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Will people have robots?Section A (3a-3c) 课时训练题一、用所给动词的适当时态填空。1. I _ (play) soccer five years ago.2. In ten years, Sally _ (have) a lovely baby.3. I _ (play) soccer on the playground now.4. Today, Sally _ (have) a lovely dog. 5. There _ (be) lots of big trees here ten years ago.6. Sally _ (have) a toy cat when she was young.7. There _ (be) a new beautiful park here in ten years.8. Two years ago, Tom _ (be) in primary school.9. Today, Tom _ (be) in high school.10. In five years, Tom _ (be) in college.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There will be more tall _ (build) in the city of tomorrow.2. There will be _ (few) cars and _ (many) buses in the future. 3. I think there will be _ (little) pollution and _ (much) free time in 100 years.4. Sally _ (be) a doctor in five years.5. She _ (can) play tennis when she was in primary school.6. There _ (be) many tall trees around my house.7. There _ (be) a new bridge over the river next year. 三、单项选择1.Im sure my dream will _.A. come in B. come true. C. come into D. come out.2. Ill fly to the rocket with the _ like Yang Liwei.A. astronaut. B. computer programmer C. engineer D. reporter 3.Are you going to the picnic with us tonight? Yes.You wont be late, _? A. should you B. will you C. dont you D. can you4.Do you know _ tomorrow? -Susan said anytime was OK, she neednt go to work tomorrow.A.what time will we meet B.what time we will meetC.where we will meet5. Mr Johnson asked you to jion the meeting this afternoon. Dont forget it! Ok, I_.A. wont B. dont C. will D. do四、按括号中所给的要求完成句子。1. There will be a new subject next term. There _ _ a new subject next term. (变为否定句)_ there _ a new subject next term? (变为一般疑问句)Yes, there _. / No, there _. (作出肯答和否答)2. Sally will play tennis in ten years.Sally _ _ tennis in ten years. (变为否定句)_ Sally _ tennis in ten years? (变为一般疑问句)Yes, she _. / No, she _. (作出肯答和否答)3. Jim will be a pianist when he grows up. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ when he grows up?答案一、用所给动词的适当时态填空。1.played 2.will have 3.am playing4.have 5.was 6.had7.will be 8.was 9.is10.will be二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.building 2.fewer more3.less more 4.will be5.could 6.are7.will be三、单项选择1. B 2. A 3.B 4. B 5. A四、按括号中所给的要求完成句子。1. wont be ; Will be ; will wont2.wont play ; Will play ; will ;wont3.What will be2
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