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天津市武清区等五区县2016-2017学年高一英语上学期期中试题(扫描版)2016-2017年度高一上学期期中考试参考答案一、听力:15 BCAAC 68 ABC 911 BBC 1215 BCAB二、单选:16-20ABABB, 21-25 CDADD 26-30 CBDCA三、完型:31-35 ADDAB 36-40 BADCB 41-45 ADCCC四、阅读:4650 ACABA 51-55 A DDAC 5660 BCDBA五、单词拼写.1、enthusiastic 2、 instructions 3、concentrate 4、disadvantages 5、equipments 6、afford 7、attractive 8、relax 9、abandoned 10、professional六、阅读表达1. Because she wanted to create an interesting website for teenagers. / Because she could nt find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk. 2. Started /Founded/ Set up 3. She wrote a book called Goose head Guide to life.4. She felt happy but stressed.5. Being strong/ Having your dreams. /Working hard at your dreams /Keeping on trying /Keeping going.书面表达参考答案My New English TeacherMrs Li has left a very good first impression on me . She is a beautiful young lady, enthusiastic and full of energy. Now I know that she is a really wonderful teacher. She explains everything clearly and is very patient with us. She always encourages us and avoids making us feel embarrassed even when we make mistakes, so every student is very active in her class.So far, Mrs Li has been teaching us for only two weeks , but she has already become the most popular teacher with all of the students in our class!I am sure that we are going to learn a lot with the help of Mrs Li.听力录音稿Text 1W: Are you leaving tomorrow or Wednesday for the meeting?M: Wednesday morning. The opening ceremony starts at 10. Ill be back on Friday.Text 2M:the bus hasnt come yet, I dont know if we can get to the theater in time for the evening show. W: its not far from here anyway . Lets try to get there on foot.Text3M:Weve been lying on the beach for two hours. How do you feel?W: Im starting to relax , not nervous anymore . This is heaven . I want to stay here forever. Text 4W:Could you give me a ride to the museum ?M: I would, but I will be late for my speech on the other side of town.W: Thats OK, Thanks all the same. Text 5. W: How was the new play last night? Did I miss anything good ?M:Hardly. I kept looking at my watch the whole time. Text 6. W: Hi, Jack, would you like to go swimming with me?M: I wish I could, but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library . I have a term paper due tomorrow.W: Oh, is that for Professor Andersons class?M:Yes, I have to do an analysis of a poem we read in class.W: Thats hard. How is it going so far?M: Not very well. And I also have to study a lot for math and history . I dont know how I am going to do at all. W:You know , Jack ,I ve been doing well in math, so Id be happy to help you .M: Oh, that will be great , Jenny .W:If you like , we can start after I come back from swimming.M:OK, I will see you in front of the library. W:Good luck with the poem. Text 7W:Hi. Are you looking for a bike?M: Yeah. I thought I would get some exercise instead of taking the bus all the time. W: What would you like?M: Well, I dont want a racing or a touring bike. Mostly Ill just be using it to get me to and back from work. W: How far is that?M: About four miles.M: some, I guess, But I only have fifty dollars. Can I get anything good for that?W: Well, you re not going to get anything top-class. But we do have a few used ones in the back that are in good condition. M: That sounds great!W: Right. For the kind of riding youre to be doing, the most important thing is comfort. Follow me and Ill show you what weve got.Text 8M: Hey, everyone. May I have your attention, please? My name is David Johnson. I d like to tell you about a couple of changes for the dance party this weekend. Itll still be held at 9:30p.m on Saturday May 26 at the Youth club, but now were planning on not ending at midnight but going all night! What is special about the party is that the door money is not going to me or some club owner. All door money will be donated to help children who are ill and need some kind of operation. Thats cool, isnt it?And another important change, the party is not by invitation only, it is open to all. That means the invitation some of you have got is really just an announcement to help you remember the party and get there. So invite all your friends to come and be ready to dance, drink beer, and have some fun.14
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