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Dermatoses due to Viruses n n The The dermatosesdermatoses due to viruses are the changes in due to viruses are the changes in skins and mucous membranes caused by the direct skins and mucous membranes caused by the direct invasion of viruses and or the allergic reactions to invasion of viruses and or the allergic reactions to the viral antigens the viral antigens n n Skin lesions are a prominent feature of many Skin lesions are a prominent feature of many viral diseases viral diseases n n Making the correct diagnosis in viral infection has Making the correct diagnosis in viral infection has important implications for therapy as well as for important implications for therapy as well as for prognosis prognosis n n Although most viral infections with skin lesions Although most viral infections with skin lesions are mild and self healing occasionally severe are mild and self healing occasionally severe illness and even illness and even lifethreateninglifethreatening complications can complications can develop especially in develop especially in immunocompromlsedimmunocompromlsed populations populations n n The viral replication cycle which has been The viral replication cycle which has been studied in detail in tissue culture involves several studied in detail in tissue culture involves several more or less sequential steps attachment more or less sequential steps attachment adsorption penetration adsorption penetration uncoatinguncoating biosynthesis biosynthesis virionvirion assembly and release assembly and release NeoplasmaNeoplasma type type HerpetiformHerpetiform type type Exanthema type Exanthema type Clinical manifestationsClinical manifestations
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