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点击进入 中学英语时态 衡东八中许红霞 一般现在时 用法 经常性的和习惯性的动作常用时间状语 usually sometimes inspring everyday inthemorning动词构成 动词原型 work动词 S 主语是第三人称单数 works否定构成 don t 动原doesn t 动原一般疑问构成及简答 Do 主语 动原 其它 Yes Ido Does 主语 动原 其它 No hedoesn t 特殊疑问举例 WhatdoyouoftendoonSundays Wheredoeshelive 注意 start leave go come等的一般现在时可表示按规定要发生的未来动作 如列车将离开 客观真理在从句中也用一般现在时 一般现在时的用法1 经常性或习惯性的动作 常与表示频度的时间状语连用 Ileavehomeforschoolat7everymorning 2 客观真理 客观存在 科学事实 Theearthmovesaroundthesun ShanghailiesintheeastofChina 3 表示格言或警句中 Pridegoesbeforeafall 骄者必败 4 现在时刻的状态 能力 性格 个性 Idon twantsomuch AnnWangwritesgoodEnglishbutdoesnotspeakwell 比较 NowIputthesugarinthecup Iamdoingmyhomeworknow 1 theyoften theseoldmen Yes they A Do help areB Are helping areC Do help doD Are helped are 2Theyusually TVintheevening A watchB willwatchC arewatchingD watches 3Thesun intheeastand inthewest A raises setB rise setsC rises setsD rises set 练习 c 现在进行时用法 说话时正在进行的动作或当前一段时间正在进行的动作常用时间状语 now thesedays动词构成 am is are 现在分词 ing am is areworking否定构成 am is are not 现在分词一般疑问构成及简答 Am Is Are 主语 现在分词 其它 Yes Iam heis No theyaren t特殊疑问举例 Whatareyoudoingnow Whoisflyingakitethere 注意 go come leave arrive return die等的进行时可表示即将要发生的动作 有时表示即将发生的动作 现在进行时的基本用法 表示现在 指说话人说话时 正在发生的事情 Wearewaitingforyou b 习惯进行 表示长期的或重复性的动作 说话时动作未必正在进行 Mr Greeniswritinganothernovel 说话时并未在写 只处于写作的状态 SheislearningpianounderMr Smith c 表示渐变的动词有 get grow become turn run go begin等 Theleavesareturningred It sgettingwarmerandwarmer d 与always constantly forever等词连用 表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态 往往带有说话人的主观色彩 Youarealwayschangingyourmind 1 you yourhomeworknow A Do doingB Are doingC Were doingD Does do 2 yourmother shoppingatthemoment A Are doingB Is doingC Is takingD Are taking 3 thechildren theradio A Is listeningB Is listeningtoC Are listeningtoD Are listening 练习 用法 将来会出现或发生的动作常用时间状语 thisevening tomorrow nextmonth inafewminutes attheendofthisterm动词构成 I will shall 动原2 am is aregoingto 动词原型3 am is are about 动词不定式4 am is are coming等现在分词以work为例 will shallworkam is aregoingtoworkam is are about toworkam is arecoming leaving 否定构成 will shallnot am is arenot 特殊疑问句举例 Whatwillyoudotomorrow Whenarewegoingtohaveaclassmeeting 备注 在if条件或assoonas等时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时 一般将来时 一般将来时1 shall用于第一人称 常被will所代替 will在陈述句中用于各人称 在争求意见时常用于第二人称 WhichparagraphshallIreadfirst Willyoubeathomeatseventhisevening 2 begoingto 不定式 表示将来 a 主语的意图 即将做某事 Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow b 计划 安排要发生的事 Theplayisgoingtobeproducednextmonth c 有迹象要发生的事Lookatthedarkclouds thereisgoingtobeastorm 3 be 不定式表将来 按计划或正式安排将发生的事 WearetodiscussthereportnextSaturday 4 beaboutto 不定式 意为马上做某事 HeisabouttoleaveforBeijing 注意 beaboutto不能与tomorrow nextweek等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用 一 1Lookattheclouds A It sgoingtorainB It llberainingC ItwillberainedD Ifitrains 2There twoEnglishfilmsnextweek A isgoingtobeB aregoingtohaveC willhaveD aregoingtobe 3Thereisgoingto avolleyballmatchonourschoolplayground Thematchisgoingto atsixthisevening A have beB be haveC be beD have have 练习 用法 过去时间发生的或过去经常性的动作常用时间状语 yesterday lastnight twodaysago in2000 atthattime beforeliberation when等引导的含过去时的句子 动词构成 动词过去时 ed worked usedtowork否定构成 didn t 动原didn tworkusednot didn tuse towork一般疑问构成及简答举例 Did 主语 动原 其它 特殊疑问句举例 Whatdidhedoyesterday Whendidhegetupthismorning 备注 Hehasopenedthedoor 表示过去 开门 的动作对现在的影响是门还开着 Heopenedthedoor 不能确定门现在是否开着 一般过去时 一般过去时的用法1 在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态 Wheredidyougojustnow 2 表示在过去一段时间内 经常性或习惯性的动作 WhenIwasachild Ioftenplayedfootballinthestreet WhenevertheBrownswentduringtheirvisit theyweregivenawarmwelcome 1 hereandaskhimaboutityesterday A DidyoucomeB WouldyounotgoC Youdidn tcomeD Aren tyougo 2 he agoodtimelastSunday A Were wereB Did doC Did hasD Did have 3ThestudentshardlystudiedtheEnglishlanguage they A didB didn tC wereD weren t 练习 用法 1 发生在过去的动作且对现在仍有影响的动作 强调对现在的影响 2 从过去一直延续到现在的动作常用时间状语 already just never before recently inthepastfewyears ever sofar since 过去的点时间 for 段时间动词构成 have has 过去分词 ed have hasworked否定构成 have hasnot 过去分词一般疑问构成 Have Has 主语 过去分词 特殊疑问句举例 Whathaveyoudonerecently HowlonghashelivedinBeijing 备注 暂时性动词不能与for since Howlong 等表示段时间的短语同时使用 现在完成时 比较过去时与现在完成时1 过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情 强调动作 现在完成时为过去发生的 强调过去的事情对现在的影响 强调的是影响 2 过去时常与具体的时间状语连用 而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用 或无时间状语 一般过去时的时间状语 yesterday lastweek ago in1980 inOctober justnow 具体的时间状语 现在完成时的时间状语for since sofar ever never just yet till until uptonow inpastyears always 共同的时间状语 thismorning tonight thisApril now once before already recently lately 1 you thenovelthatIlentyoulastweek A Did finishB Have finishedC Are finishedD Do finish 2He inourschoolfor20yearsandhe herein1977 A hastaught cameB hastaught hascomeC taught cameD hasteached hascame 3Theyarelate Thefilm forfiveminutes A hasbegunB hasstartedC hasbeenonD began 练习 用法 过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在发生的动作常用时间状语 atthistimeyesterday atthattime atteno clockyesterday或when引导的从句动词构成 was were 现在分词 ing 以work为例 was wereworking否定构成 was werenot 现在分词一般疑问构成及简答举例 Was Were 主语 现在分词 其它 Yes IwasNo Iwasn t特殊疑问句举例 Whatwereyoudongthistimeyesterday Wherewashestandingwhentheteachercamein 过去进行时 1 theBlacks TVatsevenyesterday A Did watchB Are watchingC Were watchingD Do watch 2Thescientis
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