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Period TwoIntegrating Skills基础落实.课文理解1 When did Picasso become an artist?AIn his twenties. BWhen he was 16.CIn the 1890s. DFrom 1902.2 Guernica is _.Ahis born placeBhis friendChis famous paintingDanother Cubist painter3 Which of the following is NOT right?APicasso showed his great painting talent at an early age.BPicasso was born in Spain but left his country in his twenties.CIn Picassos “blue period”,he painted happier things.DPicasso expressed his own feelings in his paintings.4 The author writes this passage mainly to _.Aexpress his admiration for PicassoBtell of Picassos paintingsCintroduce Picassos three painting periodsDtell of Picassos life changes.单词检测1v.领悟;了解;实现;实行_破坏;毁坏_2n.展览_表现;表达_风景;景色;风景画;山水画_画像;肖像;人像_水彩画_3adj.现实主义的;写实主义的_.短语检测1推迟;延期_2轮流 _3一系列的 _.选词填空get tired of,have a bad effect on,put off,take turns,a series of,consider.to be,aim to,be fond of1The sports meeting has to _ because of the rain.2People generally recognize that smoking _ our health.3His three children _ in looking after him when he was ill.4This novel _ the best one among all her works.5The man _ explain what had happened,but the police didnt believe his words.6 Anne told her father that she _ looking after the little dog and decided to give it to others.7There has been _ car accidents at the crossing because of the fog.8My father _ stamps.He has collected thousands of stamps.单项填空1 In _,most people in _ like this song.A1990s;their twentiesB1990s;the twentiesCthe 1990s;their twentiesDthe 1990s;the twenties2 It is not socially_for parents to leave young children unattended at home.Aaccessible BadoptableCadaptable Dacceptable3 He has given me so much help that I really want to do something for him _.Ain return Bby turnsCin turn Din case4 Chaplin is known _ a great actor and is famous _ his humorous acting.Afor;as Bfor;forCas;for Das;to5 The NBA star Yao Ming wants to set up a Project Hope School,_ poor children in remote areas to receive education.Aaims at helping Baiming at helpingCaims to helping Daimed to help6 The flight had to be _ because of the heavy fog.Aput away Bput asideCput forward Dput off7 Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it at the first _.Aintention BattemptCpurpose Ddesire8 _ that he was in great danger,Eric walked deeper into the forest.ANot realised BNot to realiseCNot realising DNot to have realised9 Youve done a very good job.Im quite satisfied._AWe could have done better.BDo you think so?CThanks for your compliment.DYou must be joking.10Why are you still lying in bed?I think you should get down to your studies._.Ill do it right now.AYouve got it rightBNo wayCThanks for the complimentDMind your own business.微写作写作素材1这名艺术家打算采用一种新的绘画风格。2这对他来说非同寻常。3他意识到他必须忍受一些痛苦。4他相信他的绘画将会受到欢迎。提示黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_能力提升完形填空The American cowboy(牛仔) was a great hero through facts and stories.At the beginning,the real cowboy was a farm worker who looked after cattle on horseback.He _1_ twelve to fourteen hours a day outdoors working with cows.The work was dirty,tired and not very well paid.In winter,most cowboys had to find _2_ jobs.They were seldom alone.Most of them worked in a _3_ of eight to ten.People had to raise beef cattle at low cost in the western states and send them by train to the eastern markets.But someone had to look _4_ the cattle on the open land and get them to the nearest railroad.This was the _5_ of a cowboy.Sometimes the railroad was more than 1,000 kilometers away and it could _6_ as long as six months to move the cattle.The cowboys moved the cattle slowly so that the cattle would not _7_ weight.Most cowboys were young,unmarried men.A cowboys horse was his most important _8_.A good horse made the job of moving cattle much _9_.A good cowboy understood cows and knew how to _10_ them.At night,he sang to the cows to keep them _11_.The cowboy quickly received popular praise.Historians say that this was because the cowboy _12_ during a time of c
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