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高考评分标准: 1)高考评分的一般流程 2)字迹 3)雷同卷 4)文章结构-段落结构-句子结构-词汇 要求: 1.字迹工整 2.会写简单句,并且语法正确 3.按照要求来 复合句 非谓语动词 There+be 高级词汇 3段式+3点式: 第一段:目的 第二段:主题内容,内容要点+模板补充 第三段:感谢+期待回信 总分结构(4-7句):总说+3点 句子要求:1.正确的句子,语法正确 2.高级的句子 1)从句 2)非谓语 3)插入语 4)汉语不会写,英语不会写 写作遇见单词不会写(方法) 1.上义词(全集) 2.下义词(子集) 3.同义词(从句) 例:辞职 resignation/quit/leaving/decision 万能模板 (万能作文)基础知识: 类型 v doing n 辞职 resign/quit resigning resignation 求职 apply applying application 请求 ask/request asking ask 道歉 apologize apologizing apology感谢 appreciate appreciating appreciation 推荐 recommend recommending recommendation 邀请 invite inviting invitation 投诉 complain complaining complaint 订购 order ordering order 建议 suggest suggesting suggestion 倡议 advocate advocating advocation 祝贺 congratulate congratulating congratulation 第一段: congratulation 亮身份+表目的 (套上面的v. 和n.)As a(n) 身份(student/citizen) who 动词 s(loves)+n(题目相关句子), I am writing this letter to 信件类别动词(上述表动词)+(身份:如student、citizen) 第三段: 1.It is very kind of you to read my letter. 2.I will be grateful if you take my 类别名词 seriously. 3.I am looking forward to your reply. 命题有两种情况: 1.规定信件具体内容,考察翻译的 2.规定部分内容,发挥。或者可以随意发挥的。 怎么判断翻译 or 发挥 结构:4句。 总说3点。 题目给出的内容,合并为具体的 3点 第二段三段式三点式 第1句: 接三原因的总说:There are several reasons that can account for my 类别名词. 接三内容的总说:There are several aspects that I want to XX you.(XX 类别动词原型) 2.First of all, 3.In addition, 4.Finally, 给出具体内容,纯翻译。先翻译简单句句型升级套路。 万能模板(上述建议模板): 1. 人 +人 -人 教育人 交朋友、品质 2. 钱 +钱 -钱 赚钱3. 时间 +时间 -时间 充分利用时间 4.文化 中西方,传统文化,主题文化一、辞职信(1.易) 时尚杂志 Design and Fashion 3months 辞职,Mr. Wang 1)你的决定 2)理由 3)做出道歉 Dear Mr.Wang, As a(n) 职位 who loves our company/institute deeply, I am writing this letter to resign from my present job. (As an editor of Design and Fashion.) There are several reasons that can account for my decision.First of all,I could hardly find any interest in my work. In addition,the job is not as challenging as what I have expected.Finally,t he payment turns out to be so low that it could hardly cover my living expense.Finally,the chance for promotion is so rare that I feel very hopeless.升职渺茫) I intend to apologize for my resignation.I will be grateful for your consideration of my request and I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 一、辞职信(2.难) Dear XXX, 第一段:非常感谢你给一个机会,去做 XXX工作。但是,经过了一段时间的工作后,我非常遗憾的告诉你我不得不辞职。 It is very kind of you to give me this opportunity to work as a(n) 职位 in 公司,but after 时间s working(probation 试用期) and weighing(衡量)everything,I am sorry to say that I have to quit(辞职) from my present(目前)job. 第二段: 1句:There are at least three reasons that can account(explain) for my resignation. 2句:缺乏挑战性 没兴趣 工资低 First of all,I find that the work is not as challenging as what I have expected. In addition, I can hardly find any interest In my present job.Finally, the payment turns out to be so low that it can hardly cover my living expense. 第三段: 1句: I am sure that my working experience here will benefit me in my future career. 我相信我在这里的工作经验将使我在未来的职业生涯中受益。(未来的事业) 2句:I intend to apologize for the inconvenience brought by my resignation. 我打算为我的辞职给你带来的不便道歉。3句:I am looking forward to reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 二、求职信 第一段:表目的,经验成绩证潜力 第二段:学习经历+工作经历 第三段:感谢+回复 Dear sir or madam,/To whom it may concern, 第一段: 目的:I am writing this letter to apply for the position a 职位 in your company/institute. 我相信,我先前的工作经验和在学成绩单可以证明我的潜力去成为一个合格的 职位 I am convinced that my previous working experience and score lists in 具体学校 can prove my potential to be a qualified 职位/candidate. 第二段: 1句:I will graduate from 学校 in July this year.I have studied 职位相关专业(例: English,computer) as my major for 3/4/5 years(.My score lists are attached.) 2句:In addition,I have rich experience in 职位相关 work because I have worked as a part-time 职位 in 某 company for one year. 3句: My rich working experience and strong teamwork spirit will enable me to perform better than other candidates who lack of such experience. 第三段:1.感谢你考虑我的申请 2.期待你的答复 1.I really appreciate your consideration of my application for the position. 2.I am looking forward to your reply(to 联系方式). Yours sincerely,
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