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Book5 Unit5 First AidPeriod 1 Warming-up and ReadingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language教学语言a. 重点词汇和短语 burn, essential, organ, layer, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, heal, tissue, electric, swell, swollen, blister, watery, char, nerve, damage, jewellery, squeeze out, over and over again, bandage, in place b. 重点句式Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns.These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two.First degree burns turn white when pressed.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to master some knowledge of first aid.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Enable the students to learn how to give their correct suggestions about first aid when others are in danger.Teaching important points教学重点Let the Ss learn to use the structures of giving suggestions.Teaching methods教学方法Skimming method and role-play method.Teaching aids 教具准备A projector, a tape-recorder and a blackboard.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Lead-inT: I think you must surf the Internet after class. You must know more about fist aid. Now who can tell us what first aid is?Ss: First aid is the initial care of a suddenly sick or injured person. It is the care administered by a person as soon as possible after an accident or illness. It is this prompt care and attention prior to the arrival of the ambulance that sometimes draws the line between life and death, or between a full or partial recovery.T: What are the main aims of first aid?Ss: To preserve life; To protect the casualty from further harm; To relieve pain. T: Throughout life, you will face injuries of different kinds; whether it is a simple paper cut or a severe chemical burn, every accident must be dealt with in the right way. Here are two situations: Ah, a hot summer morning. Perfect for the beach exercise. After a nice brisk swim in the refreshing tide, you curl up on your beach chair with your headphones and a book. As you sit contentedly, your eyes slowly fall shut in a mid-day nap. When you awake, the sun is a little lower in the sky, the people next to you have left, and your exposed skin is starting to look a suspicious shade of bright red. Do you know what to do?You are babysitting the neighbors kids, and as you are preparing dinner you turn around for a moment to rinse off the spoon. Suddenly you hear a clatter of pans and a high pitched cry that sends your adrenaline into overdrive. You spin around and see the little girl clutching her hand, her tears streaming from her eyes, the telltale pot of hot water spilled on the ground. Do you know what to do?Step Pre-readingT: Today we are going to learn first aid for burns. First look at the picture on page 33, and answer: What has happened in the picture? Sa: The child has pulled boiling water onto herself.T: What sort of injures the child will have? Sb: She will have bad burns.T: In our everyday life, we will face different types of burns. A burn can be caused by heat (flames, hot grease, or boiling water), the sun (solar radiation), chemicals, an explosion, or electricity. When a burn breaks the skin, infection and loss of fluid can occur; burns can also result in difficulty breathing. Sometimes a burn victim has trouble breathing. Burns caused by flames or hot grease usually require medical attention as well, especially if the victim is a child or an elderly person. What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation? What should you do?S: This kind of burns was caused by boiling water. I would perform first aid for burns. Cool the area of skin at once. Wash the area of skin under the cold tap for several minutes. Cover the wound with a loose bandage or a piece of dry clean cloth. See a doctor if a child has been burnt badly or if more than ten percent of the body has been burnt.T: Have you or someone you know ever been burned? What did the burn look like? Did anyone perform first aid? What did he do? You can use these words that might come up in relation to the characteristics of burns are: red, white, black, watery, blisters, painful, swollen. Ask the students to have a discussion in groups, and then answer the questions about their own various experiences. After a few minutes.T: Now stop talking. We are going to get the answers from the text. Lets read the text and try to find the answers.Step While-readingT: The passage is a text from a book called First Aid for the Family. It is a quick-reference book which is organized under headings in such a way that readers can quickly find the information they want. In this type of text, it is common for information to be in note form. It is also common that ellipsis is used in giving instructions. The article the is often omitted in the instructions under First aid treatment, for example, cover burnt area instead of cover the burnt area; hold bandage in place instead of hold the bandage in place. While reading you should p
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