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五年级英语绘本阅读Mother !Dear Mother!1、 单项选择题( )1.Penguins live in very places. A.hot B.cold C.warm( )2. have a small head,a fat body and short legs. A.Giraffes B.Penguins C.Swans( )3. takes of the little penguin when(当)the little penguin is still in the egg. A. Mother penguin B.Father penguin C.Penguin( )4.What animal has a long neck ,and she is so tall? A.elephant B.giraffe C.lion( )5.What animal has strong legs,and she can jump far? A.penguin B.kangaroo C.swan( )6.What animal looks stern,but she is kind to her baby? A.kangaroo B.lion C.dolphin( )7.She has two wings and looks very beautiful and elegant.What animal is this? A.dolphin B.swan C.kangaroo( )8.She swims fast.And she is smart.What animal is this? A.caterpillar B.dolphin C.swan( )9.What animal does not look like his mother? A.dolphin B.tadpole C.fox ( )10.Who is tadpoles mother? A.tadpole B.frog C.toad ( )11.Whose mother is the butterfly? A.roach B.caterpillar C.grasshopper( )12.What does “just like” mean(意思是)? A.喜欢 B.就好像,正如 C.仅仅,只是( )13.What does “of course” mean(意思是)? A.因为 B.当然 C.正如 答案:1-5 B/B/B/BB 6-10 B/B/B/B/B 11-13 B/B/B2、 填空题1. Mother elephant is like a (巨人).But she is (温和的,温柔的)when playing with her baby.2. Mother has a big and fluffy(柔软的)tail.And she looks fashionable.3. All animal mothers love their (baby).4. The caterpillar wants to be a (蝴蝶)too.5. Mother fox has a big and fluffy .6. Just like you and (I).7. Swan looks very (漂亮的) and (优美的).8. Penguin looks a little (有趣的)when she is walking.答案:1.giant、gentle 2.fox 3.babies 4.butterfly 5.tail 6.me 7.beautiful、elegant 8.funny五年级英语绘本阅读We all love ice cream1、 单项选择题( )1.How many people are there at Freds table? A.three B.four C.five( )2.It is time.Freds family is at the table. A.dinner B.breakfast C.lunch( )3.Fred doesnt like . A.broccoli B.an ice cream C.carrots( )4.Fred looks down at his dish.(划线部分的中文意思) A.向下看 B.向上看 C.仰视( )5.”What a pity!”Mum says.(划线部分的中文意思) A.真遗憾 B.很惨 C.真好看( )6.Freds mum says to Fred “If you eat your broccoli,you can have an ice cream and you can for an hour. A.watch TV B.read stories C.play( )7.Freds mother doesnt like . A.carrots B.broccoli C. ice cream( )8.We love ice cream. A.all B.both C.also( )9.Fred says to his mother”If you eat your carrots,Ill do the and the . A.laundry;dishes B.homework;dishes C.laundry;homework( )10.Freds father will make a big bowl of for Fred and Freds mother. A.ice cream B.cakes C.juice答案:1-5 A/A/A/A/A 5-6 A/A/A/A/A2、 填空题1. Freds is at the table.(家庭;家人)2. Freds mother say”If you eat your broccoli,you can have (一个冰淇淋), (看电视)for an hour and go to bed (晚的).3. (为什么)dont you eat your carrots?4. Freds mother doesnt like (胡萝卜).5. Fred doesnt like (西兰花).6. “If you eat your (自己的)carrots and broccoli,Ill make a big (碗)of ice cream for (两个都)of you . (怎么样)that?”asks Dad.答案:1. family 2.an ice cream ,watch TV,late 3.Why 4.carrots 5. broccoli6.own ,bowl,both,How about/What about那是心与心的交汇,是相视的莞尔一笑,是一杯饮了半盏的酒,沉香在喉,甜润在心。我无所谓成功不成功,但我在乎我自己的成长;我无法掌握别人,但我可以掌握自己。我唯一能把握的,是我会一直尽力走下去,不为了别人,为了给自己一个交代。这个世界上有太多的事情是我们无法掌握的,你不知道谁明天会离开,你不知道意外和你等的人谁先到来。最可怕的是因为怕失去而放弃拥有的权利。我们都会遇到很多人,会告别很多人,会继续往前走,也许还会爱上那么几个人,弄丢那么几个人。关键在于,谁愿意为你停下脚步?对于生命中每一个这样的人,一千一万个感激。有一些人、一些事是不需要理由的:比如天空的颜色;比如连你自己都不知道为什么会喜欢上的那个人;比如昨天擦肩而过的人变成了你今天的知己。梦想这东西,最美妙的在于你可以制造它,重温它。看一本书,听一首歌,去一个地方,梦想就能重新发芽,那个在你体内扎根的与生俱来的梦想。我们唯一能把握的事情是,成为最好的自己,我们可以不成功,但是我们不能不成长,没有什么比背叛自己更可怕。你唯一能把握的,是变成最好的自己。也许你最后也没能牵到那个人的手,但是你付出了就不会有遗憾;也许最后你也只是默默无闻,但你曾经为了将来努力地奋斗了一把;也许你最后也没能环游世界,可是你在实现梦想的途中找到了自己。那是能够为了一个目标默默努力的自己,不抱怨,不浮躁,不害怕孤单,沉默却又努力的自己。说不定你想要苦苦追寻的梦想,已经握在你手中了。
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