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Unit1Culturalrelics Book2 模仿朗读 Veryfewpeoplepay attentiontoChineseculture Urbanculturalheritage isthewitnessofthehistoricaldevelopmentof acity and is animportantbasisforhistoricalresearch An important aspect ofsustainabledevelopment istoprotectthehistoricalandculturalheritage Wecanprotect it asthefollowingmethods First letpeopleknowthesignificanceofculturalheritageprotection toenhancepeople sprotectionawareness Andthen somesitesshouldnotbeopentothepublic andgovernmentmustpunishthedestroyers Finally wecanlettheteachersteachstudentstheimportance ofprotectingculturalheritage FrederickWilliamI theKingofPrussia couldneverhaveimaginedthathisgreatgift1 theRussianpeoplewouldhavesuchan2 amaze history ThisgiftwastheAmberRoom 3 wasgiventhisnamebecausealmost7000tonsofamberwereused4 make it Amberhasabeautifulyellow browncolour 5 itfeelsashardasstone iteasilymeltswhen6 heat Onceitisheated theambercanbecomeanyshape Thedesignfortheroomwas7 thefancystylepopularinthosedays tomake amazing which Although in heated to 课文回顾 TheAmberRoomwasalsoatreasure8 decorate withgoldandjewelsandittookateamofthecountry sbest9 artist tenyearstomake TheAmberRoomwasconsideredoneofthewondersintheworld 10 theNaziGermanarmystoleitin1941 Afterthat whathappenedtotheAmberRoomremainsamystery decorated However artists Summary TheAmberRoom oneofthewondersoftheworld wasagiftfromFrederickWilliamItoPetertheGreat However in1941 itwasstolenbysomeoftheNazisandafterthatnooneknowswhathappenedtoit 按Esc键退出 返回目录 重点单词 2 vi 幸免 幸存 生还 n 生还者 n 幸存 生还 3 vt 使吃惊 惊讶 adj 令人吃惊的 n 吃惊 词汇过关 1 adj 贵重的 有价值的 n 价值 valuable value survive survivor survival amaze amazing amazement 4 vt 挑选 选择 n 挑选 选择 select selection 按Esc键退出 返回目录 5 n 设计 图案 构思 vt 设计 计划 构思 n 设计师 6 adj 奇特的 异样的 vt 想象 设想 爱好 7 v 装饰 装修 n 装饰 design design designer fancy fancy decorate decoration 8 vi 属于 为 的一员 9 n 怀疑 疑惑 vt 怀疑 不信 10 prep 值得的 相当于 的价值 n 价值 作用 adj 古 值钱的 belong doubt doubt worth worth worthy 1 Fortunatelyhe thetrafficaccident Thehelicopterpickedupallthe Theyprayedforthe ofthesailors survive 2 Toeveryone s theAmberRoomhadan history amaze 3 HehasstudiedChineseforfiveyearsandvisitedmanyrelicsinChina culture 4 ThereisnothatCatherineisofherfutureforshewhethershecancontinuetowork doubt survived survivors survival amazement amazing culture cultural doubt doubtful doubts 短语回顾 寻找属于3 作为报答 回报4 处于交战状态5 少于6 拆开7 看重 器重 对 评价很高 insearchofbelongtoinreturnatwarlessthantakeapartthinkhighlyof 8 处理 应付 对付9 而不是10 使某人惊讶的是11 在某人看来12 充满13 认为 是 dowith dealwithratherthantoone ssurpriseinone sopinionbefullof befilledwithconsider as tobe atwarbelongtoinreturninsearchofthinkhighlyoftakeapart 1 Theysetoutatonce thelostboy Theboy sfather themanwhosavedhissonfromthelake Thosecountrieshavebeen foralongtime Peopletheresufferedalot Iworkhard forthosewhocareforme helpmeandloveme 5 Chinaisadevelopingcountrywhich thethirdworld 6 It seasyto awatchbutdifficulttoputittogetheragain insearchof thinks thoughthighlyof atwar inreturn belongsto takeapart 1 designn 设计 图样 构思vt 设计 计划 1 They thebuildingcarefully 2 Theexperiment testthenewdrug 为做 而设计 3 Ilikethe ofthenewschool 4 Theseactivitiesare 为 设计 children 5 Idoubtwhetheritwasjustanaccidentorsomeonedidit 故意地 designedfor designed isdesignedto design bydesign 词汇拓展 2 doubtn 怀疑 疑惑vt 怀疑 不信归纳 1 doubt用作动词 后接名词 代词或宾语从句 Idon tdoubtthat 我肯定 I msure certainthat Idoubtif whether 我不确定 I mnotsure certainif whether 2 doubt用作名词常与about of等介词连用 no without beyonddoubt无疑地 必定 当然Thereisnodoubtaboutsth that 毫无疑问 Doyoudoubt shewillsucceed Idoubt hewillkeephisword Ihavenodoubt hewillwinthegame that if whether that 1 她确实是我所教过的最聪明的学生 SheiswithoutdoubttheclevereststudentI veevertaught 2 不知道那是不是她想要的 Idoubtwhether ifthatwaswhatshewanted 3 那件事情没有什么可疑之处 There snotmuchdoubtaboutit 3 inreturn for 回报 作为报答我们将怎样来报答他们所给予我们的种种帮助呢 Whatcanwedofortheminreturnforallthehelptheyhavegivenus 他帮助了我 作为报答 我给了他一些书 Hehelpedmeandinreturn Igavehimsomebooks 类似词组 inturn依次 轮流inneed在贫穷中的 缺衣少食的insecret秘密的inpeace平平安安的inparticular尤其是 特别是ingeneral大体上introuble处于不幸 麻烦中 4 removev 移动 搬开 消除 清除remove from 把 从某处移开 1 PleaseremoveyourbagfromtheseatsothatIcansitdown 请把你的包从座位上拿走那样我就可以坐下 2 那医生尽力地消除病人的恐惧 Thedoctortriedtoremovethepatient sfear 3 进屋前请脱鞋 Pleaseremoveyourshoesbeforecomingin 5 survivevt 比 活得长 经过 活 保存 下来vi 活下来 幸存 残留 survivesth 在 之后仍然生存 从 之中逃生survivesb by 比 活得长 几年 survivefromsth 从 中存活下来 流传下来 1 我们没有食物和饮料就活不了多久 Wecannotsurviveforlongwithoutfoodanddrink 2 她是这次飞机失事的唯一幸存者 Shewastheonlyonetosurvivetheaircrash 3 我祖父去世以后 我祖母又活了十年 Mygrandmasurvivedmygrandpabytenyears 按Esc键退出 返回目录 6 insearchof寻找 寻求用法拓展 searchsb 搜某人的身searchsp forsb sth 为找到某人 某物而搜查某处searchsb sth out找出某人 某物 Scientistsareinsearchofacureforaids 科学家在寻找治疗艾滋病的办法 警察为找到那个罪犯搜查了城里的每一个角落 Thepolicesearchedeverycornerofthecityforthecriminal 按Esc键退出 返回目录 7 thinkhighlyof高度评价 看重 器重用法拓展 thinkwell muchof 对 评价高thinkill poorly badly littleof对 评价不高thinknothingof不把 当回事 专家对他的研究发现评价很高 Theexpertsthoughthighlyofhisresearchfindings 他们的表演受到了观众的高度赞扬 Theirperformancewashighlyspokenofbytheaudience speakhighlyof高度赞扬speakwell illof说 的好话 坏话 句型积累 1 Thereisnodou
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