteal muscle 请你向右侧卧 伸直左腿以使臀部肌肉放松 12 Can you put down your pants a little and I ll give you a shot 请你把裤子往下拉一点 我来给你打针 13 Please don t be nervous you may feel a bit sour and swollen but it will be all right soon 请不要紧张 可能有点酸胀感 一会就好 14 Please press for 3 5 minutes with a cotton stick and don t scratch 请用棉签按压 3 5 分钟 不要揉 15 It s the first time you have used penicillin so please wait for 30 minutes to be observed 你是第一次使用青霉素 请在这里等30 分钟观察一下 16 You could leave if you don t feel any discomfort 如果没有反应和不适你在离开 17 According to the medical order I have to get blood from the vein of your upper limb 根据医嘱 我要从你的前臂静脉抽血 18 Please take off your overcoat and roll up your sleeve 请你脱掉外衣 卷起袖子 19 Could you put your arm here and clench your fist 请你将手臂放在这儿 紧握拳头好吗 20 OK release your fist 好的 请松拳 21 Please press here for a moment with a cotton stick 请用棉签按压这里片刻 22 In order to prevent dehydration we must give you venous transfusion 为了防止你脱水 我们必须给你静脉输液 23 It ll take nearly 6 hours to give you transfusion It s better for you to go to the washroom 现在要给你输液 大约需要6 小时 你最好先去趟卫生间 24 Please stretch out your hands and let me choose the part to inject 请伸出你的手 我为你选择注射部位 25 I m sorry to your pain Could you cooperate with me for your own good 对不起 给你增加痛苦了 请你配合一下好吗 26 Now rest your arm on mine 现在把你的手臂放在我的手臂上 27 If there is anything wrong with you Whatever you need please prees the button I ll come soon 如果有什么不适 或有什么需要 请你按传呼器 我会立刻来看你 28 As you heart isn t in a good condition the speed of infusion will be slower 你的心脏不好 输液速度要慢一些 29 We ll use more antibiotics for you 我们还要给你用点抗生素 30 Hi kid I ll give you shot I m sure you are brave 小朋友 阿姨给你打针 我相信你很勇敢 31 Did you feel better after the injection last time 上次打针以后你感觉好些了吗 32 Better put hot towels on it twice a day for fifteen mimuces 最好用热毛巾敷 一天两次 每次十五分钟 33 Did you feel unconfortable at the injection spot 请问你打针的地方有不舒服吗
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