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Advanced Performances of Waterborne 2K Polyurethane Coatings with 2nd Generation Hydroxyl Acrylic Dispersion 第二代高性能第二代高性能羟基丙烯酸树羟基丙烯酸树脂水性双脂水性双组组分涂料的分涂料的优越表现优越表现 Introduction 介绍介绍 Solventborne 2 component polyurethanes 2K PU have for many years been commonly used for high performance coatings which cure at room temp 2K PU is used for many applications including protective coatings car refinish coatings plastic coatings wood coatings and architectural coatings However due to the concerns linked to their high volatile organic compounds VOC contents waterborne alternatives with comparable performances and application windows are needed 长久以来 溶剂型PU在汽车 塑胶 木 器和建筑涂料中应用广泛 而近期由于 VOC因素 水性双组分PU 2K PU 将取 代溶剂型双组分PU Introduction 介绍介绍 Allnex developed a series of hydroxyl functional polyacrylic secondary dispersions with very good stability and compatibility The dispersion can be hand mixed with a wide range of solvent free and hydrophilized polyisocyanates This overcomes issue of inconsistent quality due to the fact that mechanical mixing is not always available during application 湛新 研发了一系列具有优异稳定性和兼容性的第二代水性羟基丙烯酸树脂 它 可以与大部分水性异氰酸酯混合 这点在这个应用领域不常见 克服了应用 时不能总是机械搅拌引起的质量不稳定 Most importantly the dispersions demonstrated very good reactivity with polyisocyanates The coatings demonstrate comparable performance to the solvent borne 2K systems 最重要的 分散体的交联密度高 涂膜 性能可与溶剂型双组分PU媲美 Product Range 产产品范品范围围 Key properties and areas of applications 主要性能和主要性能和应用领域应用领域 MACRYNAL Form of supply OH content solids Properties and areas of application VSM 2521w 42 WAB 4 2 High hardness quick drying high chem resistance for wood coatings and as combinational resin 硬度高 快干 耐化学品性能佳 可复配 VSM 6299w 42 WA 4 1 Application properties in betweenVSM 2521w and SM 6810w well balanced overall properties 性能处于VSM 2521W 和SM 6810W之间 SM 6810w 42 WA 4 1 High blisterfree film thickness longer tackfree time and slower drying than VSM 6299w high gloss applications 厚膜无针孔 高光泽 SM 6817w 44 WA 3 0 Quick drying for general industrial applications low isocyanate demand 快干 异氰酸酯用量少 Hydrophilic Structure OH Primary hydroxyl functional acrylic dispersionExternally emulsified 外乳化第一代分散体外乳化第一代分散体 Low molecular surfactants 低分子量表面活性低分子量表面活性剂剂 MACRYNAL Secondary hydroxyl functional acrylic dispersion internally emulsified 第二代第二代分散体 内乳化 分散体 内乳化 High molecular emulsifying component 高分子量乳化高分子量乳化剂剂 Surfactant Resin particle Morphology of Hydroxyl Functional Acrylic Dispersion 羟基丙烯酸分散体的形态羟基丙烯酸分散体的形态 OH OH OH OH Comparison Self vs Externally Emulsified 一一级分散体与二级分散体对比级分散体与二级分散体对比 Primary Secondary Emulsification 乳化形式 Externally emulsified 外乳化 Self emulsified 自乳化 Mw 100 k 4 hour SM 6810w 3 hour 4 hour SM 6817w 3 hour 2 hour VSM 2521w 2 hour 2 hour Gloss Level 光泽光泽 Good compatibility with various hydrophilized polyisocyanates and partner resins allowed formulating of full gloss systems 与水性异氰酸酯兼容性好是高光产品的前提 Can be hand mixed with hydrophilized polyisocyanates without need to pre dilute the polyisocyanates with solvents 手搅 无须预稀释 MACRYNAL Self emulsified HDI IPDI Modified HDI Gloss level 7 day 20 60 20 60 VSM 6299w 34 92 66 88 SM 6810w 44 90 63 87 SM 6817w 29 72 67 90 VSM 2521w 18 59 62 91 Gloss Level 光泽光泽 With conventional 100 active solventborne polyisocyanates MACRYNAL achieved low gloss level or matt finishes with good transparency 与常规的100 活性溶剂型聚异氰酸酯结合使用 MACRYNAL呈低光泽 度 但透明度良好 11 Gloss retention of white pigmented topcoats 白色面漆的保光性白色面漆的保光性 Florida Weathering 耐候性耐候性测试测试 Low Molecular Weight Mw 低分子量低分子量 MACRYNAL has relatively low Mw 较低分子量 Low MFFT Do not need additional coalescence solvents for film forming 较低MFFT 无须添加成膜助剂 High OH value high cross linking density 高羟值 高交联密度 High Reactivity 高活性 Good transparency 透明性好 No external surfactant good corrosion and water resistance 无外乳化剂 优异的耐腐蚀和耐水性 Shear stable and good pigment wetting properties Allow more formulation flexibility 良好的剪切稳定性和颜料润湿性 配方灵活 Reactivity 反应活性反应活性 MACRYNAL has smaller particle size higher surface area粒径更小 Higher cross linking density 更高交联密度 Better film integration and film formation 成膜性能佳 Performances 性能性能 MACRYNAL SM 6817w VSM 2521w VSM 6299w SM 6810w OH content on solid 3 0 4 2 4 1 4 1 Pendulum hardness RT after 24h 7d 26 37 54 62 44 50 36 78 Pendulum hardness 45min 60 C 24h7d 58 71 117 121 92 94 65 106 Blisterfree film thickness 69 m 35 m 65 m 87 m Tackfree time 3 hrs 3 hrs 6 hrs 8 hrs Acetone resistance 7d 10 min 9 min 10 min VOC 175 g l 190 g l 190 g l 185 g l White topcoats based on MACRYNAL externally emulsified polyisocyanate 白色面漆白色面漆 外乳化型异外乳化型异氰酸酯氰酸酯 OH NCO 1 1 4 Blister Free Dry Film Thickness 施工施工无微泡干膜厚度无微泡干膜厚度 Blisterfree dry film thickness m 无无微泡干微泡干 膜厚膜厚度度 m OH content on solid binder 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 30 60 90 70 80 SM 6817w SM 6810w VSM 2521w 50 40 VSM 6299w Drying Properties 干燥性能干燥性能 10 20 30 40 50 12345678 SM 6817w VSM 2521w VSM 6299w SM 6810w Tack strength N Tackfree time at room temperature 室温指触干室温指触干 White topcoats based on MACRYNAL Externally emulsified polyisocyanate OH NCO 1 1 4 Time hours Hardness 硬度硬度 0 20 40 60
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