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Unit5 B Read and write浙江公开课教案教材图片:教 材:人教PEP小学英语六年级上册P52单元主题:What does he do?课 型:阅读课授课教师:一、教学设计说明纵观整个单元的教学内容,学生在能够运用核心词汇与句型的同时,能较熟练地掌握三单的形式。本课时Read and write属于单元的次核心板块,但也是很重要的板块,通过研读文本,我们可以知道文本描述的是三个人物Hu Bin, Sarah, Robin的梦想职业。而三个文本的结构不是特别的一致。因此,基于文本的基础上,我再构了文本。 二、再构文本Hu Bin likes sports. He plays sports every day. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to be a coach in a gym. Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. Sarah likes using computers. She often practices typing. So she can type very quickly. Shes also good at listening to people and talking. She wants to be a secretary in an office. Tip: If you can type quickly, and are good at listening to people and talking, you can be a secretary. Robin likes science. Every day he helps grandpa do some science work. He studies very hard. He wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifans grandpa in a university. Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist or a science teacher. 三、学情分析 六(5)班的大部分学生对于语言的掌握比较扎实,能够学以致用,学习积极性高涨,并且思维方式从具体形象思维已经慢慢地转向抽象逻辑思维,而本课时是对于梦想职业的描述,所以基于这样的学情,我提炼文本的内容,让学生尝试从具体形象思维到关注自己的抽象逻辑思维。 四、教学目标(一)语用任务 1. 在谈论梦想职业的语境中,借助板书,描述文本中人物的理想职业及理由。要求语法准确、表达达意。 2. 在谈论梦想职业的语境中,描述自己和朋友的理想职业及尝试说说理由。要求表达基本准确。 (二)知识与技能1. 能知道逗号是句子中停顿的标志,并能准确地朗读出停顿。 2. 能运用核心词汇factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer, fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach表述职业的名称。 3. 能运用核心句型What does do? is a/an Where does work? works How does go to work? goes to work 询问和回答有关他人职业的相关信息。 4. 能运用句型What want to be? want to be a/an 描述自己和他人的梦想职业。 (三)情感通过文本的学习,学生能明白任何的梦想职业都需要从感兴趣开始,并且具备一定的能力,并能付出努力。此外,一个人对于社会的责任感也可能是梦想职业有可能实现的因素。五、Teaching Processes:ProceduresContentsContentsContentsI. Pre-taskSing a song: What do you want to do?1. Watch and sing 2. Ask and answer1. 歌曲热身。 2. 了解Wu Yifan, Amy, Mike的理想职业。II. While-taskElicit Hu Bin, Sarah, RobinLook and say引出Hu Bin, Sarah, Robin在Real world想成为的职业。Hu Bins text1. Listen and answer 1) What does Hu Bin want to be? 2) Where does he want to work? 2. Read and underline Why does he want to be a coach? 3. Listen and follow 4. Look and say带着问题,初步了解Hu Bin的梦想职业以及理想的工作地点。 通过阅读文本,了解Hu Bin为什么想成为一个coach的理由。 通过Hu Bin的文本学习,提炼出be interested in, be hard-working. 通过跟读、朗读、描述Hu Bin的文本。Sarahs text1. Read and answer Where does Sarah want to work? 2. Read and fill the blanks 1) What does Sarah want to be? 2) Why? 3. Listen and follow 4. Look and say通过阅读文本,写出Sarah想成为什么及理由。 通过Sarah的文本学习,提炼出be interested in, be hard-working. 通过跟读、朗读、描述Sarah的文本。Robins textRead, discuss and say 1) Where does Robin want to work? 2) What does Robin want to be? 3) Why? 3. Listen and follow 4. Look and say通过阅读文本,四人一组,讨论为什么Robin想成为一个scientist及理由。 通过Robin的文本学习,提炼出be interested in, be hard-working. 通过跟读、朗读、描述Robin的文本。III. Post-task1. Retell the text.2. My friends and our dream jobs.1. Look and say 2. Ask and answer 3. Think and say通过描述自己和朋友的梦想职业,能明白,要想梦想职业能成功,除了be interested in, 具备一定的能力后的be hard-working, 可能还需要对于社会的一种be responsible。IV. Homework1) Read the text. 2) Try to write down your and your friends dream jobs.板书设计
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