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教学单位 外国语学院学生学号100314106本科毕业论文(设计)题目夏洛特的网中的友谊主题分析学生 甘义祥专业名称 英语双学位指导教师 鲁定元 2013年 2月 4日AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME OF FRIENDSHIP IN CHARLOTTES WEBByGan YixiangFebruary, 2013Hubei Engineering UniversityAbstractPure and sincere friendship is the eternal theme of fairy tales, meanwhile, it is also one of the most touching, inspiring and wonderful human sensibilities to lure people to desperately long for it. Therefore, plenty of excellent fairy tales to express and praise this sensibility have come into being like the post-raining bamboo shoots in the spring, including American children-literature writer E.B.Whites Charlottes Web being able to compare beauty with the world-famous Little Prince written by French writer Saint-Exupery. But Charlottes Web is rarely known among most of Chinese readers at present. This thesis aims to make a brief introduction of the author E.B. White and the plot of Charlottes web at first, then according to the development of plot, it comprehensively analyses the differently vivid main characters, including both people and animals, to support the theme of friendship. Furthermore, it discusses the enlightenments from the theme of friendship. At last, it makes a brief conclusion to finish the whole thesis.Key Words: Charlottes web; the theme of friendship; main characters; enlightenments.夏洛特的网中的友谊主题分析摘要纯洁而真挚的友谊是童话的永恒主题,同时也是最动人、最励志、最美好的人类情感之一,吸引着人们去强烈地憧憬。因此,大量的优秀的表达和赞颂这种情感的童话如雨后春笋般涌现出来,这其中就包括足以与法国作家圣埃克佩里写的举世闻名的小王子相媲美的美国儿童作家E.B.怀特的夏洛特的网。然而,夏洛特的网在中国读者当中在目前仍鲜为人知。本文旨在首先从简要介绍夏洛特的网的作者E.B.怀特及它的故事情节入手,然后结合情节的发展全面地分析其中的包括人和动物在的各个不同的生动的主要角色来论证其友谊主题。进而探讨从友谊主题中获得的启示,最后在简要做出总结的基础上结束全文。关键词:夏洛特的网 ; 友谊主题 ; 主要角色 ; 启示 。Contents1. Introduction11.1About E. B. White11.2 About Charlottes Web22. A Comprehensive Analysis of the Main Characters42.1 Wilbur42.2 Fern62.3 Charlotte72.4 Templeton83. The Enlightenments from the Theme of Friendship93.1 A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed103.2 Sincere Friendship Creates a World Full of Miracles104. Conclusion11Bibliography12An Analysis of the Theme of Friendship in Charlottes Web1. IntroductionCharlottes Web is a wonderful fairy tale for children and adults to share; meanwhile, it is also for anyone who appreciates life and friendship. Once the author started to read with his son, as a result, both of them were enjoyed and deeply touched by it. Furthermore, it is also regarded as an excellent fairy tale, which is able to compare beauty with the world-famous Little Prince written by French writer Saint-Exupery, in the western countries even in the contemporary times. However, it is rarely known among most of Chinese readers at present.The introduction both of its author E. B. White and a rough plot are as follows:1.1About E. B. WhiteIn 2007, a very agreeable BBC Article wrote of E. B. White: “On 11 July, 1899, a baby boy entered the world full of promise and hope. Then his parents named him Elwyn Brooks White. It is not startling that the boy, when become a man, signed only with his first initials and surname; under these he became the world-famous author of Charlottes Web, co-author of the Elements Style and number-one wheel horse for The New Yorker. E. B. White is adulated as one of the most skilful masters of the English language of the 20th century, and possibly several other centuries as well”. (红林,2010)E. B. White (1899-1985), the author of such beloved classics as Stuart Little (1945), Charlottes Web (1952) and The Trumpet of the Swan (1970), was born in Mount Vernon, New York. He graduated from Cornell University in 1921 and, 5 or 6 years later, joined the staff of The New Yorker magazine, then in its infancy. Finally, he died on October 1, 1985. The connection with The New Yorker magazine proved a happy one and resulted in a steady output of satirical sketches, poems, essays and editorials. But in 1938, he moved to the country to begin his transition to life in Maine, meanwhile, he began to turn his attention to children literature. Therefore, on his farm in Maine, he kept animals and some of these creatures crept into his stories and fictions. Mr. Whites essays have appeared in Harpers magazine, and some of his other books are: One Mans Meat, The Second Tree from the Corner, Letters of E. B. White, Essays of E. B. White and poems and sketches of E. B. White. Furthermore, he won countless awards. For example, President John F. Kennedy named Mr. White as one of thirty-one Americans to receive the Presidential Medal for Freedom in 1963; Mr. White was awarded Laura Ingalls Wilder Award for his childrens books, Stuart Little and Charlottes Web, in 1970 and this award is now given every three years “to a
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