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It is/was + 形容词 + thatshould结构1. Thatshould结构可以用于it is/was advisable, better, desirable, essential, imperative, important, natural, necessary之后; 也可用于fair(=just), just, right之后(这几个词前面常加only)以及reasonable之后,以代替for+不定式结构: It is advisable that everyone should have a map. 最好每一个人都有一张地图。玫瑰 It is better for him to hear it from you. 让他从你那儿得知消息(对他)更好些。 It is better that he should hear it from you. 最好让他从你那儿得知这个消息。 It is essential for him to be prepared for this. 有必要让他对此有所准备。 It is essential that he should be prepared for this. 有必要让他对此有所准备。 It is only right that she should have a share. 应该有她一份才对。2. Thatshould结构可以用在it is/was absurd, amazing, annoying, ludicrous, odd, ridiculous, strange, surprising之类的形容词后面,以代替that+现在时态/过去时态结构:论文检测 It is ridiculous that we should be (=that we are) short of water in a country where it is always raining. 在经常下雨的国家里我们竟然会缺水,这简直是荒谬。说过去的事情时有时用不定式的完成式: It is amazing that she should have said (=that she said) nothing about the murder. 令人惊奇的是她对这桩凶杀案竟然不置一词。
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