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互联网的 10 条使用规则 1 We re All Judging You 人人都会评价你 Nobody likes to be judged but the truth is we re all judging everyone Part of growing up is realizing understanding and accepting that not only is everyone judging books by their covers it s actually what covers are designed for 没人喜欢被评头论足 但事实是 人人又都在对他人说长道短 成长 的一部分就是能够意识 理解并接受 人人以貌取人 的现实 其实外 貌生来不就是被人评论的么 Every profile picture or comment you post says something about who you are whether you realize it or not Even the metadata collectively builds a picture of you 不管你是否意识到了 你所上传的每一条信息 每一张照片或每一句 留言都能反映你是个什么样的人 哪怕是最基本的数据 综合起来也 能判定出你是个怎样的人 2 Your Security Is Your Problem 你的安全是你的问题 You know how there are signs in every parking garage saying they re not responsible for lost or stolen items in your vehicle The Internet works the same way 停车场那些 遗失物品概不负责 的标志牌 你应该很熟悉吧 互联网 其实也大同小异 Social media sites email providers online retail they all do what they can to protect themselves and you in that order from security breaches but it s ultimately up to you I can build Ft Knox but if you keep giving out the key the gold isn t all that safe 社交媒体网站 邮件运营商 网购等等 都会尽可能保护自身和你 按 此优先次序 的安全 但最终还得靠你自己 我可以建立保护模式 但如果你执意不配合 你的财富可能就不那么安全了 3 Porn and Pirates Exist 色情和盗版一直都有 You ll never clean up the Internet and it s not even worth trying In trying to suppress the Internet you re trying to suppress people s imaginations That ll never fly individuals may be subdued but you ll never quell the collective mindset of the Internet 互联网是永远都清理不完的 甚至都不值得一试 想要扼制互联网 那就等同于扼制人类的想象力 这永远都不可能成功 个别人或许 会被制服 但你永远都不可能征服整个互联网的强大思维观念 The more oppressed we are on the outside the more we ll rage online People love porn and piracy traffic statistics routinely prove this Stop fighting it and work with it 人们在外界越受到压抑 在网络上就会越嚣张 人们喜欢色情和盗版 流量统计已经证明了这一点 所以 与其抗争到底 不如协调配合吧 4 You re Speaking in a Public Forum 你是在一个公共论坛里发表言论 Everything you post online is equivalent to posting it on the front page of the newspaper and delivering it to everyone around you Some people may agree and some may disagree You may even strike a chord with enough people to spark a movement 你在网上上传任何东西 都相当于发表在了报纸头版并传播给了身边 的每一个人 对此 有人会赞同 也有人会反对 你甚至能引起不少 人的共鸣 进而能够发起活动 You can t control what people do with your message but you can control your message Only say on line what you re willing to say in front of your grandma 你无法控制别人利用你的信息去干什么 但你至少可以管好自己的信 息 在网络上 请只讲那种你能跟奶奶讲的话吧 5 It s Not Just What You Post but Where 问题不仅是你上传了什么 更在于你上传到了哪里 The content of your posts matters but so does where you re posting The audience of a particular website may not agree with your particular message or at least with the way you re presenting it so be careful what you post where 你帖子的内容很重要 帖子上传在哪里也很重要 某些网站的网民或 许就不认同你的某些言论 或者你发表言论的方式 所以网上发帖时 还是小心点吧 6 Whether You Agree or Not Majority Rules 管你赞不赞同 多数胜算 Take PR exec Justine Sacco for example Late last year this woman tweeted a joke on her way to Africa and by the time she landed she was fired I don t agree with her termination and I m sure she doesn t either but our opinions don t matter because the majority spoke 就拿公关执行官贾斯汀 萨科来说吧 去年 这个女人在去非洲的途 中在推特网上发了一个笑话 结果等她刚下飞机就被解雇了 我觉得 她不该被解雇 而且我肯定她本人也不服 但这又能怎样 大部分人 说了算 The Internet is as close to a true democracy as we have in this world so for good or bad the majority rules 当今世界 互联网跟真正的民主不相上下 不论好坏 都是大部分人 说了算 7 Toughen Your Skin 你得皮厚点 There are some really mean people out there saying and doing some really mean things It s good to fight for justice You should speak out when you see something wrong but it s not realistic to think the world will instantly change 网上真有刻薄的人说些刻薄的话并做出刻薄的事来 打抱不平无可厚 非 你确实应该在看到错误时站出来 但不要期望世界立马就因此改 变 Life s not fair for anyone so it s fair in that sense Thicken your skin and learn to takecriticism because people would much rather learn and debate knowledge than argue and fight about morality 生活对谁都不公平 这么一来倒也算是公平吧 皮厚点 别把批评太 当回事儿 因为与其为道德而争论 不如长点见识 8 Big Brothers Are Watching 老大哥 在看着你 You re being monitored Everyone is monitoring you This is not a test and it s not some marketing ploy although the marketing industry is involved in monitoring you Understand you re not just being judged by your peers you re being judged by the powers that be It s not just in the US either everyone s trying to pry into your private life 你是受到监控的 每个人都在监控你 这不是检验 也不是什么市场 营销策略 尽管市场营销行业确实离不开监控 请明白 你不只是受 同辈的监控 还受到权威方的监控 这也不只是美国才有的现象 要 知道 每个人都在试图窥探你的隐私 9 Keep It Civil 保持文明 Freedom of speech is important everyone should have the right to say what they want and a few idiots who abuse this freedom can t ruin it for anyone You can say whatever you want 言论自由很重要 每个人都应该有权利自由发表言论 少数几个放 弃这种权利的傻瓜并不能影响其他人 你可以说任何自己想说的话 This doesn t mean there aren t consequences to your words however so proceed with caution From your end put forth the effort to be courteous and considerate of people you interact with whether online or off 但这并不意味着你的言论不会造成任何后果 因此 请谨慎些 不论 是线上还是线下 在与人打交道时 都请努力做到谨慎周全 10 You Should Be Anonymous 你应该匿名 Anonymous sounds like some crazy hacker group filled with rowdy kids but it s not Anonymous is an ideal 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