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定语从句 TheAttributiveClauses 定义 Definition 修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句 定语从句一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后 结构 先行词 关系词 从句 定语从句分为 定语从句和 定语从句 限制性 非限制性 1 限制性定语从句 对先行词起限定作用 与先行词关系十分密切 不用逗号隔开 也不能省略 否则句意就不完整 TheaccidenthappenedatthetimewhenIleft 2 非限制性定语从句 只是对先行词做补充说明 没有限定作用 与先行词的关系也比较松散 如果省略 原句意义仍然完整 常用逗号与主句隔开 Hismother whomheloveddeeply diedtenyearsago 注 下列场合下只用非限制性定语从句 1 在一定范围或前提下 所谈对象是唯一的 The29thOlympicGames whichwasheldinBeijing wascertainlyagreatsuccess 2 谈话双方皆知道的所指对象Maoisatthelibrary whereweoftenborrowbooks 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 Godhelpsthose 先行词 whohelpthemselves 定语从句 b Ilikethegirl 先行词 whospeaksEnglishverywell c Youmustdoeverything 先行词 thatIdo 定语从句 d Hehasanelderbrother先行词 whoisnowservinginthearmy 定语从句 e Thebuilding 先行词 isstillingoodcondition whereweoncelived 定语从句 关系词的作用 A 引导定语从句 B 代替 C 在从句里 先行词 担任成分 Jointhefollowingsentences ThegirlisMary Wesawheryesterday wesawyesterdayisMary Thegirl that who whom Correctthemistakes 1 Underthebigtreeare34students manyofthemcomefromclasstwo 2 Mymotherhasagoodbook whichcoverlooksterrible 3 Thisistheverypenthatyougaveittomebefore 4 Thereisanoldwoman thatisholdingastick whom whose it who 关系词的选择原则关系词的选择根据关系词在从句中所作的成份决定 若关系词在从句中作主语 宾语 定语或表语 选用关系代词 who whom that which whose 若关系词在从句中作状语 用关系副词 where地点状语 when时间状语 why原因状语 关系代词who whom that的使用 先行词指人时 1 在定语从句中作主语时 用who that 不可省略 2 在定语从句中作宾语时 用whom that 在限制性定语从句中可以省略 3 在定语从句中作表语时 用that 不可省略 关系代词which that的使用 先行词指物时 1 在定语从句中作主语时 用which that 不可省略 2 在定语从句中作宾语时 用which that 在限制性定语从句中可以省略 3 在定语从句中作表语时 用that 不可省略 whose引导的定语从句 表示所属关系 Theriver banksarecoveredwithtreesflowstothesea whose Whose的使用 在定语从句中作定语时 用whose 不可省略 whose 所属关系 指人或物 作定语 或 Thisisthebookwhosecover thecoverofwhich ofwhichthecover isbroken Thereareinthisclass20students aredifferent A whosebackgroundsB thebackgroundsofwhomC ofwhomthebackgroundsD thebackgroundsofwhose the 名词 ofwhich whom ofwhich whom the 名词 Sheisthegirlwho thatlivesnextdoor That sthegirl whom who that Iteach Thisisthescientistwhoseachievementsarewell known Thisisthehousewhosewindowbrokelastnight Thisisthehouse thewindowofwhichbrokelastnight Thisisthehouse ofwhichthewindowbrokelastnight 练习 用关系代词who whom that或whose填空 28 Luxun realnamewasZhouShuren wrotemanypoliticalnovelsandessays 29 Theman youmetjustnowismyoldfriend 30 Theman iswalkingontheplaygroundismyoldfriend 31 Achild parentsaredeadiscalledanorphan whose who whom that who that whose when where why与that which的区分 I llneverforgettheday wefirstmetinthepark I llneverforgetthetime Ispentwithyou I llneverforgetthetime wasspentwithyou Thisisthemuseum Ivisitedlastyear when which that which that which that 先行词指时间 地点或原因时 定语从句中缺主语或宾语 用which或that引导定语从句 Thisisthereason forwhich Ididn tcomehere Thereason shegavewasnottrue why which that 1 关系词所做的成分关键是由从句中的动词来决定Thisistheplacewherewework vi Thisistheplace which wevisited vt 2 当先行词为时间名词 如time day year week month occasion 用关系副词when 但关系副词只能做状语 如果从句中缺主语或宾语则要视具体情况用that或which 当先行词为地点名词 如 place room city country situation case scene 时 用关系副词where 但此时只能做地点状语 如果定语从句缺主语或宾语则要视具体情况用that或which Conclusion 当先行词为way time时 可用that作关系副词 非正式场合 Idon tliketheway that inwhich hetalks 当time作先行词时 在特定的句式中 可用that作关系副词 关系词可以省掉 Thisisthefirsttime that IhavegivenyoualessoninFrench 练习 用that when why where which填空 Iwanttoknowthedate youwereborn 2 Ihaverememberedthedate Iforgotjustnow 3 Doyouknowthereason heisabsenttoday 4 Thatisthereason Iwanttoknow 5 Thisisthefactory hisfatherworks 6 Thisisthefactory hisfatherbuilt when that which why that which where that which 7 Doyouhaveanythingtosayforyourselves Yes thisistheonlyonepoint wemustinsiston A whichB thatC whereD when答案 B8 Somepre schoolchildrengotoadaycarecenter theylearnsimplegamesandsongs A thenB thereC whileD where答案 D9 Thosesuccessfuldeafdancersthinkthatdancingisanactivity sightmattersmorethanhearing A whenB whoseC whichD where答案 D 10Manypeoplewhohadseenthefilmwereafraidtogototheforestwhentheyrememberedthescenes peoplewereeatenbythetiger A inwhichB bywhichC whichD that答案 A11Theplace thebridgeissupposedtobebuiltshouldbe thecross rivertrafficistheheaviest A which whereB atwhich whichC atwhich whereD which inwhich答案 C 12 05天津卷 Lastmonth partofSoutheastAsiawasstruckbyfloods from effectsthepeoplearestillsuffering A thatB whoseC thoseD what答案 B13 06福建卷 Lookout Don tgettooclosetothehouse roofisunderrepair A whoseB whichC ofwhichD that答案 AWhose引导的定语从句 其先行词不仅可以指人 还可以指物 各种关系词的区别 1 在定语从句中 当先行词指物时 下列情况的关系词宜用that而不用which 1 先行词是all everything nothing anything little much theone等不定代词时Thereisnothing that Icando Imeantheonethatwasbroughtyesterday 2 先行词被all any every no some little much等词修饰时Ihavereadallthebooks that yougaveme Youmaytakehomeanyofthesebooksthatyoulike 3 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时Thisisthefirstcomposition that hehaswritteninEnglish Thisisthebestnovel that Ihaveeverread 4 先行词中既有人又有物时 Hewaslookingpleasantlyatthechildrenandparcelsthatfilledhisbus 5 当先行词是系动词be后面的表语或关系词本身是从句的表语时 Thevillageisnolongertheonethatwas5yearsago Heisnolongerthemanthatheusedtobe 6 在疑问词who what which开头的句子中 避免歧义 WhoisthegirlthatistalkingwithMr Brown Whicharethebooksthatyouboughtfo
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