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Unit 3 The environment课题Unit 3 The environment课型Writing备课时间1 Period教材分析教学目标1. To know the words role model and phrase act as.2. Master the skills of writing a narrative essay.教学重点the skills of writing a narrative essay教学难点Cultivate the concept of environmental protection and form the habit of living a green life.教学关键Describe a model in protecting the environment. 教法与学法指导Self-study, Cooperation教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节导入话题Step: Lead inBrainstorming 1. Read the introduction and know about the background of writing, answer the questions:What is your school going to encourage students to do?How is your school going to do?What is the name of the cartoon character?2. Observe six pictures and discuss the good habits learned from Gary Green.1. Help students think about the question.2. Ask ss:What can we learn from Gary Green?Write down the results of the discussion on the blackboard:Save water, save energy, recycle resource.1. To help ss to be in the situation. 2. Introduce Gary Green to ss.15第二环节写作板块的任务Step: writing3. Finish the writing.Finish writing a passage to introduce a day of Gary Green.4. Discuss the essential sentences of Gary Greens daily life.5. Finish the writing according to the discussion.3. Ask the students to finish the writing according to exercise A &B.4. Help ss think of the essential sentences of the passage.5. Guide ss to organize a well-written passage.3. To help ss finish the task.4. To consolidate what ssve learned about writing an introduction to a persons daily life.610第三环节课堂练习Step: practice Students work in groups and write a passage according to the teachers instructions. Then their partner checks their work, after the presentation.5第四环节课时小结Step IV: developmentImprove ss work and rewrite them.Help ss to develop their work in words, sentence and structure.Let ss improve the writing.4第五环节课后作业Workbook P44 Writing课堂教学流程Review Writing development. 效果评价与反思3
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