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2010高考英语 语法 专题复习系列课件 16 定语从句复习应注意的问题 热身 安徽卷 34 Lastweek onlytwopeoplecametolookatthehouse wantedtobuyit A noneofthemB bothofthemC noneofwhomD neitherofwhom 江苏卷 33 Hewaseducatedatthelocalhighschool hewentontoBeijingUniversity A afterwhichB afterthatC inwhichD inthat 上海卷 37 Hismoviewonseveralawardsatthefilmfestival wasbeyondhiswildestdream A whichB thatC whereD it 浙江卷 14 Chan srestaurantonBakerStreet usedtobepoorlyrun isnowasuccessfulbusiness A thatB whichC whoD where D A A B 一 引导定语从句的关系词 指代人who whom that指代事物which that所属关系whose ofwhich指地点where指时间when指原因why 二 关系代词that和which在很多情况下可以互换 但下列情况只用that All canbedonehasbeendone Doyouhaveanything youdon tunderstand Thereislittle canbebelievedaboutit Thebookdoesn tsaymuch amuseschildren that that that that 先行词是all everything nothing anything something much little none等不定代词 引导定语从句用that Hamburgisthemostbeautifulcity I veeverseen ThisisthebestTV ismadeinChina Thefirstmuseum hevisitedinChinawastheHistoryMuseum that that that 先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时 引导定语从句用that I vereadallthebooks youlentme Nosample wenavereceivedissatisfactory Pleasesendusanyinformation youhaveaboutthesubject Heistheonlyperson waspresentatthetime that that that that 先行词被any some no much few little every all very only last修饰时 引导定语从句用that Thefamouswriterandhisworks theradiobroadcasthavearousedgreatinterestamongthestudents Avictimisaperson animalorthing sufferspain death harm etc that that 先行词中既有人又有事物时 引导定语从句用that Who youhaveeverseencandoitbetter Who youaretalkingtoistheyoungfellow that that Who做先行词时 引导定语从句用that Welldone 三 不用that 而用which who whom的情况 Hemadethesamemistakesagain madehisparentsveryangry YesterdayIboughtadictionary costmemorethan100yuan MrSmith gaveatalkseveralmonthsago willcomeagain Myunclehascomebackfromabroad Ihaven tmetforalongtime which which who whom 在非限制性定语从句中 指事物用which 指人用who或whom Herbag in sheputallhermoney hasbeenstolen Thisistheringon shespent1000dollars XiaoWang with Iwenttotheconcert enjoyitverymuch which which whom 在介词后面 指事物用which 指人用whom 注意 如何判断介词 Thegirl whichhehadfoughtallhislifenolongerseemedimportanttohim Heistheman whomIthinkyoucandepend 1 看定语从句中动词与介词的搭配 for on 2 看定语从句中形容词与介词的搭配 Hereferredmetosomereferencebooks whichIamnotveryfamiliar Dolphinsmightbetrainedtocooperatewithfishermenandhelpthembyfindingorevencatchingfish allofwhichactivitiesdolphinsareexpert with in 3 根据先行词判断 所用的介词与先行词搭配 Therate whichwildanimalsarebeingdestroyedhasincreased Thisisourclassroom whichthereisateacher sdesk at inthefrontof Thecommitteeconsistsof20members 5of arewomen Thebookcontains50poems mostof waswrittenin1930s Therearetwoleft oneof isalmostfinished andtheotherof isnotquite Ihaveasentence themeaningof Idon tunderstand whom which which which which 名词 代词 数词 of which whom Comeon Where引导的定语从句 先行词是表示地点的名词或含有地点意义的抽象名词 用来引导定语从句 Where在从句中作状语 Thisisthetownwhere inwhich Ispentmychildhood Thetablewhere atwhich sheissittingisanewone I llshowyouthepaintwhereyoufailed Theplantsgrowwell thereisalotofrain where 状语从句 注意1 区分where引导的定语从句和状语从句 Where前面有被修饰的地点名词时 是定语从句 否则是状语从句 Whenyoureadbooks youhadbettermakeamarkatthespotwhereyouhaveanyquestions Whenyoureadbooks youhadbettermakeamarkwhereyouhaveanyquestions 定语从句 状语从句 注意2 若定语从句缺主语或宾语 用which或that引导定语从句 Thelibrary studentsoftenstudywasonfirelastnight Thelibrary wasbuiltinthe1930s needsrepairing Thelibrary youvisitedyesterdaywasbuiltin1990 where which which When引导的定语从句 先行词是表示时间的名词 用when引导定语从句 在从句作状语 I llneverforgetthedaywhen onwhich Imetyou Thiswasthetimewhen atwhich heleftforBeijing Wewillputofftheoutinguntilnextweek whenwewon tbebusy 注意 若定语从句缺主语或宾语 用which或that引导定语从句 I llneverforgettheday wefirstmetinthepark I llneverforgetthetime Ispentoncampus I llneverforgetthetime wasspentwithyou when which that which that why引导的定语从句 先行词是表示原因的名词 用引导定语从句 从句作状语 Thisisthereasonwhy forwhich Ididn tcomehere Thereason shegavewasnottrue which that whose引导的定语从句 表示所属关系 Theriver banksarecoveredwithtreesflowstothesea whose Thereareinthisclass20students aredifferent A whosebackgroundsB thebackgroundsofwhomC ofwhomthebackgroundsD thebackgroundsofwhose 引导词的作用你明白了吗 1 连接主句和从句 2 替代先行词 3 在从句中充当成分 As和Which的区别 1 Thesehousesaresoldatsuchalowprice peopleexpected 2 Heisnotthesameman hewas 3 Wemovedthestoneawayfromtheroad tookusanhour 4 Hediedofcancer isexpected as which as as 7 Hemadealongspeech wasexpected 8 Hemadealongspeech wasunexpected 9 Tomdrinksaloteveryday hiswifedoesn tlikeatall which which as 5 HemustbefromCanada isclearfromhisbooks 6 Heinvitedmetodinner waskindofhim which as such 名词 as 从句thesame 名词 as 从句 像 一样的 像 之类 和 同类的 as在从句中作主语 宾语或者表语 Which代替前面的句子 表示 这一点 这件事 As代替前面的句子 表示 正如 好像 当从句是主系表结构时 As 主句是一种判断 从句说明理由 因为 Which 主句是一个事实 从句是一种评价 当主句和从句语义一致时 用as当两句语义不一致或从句为否定时 用which 考场思维训练 1 AfterlivinginParisfor50years hereturnedtothesmalltown hegrewupasachild A whichB whereC thatD when2 Ineverforgetthedays wespenttogether A thatB whenC whoseD what3 Haveyouseenthefilm BrokenbackMountain leadingactorisworldfamous A itsB it sC whoseD which B A C 4 Thisisthebook Ipaidtenyuan A forwhichB forthatC whichD offwhich5 Thete
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