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编号:Number:进口商品采购合同Cross-border Qualified CommodityPurchase & Sales Contract买方:Buyer:卖方:Seller: 签订日期:年月日Date:/采购商(Buyer) : (hereinafter referred to Party B)(以下简称乙方)甲、乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上,经充分协商,就乙方购买甲方商品达成以下买卖合同条款。On the basis of equality and free will and through fullconsultation.Party A and PartyB have mutually agreed on the follow ingterms of the sales con tract for Party B s purchaseof Party A s commodities.一、采购内容及收付款乙方向甲方采购 品类产品,共 品种,数量产品;采购清单见附件I.V采购订单收款信息公司名称 The Name of Company公司开户银行 Name of Compa ny Accou ntBa nk开户银仃账号 Ba nk Accou nt Number开户银行地址 Address of Accou nt Bank国际电汇码 In ter natio nal Swift Code联系人 Contact Person联系电话及邮件 Con tact Pho ne Number邮寄地址 Maili ng Address付款信息公司名称 The Name of Company公司开户银行 Name of Compa ny Accou nt Ba nk开户银仃账号 Ba nk Accou nt NumberINVOICE发票等票据以 为抬头提供给乙方。二、商品质量质量标准及包装: 原装包装,未经使用过的、全新的,合法销售渠道供应,产品质量符合岀口国相关质量标准并检验合格。Quality standard & packaging:original packaging and legal supply ofsales cha nn els. The product quality con forms to the releva nt quality sta ndards of theexporter and has passed the in specti on.关于商品效期:若商品效期在 个月及以上的,则实际供应商品的可用效期不低于个月;若商品效期在 个月,则实际供应商品的可用效期不低于个月;若商品效期在 个月,则实际供应商品的可用效期不低于个月;若商品效期在 个月及以内的,则实际供应商品的可用效期不 低于个月。特殊商品双方协商约定商品效期说明。Available period of commodities: if the available period of commodities lasts formon ths and over it,the n the available period of the actual supplied goodsshall be not less tha n mon ths; if the available period of commodities iswithi n mon ths, the n the available period of the actual supplied goods shallbe not less tha n mon ths; if the available period of commodities is with inmon ths, the n the available period of commodities of the actual supplied goods shall be not less tha nmon ths; and if the available period ofcommodities lasts for 18 mon ths and is with in it, the n the available period of the actual supplied goods shall be not less tha nmon ths. For special commodities,both parties shall reach an agreement on the instructions for the available period of commodities.甲方承诺所供应的商品是正规渠道合法合规的商品,甲方需对商品来源链路负责,需要有供应渠道的合法授权,并最终对商品的合规合法负责。如果一旦岀现被证明提供的是假冒伪劣商品,甲 合乎生产国对应的法律法规要求的各项质量技术标准。Party A shall promise that the goods supplied by it have reregulated, lawful and compliant channels. Party A shall be responsiblefor the source and link of goods, shall have thelegal authorizati on of supply cha nnel and shall be fin ally resp on sible for the legality of commodities. Once it is revealed and proved that the supplied commodities belong to fake and inferiorcommodities, Party A shall bear all the ensuing consequences and PartyB shall reserve the right to investigate the accountability of Party A.Party A shall promise that all the products related to this con tract shall meet all kinds of qualityand tech ni cal sta ndards required by the lawsand regulati ons of the produc ingcou ntry.三、商品交付商品交付方式为:此商品订单按照 进行交易,甲方需做好订单商品的海外岀口相关工作,并协助乙方做好订单商品国内报关、报检及入库上架等事宜及其他必要协助。Goods delivery way: In this order, the commodity price is price. Party A has theobligati onto assist Party B to deal with all export affairs of commodities in this order.甲方需在乙方定金到账后的 个工作日内做好订单商品的发货工作,到目的地交货日期不晚于年月 日。甲方必须确保采购商品报关单证(发票、装箱单、提单)与实际装运商品明细的一致性,否则货物到港后造成乙方无法办理报关入库等工作由甲方负责;甲方所交付的货物包装及运输包装物必须符合行业习惯和中国法律规定,否则造成无法交付由甲方负责;在合同约定期限内甲方未能及时交货的,甲方需要承担违约责任。Party A shall do the shipme nt work of all commodities in the order very well with in *days after sig ning the con tract. If Party A has breached the con tract and can t timely deliver the goods with in the stipulated time limit in the con tract, Party A shall bear the risk of goods loss, damage and destruction; and after the goods delivery or if Party A refuses to deliver goods or delays goods delivery due to the default of Party B, the n the riskof goods loss, damage and destructi on shall be bor ne by Party B. Party A shall en sure that the in formatio n contained in customs cleara nee docume nts (in voice, pack ing listand bill of lading) shall be identical with the actual shipment products, or else Party A shall be responsible for the results ensued, like Party B failed to clear the customs; The products packagi ng and shipme nt pack ing shall meet the trade practice and Chin eselaws and regulati ons, or else Party A shall be resp on sible for the results en sued; IfParty A could not deliver the products within the agreed date, Party A shall bear theresp on sibility of breachi ng the con tract.四、价款结算本采购订单总价款为:(币种 整(小写金额 )The total price of the above-me nti oned commodities and the overall costs is:货款结算:此次采购商品约定按照 模式操作,如有部分采购商品后续需调整直邮或集货模式操作的,由双方协商确定,并以附件形式补充。Settleme nt of payme nt: this time it is agreed that the commodity purchase shall beoperated with the bon ded and stock mode. If some purchased goods n eed to adjust theoperationof direct mail or goods collectionsubse
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