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人教PEP六年级上册Unit4IhaveapenpalALet stry Let stalk 0 0 Myfriend 0 0 penpal 0 ZhangPeng 13 Shandong China singing doingkungfu readingstories hobbies 0 and WhatareZhangPeng shobbies sing dokungfu reading Helikes ing ingkungfu stories 0 Helikes WhatareZhangPeng shobbies 0 Look Ihaveanewpenpal 0 Let stry Zhang Look Ihaveanewpenpal He sfromNewZealand Oliver That sgood What shisname Zhang HisnameisPeter Helikesplayingbasketball Oliver Oh isheverytall Zhang Yes heis 0 NewZealand 0 NewZealand 0 NewZealand 0 WheredoesPeterlive DoesheliveontheSouthIsland Yes hedoes Helivesonafarm Look 0 Helikes ingonthefarm Helikesreadingstories 0 Helivesonafarm sosometimeshereadstothecows Oliver That sinteresting That sinteresting Moo Moo 0 Sosometimes B That sinteresting good 0 Peterhasmanyhobbies Whatelse Helikes Healsolikes 0 0 Zhang Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too Zhang Yes I mgoingtoteachhim Oliver Goodidea theChinesesong JasmineFlower Zhang Yes I mgoingtoteachhim theChinesesong JasmineFlower 0 Zhang Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too Zhang Yes I mgoingtoteachhim Oliver Goodidea theChinesesong JasmineFlower Zhang Yes I mgoingtoteachhim theChinesesong JasmineFlower 0 JasmineflowerisafamousChinesefolksong widelyspreadaroundtheworld 茉莉花 是一首著名的中国民歌 该歌曲在海外华人和西方音乐界中也流传甚广 JasmineFlower 0 Zhang I mgoingtoteachhim Oliver Goodidea Nicesong That sgood theChinesesong Chinesesong 0 Step1 同步跟读 不出声或轻声跟读 注意语速噢 0 Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies ZhangPeng Helikesreadingstories Oliver That sinteresting ZhangPeng HelikesdoingKungfuandswimming Oliver Really Metoo ZhangPeng Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too ZhangPeng Yes I mgoingtoteachhim Helivesonafarm sosometimeshereadstothecows Oliver Goodidea Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies theChinesesong JasmineFlower Soundlinking 连读 Stress 重音 Intonation 声调 Step2 大声跟读模仿 注意重音 连读与声调哦 0 Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies ZhangPeng Helikesreadingstories Oliver That sinteresting ZhangPeng HelikesdoingKungfuandswimming Oliver Really Metoo ZhangPeng Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too ZhangPeng Yes I mgoingtoteachhim Helivesonafarm sosometimeshereadstothecows Oliver Goodidea Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies ZhangPeng Helikesreadingstories Helivesonafarm sosometimeshereadstothecows Oliver That sinteresting ZhangPeng HelikesdoingKungfuandswimming Oliver Really Metoo ZhangPeng Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too theChinesesong JasmineFlower ZhangPeng Yes I mgoingtoteachhim theChinesesong JasmineFlower Oliver Goodidea Step2 大声跟读模仿 注意重音 连读与声调哦 0 Step3 分角色配音 注意语速哦 0 Step4 语音模仿到位 有角色感 语音语调地道优美 有适当拓展性语言和表演 配合动作表情 0 0 Jimmy 12 Canada playingfootballplayingbasketballlisteningtopopmusicreadingbooks Toronto Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Tim 12 England playingcomputergamesdrawingpicturesreadingsciencebooksmakingrobots London Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Lisa 13 USA singingdancingwatchingTVshowplayingsports NewYork Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Emily 14 Australia swimmingreadingstoriesplayingthepianodrawingcartoons Sydney Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Alice 13 Singapore playingthepianolearningChinesecookingreadingbooks Hangzhou Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Linda 13 Japan playingthepianoflyingkiteslisteningtomusicreadingbooks Tokyo Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Jacky 15 Beijing Spain doingChinesekungfuplayingbasketballwatchingactionmoviessingingsongs Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Jason 14 England singingplayingsportswatchingTVreadingbooks London Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends A Iwanttomakepenpalwitha boy girl B Findanewpenpal Chooseapenpalonthewebsite 从penpalworld网站上选择一位想交的笔友 Shareyourpenpalwithyourfriends 和你的小伙伴一起分享关于ta的信息 Workingroupof2 4 2 4人一组合作 Jimmy 12 Canada playingfootballplayingbasketballlisteningtopopmusicreadingbooks Toronto Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Tim 12 England playingcomputergamesdrawingpicturesreadingsciencebooksmakingrobots London Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Lisa 13 USA singingdancingwatchingTVshowplayingsports NewYork Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Emily 14 Australia swimmingreadingstoriesplayingthepianodrawingcartoons Sydney Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Alice 13 Singapore playingthepianolearningChinesecookingreadingbooks Hangzhou Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Jacky 15 Beijing Spain doingChinesekungfuplayingbasketballwatchingactionmoviessingingsongs Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Lookandread Afterclass Trytowriteanemailtoyournewpenpal
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