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Module7 Computers一、单项选择 1. your father go to work?A. What doB. What doesC. How doD. How does 2.- ?- At a hotel.A. When does Scott workB. When Scott worksC. Where does Scott workD. Where does Scott works 3.How your sister a milk smoothie?A. do; makeB. does; makeC. does; makesD. do; makes 4.- How many brown boxes ?- Two.A. do you haveB. is thereC. are you haveD. does you have 5.- What time does Lisa after school?- At six oclock.A. do her homeworkB. does her homeworkC. do her homeworksD. does her homeworks 6.When your mother up?A. do; getB. do; getsC. does; getD. does; gets 7. your mother like the watch?A. What doB. What doesC. How doD. How does 8.What the girl in her box?A. do; hasB. does; haveC. do; haveD. does; has 9.My friend Lily likes to her food me.A. share; withB. share; toC. have; toD. have; for10.- How can I get more information about the new invention?- You can the website for it.A. landB. stepC. makeD. visit11.What does he in the letter?A. saysB. sayC. speakD. tell12.- Where does she ?- She lives in Sydney.A. livesB. livingC. liveD. is living13.- How does Jane the river?- By boat.A. crossB. crossesC. acrossD. go cross14.- How many pens Mary ?- Five.A. does; haveB. do; haveC. does; hasD. do; has15.What time the shop close on Sunday?A. doB. doesC. isD. are二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. Many teenagers would like to s their photos or articles with others on the Internet.17. We can get more i on the Internet.18. Everyone will s their homework to the teacher by email.19. Dont forget to c (检查) your test papers before you hand them in.20. You must l by heart what the teacher says. It is good for you.21. Many parents are s money for their children to go to college.22. My dream is to t around the world.23. It is usually very hot in June, but s it can be cool.24. Tom didnt v his grandpa last weekend; he went to summer c with his classmates.25. First, you should connect the s to the computer.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)26. Since youve finished your work, why not consider (参观) the park with your friends?27. Nowadays people usually (发送) emails to their families or friends instead of letters.28. Can I (分享,共用) the room with you?29. Please fill in the blanks and then c (核对) the answers.30. What would you like to do on your (假期)?31. Please tell me how to (联系) you?32. I often go to school by bike, but (有时) I walk to school.33. We often get (信息) by reading newspapers, magazines and all kinds of books.34. Lucy, you cant (点击) here.35. Dont put your (衣服) here. Put them away.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)36. 她正在寻找与这双鞋子同类的鞋子。She the same kind of shoes as these.37. 打开电视好吗?我想知道明天的天气预报。(词数不限)Would you please the TV? I want to know the for tomorrow.38. 我经常与朋友分享快乐与痛苦。I often my happiness and unhappiness my friends.39. It is free now; please (打开) the television.40. 你可以上网搜索信息。 (词数不限)You can to the information.五、完形填空 Hi, Im Cindy. I have 41 good friends. Theyre Mary, John and Jack. I love them. Mary likes reading very much. You can see 42 everywhere in her room. And she likes to tell stories (讲故事) to us. John likes 43 . He has two baseballs, five 44 and three basketballs. He 45 sports with me every day. Thats 46 . Jack likes sports, too, 47 he doesnt play them. He only watches them 48 TV. I think watching TV is boring. I 49 a computer. My friends and I like to play computer games, but 50 can only play them on weekends(周末).41.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five42.A. booksB. keysC. jacketsD. pictures43.A. computersB. dogsC. bagsD. sports44.A. rulersB. orangesC. volleyballsD. desks45.A. playsB. asksC. seesD. calls46.A. lateB. difficultC. interestingD. tidy47.A. andB. butC. nowD. only48.A. inB. forC. withD. on49.A. findB. likeC. haveD. get50.A. theyB. weC. youD. I六、阅读理解A There is a library in Johns school. Its new and big. Its behind the classroom
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