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英语语法专题复习 第六节 介词 6 1介词概述 介词又叫前置语 表示它后面的名词或者代词与其他句子成分的关系 一个或两个介词和其他词类组成一个短语 作用相当于一个介词 叫做介词短语 如becauseof infrontof等 介词属于虚词 不能在句中单独使用 其后必须有宾语 构成介宾结构 例 CanyouwriteinEnglish Hegavemesomeadviceonhowtostudy Iheardascreamfromabove 简单介词 常用的有at in on about across before beside for to without等 复合介词 如alongwith becauseof infrontof insteadof等 1 和动词的搭配 如agreewith askfor belongto breakawayfrom careabout等 2 和形容词的搭配 如afraidof angrywith differentfrom goodat 3 和名词的搭配 如answerto keyto reasonfor causeof visitto等 3 介词短语可以有自己的修饰语 这种修饰语通常有right just badly all well directly completely等少数几个副词 如 Hecamerightafterdinner Helivesdirectlyoppositetheschool 6 2介词分类及用法简述 6 3表示时间的介词比较 表示什么时候常用介词at in on 1 at用来表示 几点几分的具体时刻或时间点如 atfive oclockat7 14p mB 节假日如 attheweekendatChristmasC 固定词组如 atnightatnoonatthemoment 2 on用来表示具体星期几或者某一天 及时段 如 onMondayonJuly1stonaSundaymorningonawarmwinterdayin用来表示在某一段时间如 inthemorninginJulyin2008 1Childrengetgifts Christmasand theirbirthdays A on onB at onC in inD in on 2 Thereisnothing tomorrowafternoon isthere No Wecanhaveagameoftabletennis A onB inC outD up 3Alotofstudentsinourschoolwereborn March 1981 A inB atC onD since 4Tiesuddenlyreturned arainynight A onB atC inD during 5Mygrandfatherwasborn Oct 10 1935 A onB inC atD of 6Thetrainisstarting fiveminutes A inB atC forD still 7Mikedoeshisexercises seven theevening on toB at inC by ofD at on 8Childrenwakeupveryearly themorningofChristmasDay A inB onC forD at 9 acoldwintermorning Imetherinthestfeet A InB OnC AtD For 10Ithappenedtobeverycold themorningofoursportsmeet A atB onC withD of 11Whydidyougetupsoearly thismorning A onB C atD in 11HewenttoShanghai September3 1991andcameback acoldmorninglastyear A in onB on inC on onD in ia 12Lucywasborn thenightofMay12 1984 A onB inC atD to 13MrsBrowncametoChina 1996 A OnB ofC to D in 14 themorningofNovember20 1915 theworkerscametoChicagotoshowtheirmourning JoeHill A On toB In of C On for D At for 15Annmoved Hangzhou September 1992 A ininB to inC to onD in in 16Theystartedoff anautumnafternoon duringB atC inD on 17Heoftengoes school sixthirty themorning A for to inB to at inC to for atD for at to 18Hearrived Shanghai 9 30 March5 fA at in atB to on atC in on atD in at on 19TheEnglishteachertoldmetogetthere halfpastten A inB atC onD of 20Thechildrengetup 6o clock A atB onC duringD in 表示期间的介词有 1 during在 期间Wetravelledalotduringthesummer For表示动作持续的时间Ihaven tseenyouforalongtime Over表示过完一段时间Hehadagoodtimeovertheweekend 4 from to 从 到 ThechildrenwentcampingfromJulytoAugust 表示时间概念的介词有 Beforeaftersinceuntil tillbetweenby 1Thedoctorworked fivehours arest A for withB on withoutC about havingD for without 2Iworkedontheproblem alongtimeandIworkeditout myself last A for by atB in with onC on by inD for for atthe 3Anewfactorywillbesetup ayear lotaeA forB inC afterD on 4Twoyears hebegantowriteanotherstory book A afterB later C inD late 5Wewillfinishthepictureaday A inB onC afterD on 6Theworkershadbeen strike almostamonth A on inB at inC on forD on during 7MrBrownhadlain theground fourhoursbeforetheyfinallyfoundhim A on forB at inC on afterD in during 8Theteacheriscomingback anhour A afterB forC inD before 9Shelivedinthemountainvillage theyears1940 1950 A betweenB duringC inD since 10MissWangwillcometoBeijing twodays A afterB inC onD before 11TheAmericanCivilWarlastedfouryearsbeforetheNorthwon theend A byB atC inD on 12Maryhadfinishedherhomework thetimeIgothome A untilB byC atD when 13Westayedatthelab ourteacherreturned A tillB byC duringD while 14Theydidn tleavethestation theygetonthetrain A untilB byC afteryD at 6 4表示方位的介词比较 1 at in inat表示在某一点 或者地点比较小的attheshop airport cornerattheendoftheroadon表示在 之上onthewallonhisfacein表示在范围以内intheroom sky2 before infrontof和inthefrontofThereisatreeinfrontofthehouse Hesatinthefrontofthebus 3 among和betweenTheanimalsusuallyamongthetrees Youcansitbetweenhimandme4 above和over5 below和under 1Idon tliketosit Tom sright Iwouldliketosit thebackrow A on inB in onC on atD at on 2Thereisabrook redflowersandgreengrass bothsides A ofwithB with onC of atD with in 3Tomsits theclassroomwhileJohnsits theroom A infrontof atbackofB inthefrontof atthebackofC infrontof atthebackofD inthefrontof atbackof 4Lucysits thethirdrow Jim sleft A on onB in atC at inD in on 5Jiangsuis theeastofChina butJapanis theeastofChina to inB in to C on toD to on 6Heputupamap thebackwallbecausetherewasahole it A on onB at inC on inD on at 7Thereisadoor thewall A onB toC ofD in 8ThiskindofVCDismade China A inB fromC atD on 9Anyman eyes hisheadcanseethathe sexactlylikearope A with onB with inC on withD in with 10Therearesomebirdssinging thetrees A inB onC atD from 11Don tread thesun It sbad youreyes A in toB under forC with toD in on 12Thewoman abluedressismyteacher A inB onC ofD at 13Therearesomanyapples thattree A inJB onC at D from 14Theboatispassing thebridge A throughB belowC underD across 15Twoplanesareflying thecity A throughB over C on D below 16Wecanseeariverrunningtotheeast thehill A underB belowC overD on 17Doyouseethekite thebuilding A overB crossC
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