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14-15学年冀教八年级下学期期中试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择 (15分)( ) 1. the way, do you pass that tall building your way home every day? A. On; on B. On; by C. By; on D. By; by( ) 2. The flowers are too . We must water them at once.A. pretty B. dry C. tiny D. clean( ) 3. Our teacher told us a true story and it our hearts. A. moved B. reached C. showed D. touched( ) 4. The students had fun basketball after school this afternoon.A. playing B. to play C. played D. play( ) 5. Lets a time to meet and talk about our new project.A. open up B. take up C. close up D. set up( ) 6. My sister is cats. She always stands far away when she sees cats.A. ready for B. famous forC. afraid of D. interested in( ) 7. Sally is a lazy girl. She doesnt do anything by herself. She always her sister.A. passes on B. turns on C. depends on D. holds on( ) 8. There are three workers working in this factory now.A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundred of( ) 9. Everyone a nice and happy life. Do you think so? Yes, I agree.A. keeps awayB. keeps on C. comes down D. longs for( )10. Tony didnt take markers, so he used pens markers to draw pictures.A. up to B. instead of C. along with D. aside from( )11. We must stop them from trees. Everyone here should protect the forest.A. looking downB. look down C. cut down D. cutting down( )12. pleasant for us to talk about animals and plants with the farmers.A. We are B. It is C. They are D. This is( )13. you have locked the door when you leave the house.A. Come on B. Make sure C. As well D. In a word( )14. Shes finished all her homework, she? A. hasnt B. isnt C. doesnt D. wasnt( )15.If Emily back early, well go to see the film together.A. came B. will come C. comes D. is coming二. 完形填空 (10分) Elephants are the largest living animals on land. More than 500 16 kinds of elephants were found on the earth over the last 55 million years. Only 17 kinds are still alive today: the African elephant and the Asian (or Indian) elephant. These elephants can only be found in 18 places. However, the older kinds lived in cold places a long time 19 . An example is the mammoth (猛犸象) the largest hairy elephant.The mammoth was the largest living elephant, which was about seven tons. 20 the elephants today, mammoths had black or dark brown hairs 21 their bodies. All the mammoths had tusks (长牙). Scientists found most of the extinct (灭绝的) animals by 22 the fossils, 23 their bones and teeth that could be found. However, mammoths are quite different. During the Ice Age, mammoths died and were covered 24 in the ice. The ice kept them very well. So scientists could find the 25 body of the mammoth. ( )16. A. sameB. different C. largeD. small( )17. A. twoB. threeC. four D. five( )18. A. hot B. cold C. cool D. warm( )19. A. after B. later C. ago D. away( )20. A. Aside B. Unlike C. As D. For( )21. A. filling B. covering C. laying D. pushing( )22. A. dealing B. studying C. buying D. fixing( )23. A. for sure B. as well C. aside from D. such as( )24. A. sadly B. gently C. deeply D. easily( )25. A. whole B. all C. part D. piece三. 阅读理解 (20分)AWe would be grateful (感激的) if you could donate (捐赠) your old things to poor kids. Childrens clothes (T-shirts, sweaters, coats, trousers, shorts, socks, dresses and skirts.) All kinds of shoes Scarves Quilts (被子) Sorry! No books or food, please! Please put these things in Joes Clothes Store on Apple Road. The store is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm every day. We go to collect them there every Wednesday.We also need some volunteers to help us sort (分类) all kinds of things we get. Those volunteers also need to collect old clothes door to door each Saturday. The telephone number of Joes Clothes Store is 693-9273.If you want more information about donation, call us at 827-9283. If you want more information about volunteers, call us at 801-1827. 根据以上内容,选择最佳答案。( )26. They want people to donate old things to . A. poor kids B. the old C. the disabled D. the sick( )27. It is not necessary (必要的) to donate . A. food B. scarves C. quilts D. shoes ( )28. They go to Joes Clothes Store on . A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday
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