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期中检测(时间:90分钟满分:120分)第卷听力部分(20分)扫一扫 听听力.听下面五个句子,每个句子读一遍,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出对应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)1.A.Shes tall and pretty.B.She looks like her mother.C.She likes noodles.2.A.Congratulations!B.Sorry to hear that.C.See you later.3.A.Yes,I do. B.No,I dont. C.Not yet.4.A.Hello.Im Linda.B.Why are you calling me?C.She doesnt like you.5.A.I lost my wallet.B.Thanks a lot.C.Ive won the first prize.答案15 ABCAA.听下面五组对话,每组对话读两遍,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)6.Why does the man like Jack?A.Because he is tall and handsome.B.Because he knows a lot.C.Because he is cool and fun.7.Whats wrong with Nick?A.He has a headache.B.He has a toothache.C.He has a stomachache.8.Why is the man going to London?A.To work there.B.To visit a friend.C.To have a vacation.9.Where is the amusement park?A.On Bridge Road.B.On Xinhua Square.C.Behind the bus station.10.Why doesnt the man stay at that hotel?A.Because its too big.B.Because its too expensive.C.Because its too cheap.答案610 CBACB.录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)11.When is the World Milk Day?A.On June 1st.B.On June 21st.C.On July 1st.12.Who first started the World Milk Day?A.Germans.B.Russians.C.Americans.13.What is milk called in the passage?A.The best gift.B.The best drink.C.The best medicine.14.How much milk should people drink every day according to scientists?A.One cup.B.Two cups.C.Three cups.15.What cant people eat with milk?A.Hamburgers or tomatoes.B.Apples or carrots.C.Chocolate or oranges.答案1115 AACBC.听力填表(每小题1分,共5分)录音中有一段独白,听录音两遍后,根据所听内容完成下面的表格。Our townIntroductionOur town has changed a lot in the last 16. years.JobsIn the past,most people worked as fishermen or 17.Now,many people work in 18. factories,offices or banks.ActivitiesYoung people like going to the swimming pool and the 19.Older people like going to the beach and the restaurants.There are football matches and races in the sports center 20. a week.答案16.forty/4017.farmers18.car19.cinema20.once第卷笔试部分(100分).单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)21.I like soft and quiet music.ItC nice.A.tastesB.looksC.soundsD.feels22.Mom,I was the first to reach the top of the mountain.Good job,Charlie.Im Bof you.A.tiredB.proudC.sureD.sick23.We cant help A when we heard the sad news.A.cryingB.to cryC.cryD.cried24.Why dont you buy the bike,Mary?Its too expensive.I cant Dit.A.sellB.lendC.keepD.afford25.Mrs Wang always asks us to A conversations in the English classes.A.make upB.turn upC.end upD.look up26.导学号82654101They were all very tired,but A of them took a rest.A.noneB.allC.bothD.either27.Where is your mother?She B to the supermarket.A.has beenB.has goneC.goesD.will go28.Have you had your car Aa long time?Not really.I have had it two months ago.A.for;sinceB.since;forC.for;forD.since;since29.How do you like your English teacher?He is great.We C friends since 3 years ago.A.wereB.have madeC.have beenD.have become30.Can you help me with my English?ALets start now.A.Sure,no problem.B.Its wonderful.C.Thats a pity!D.Good luck!.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)导学号82654102(2017安徽)Bike-sharing is a new choice for short journeys in cities.It is good to the 31.B development of the big cities.A 32.C by a company found that shared bikes started the nations 33.D for bikes again.Now more and more Chinese people are 34.A bikes instead of cars to make short journeys in cities.An engineer of the company says that since the 35.B of shared bikes,people have made fewer trips by car.The love for shared bikes is not only among 36.D people,who were born in the 1980s and 1990s,but also among people over sixty.At weekends,the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the 37.A of all cities.On weekdays,the number of people who use shared bikes to travel to work is 38.C in Shanghai.It is said that bike-sharing will help 39.D the cities environment.It not only helps solve the traffic problems,but also will help to make more use of 40.C in cities.Take Beijing as an example,if more people choose shared bikes,an area of five Birds Nest stadium (体育场) will be saved.31.A.slowB.healthyC.harmfulD.sudden32.A.ruleB.planC.reportD.suggestion33.A.searchB.worryC.preparationD.love34.A.choosingB.pushingC.repairingD.locking35.A.endB.startC.controlD.fall36.A.strongB.weakC.oldD.young37.A.topB.sideC.cornerD.line38.A.coming overB.putting offC.going upD.giving away39.A.discoverB.separateC.experienceD.improve40.A.airB.timeC.spaceD.money.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A导学号82654103We all waste food,you and me,every day,millions of tons of it.In China,the amount of food wasted by Chinese consumers is increasing fast.So our nation is being encouraged to sto
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