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学号: 姓名: 装订线安徽省舒城晓天中学2016-2017学年七年级英语上学期第一次月考试题一根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词(10分)1.This is (一张) map . 2.It is a (尺子).3.W (什么) is that ? 4.It is (一本)English book .5.How (是) you ? 6.Good (上午),Frank !7.The pen is (黑色的). 8.Its a (夹克衫) .9.What (颜色)is it ? 10. (那)is a key .二单项选择(30分)( )1.按字母表顺序排列的一组字母是。APmrB .mkj C .npq D .oli( )2.美国篮球协会的英文缩写是。A .BBC B .NBA C .HB D .CD( )3.与字母M含有相同的元音音素的一组字母是。A .NL B .JP C .IO D .IN( ) 4.-Whats this in English ? - a pen .A .I am B .This is C .That is D .It is( )5.-How are ?-am fine,thanks .A .you ;You B.I ; I C .you ; I D .I ;You( ) 6.与字母L含有相同音素的一组字母是。A .RM B . JP C .IO D .MN()7.-Whats that ? -.A .Its key . B. It a key .C.Its a key . D.Is a key .( )8 . This is orange .A .a B .an C.in D .of( )9 .Whats this English ?A .on B . of C. in D . at( )10 .The ruler white .A . am B . is C .are D . be( )11 .This is cup . cup is yellow .A .a ; A B .an ; An C .a ; The D.an ;The( )12 . 下面两个字母中含有相同音素的是。A . SY B .UW C. WV D .YZ( ) 13 .下面单词中含有与字母i相同读音的单词是。A . fine B .quilt C .this D. jacket ( )14 .下面每组大写字母所对应的小写字母在四线格中占格相同的一组是A . WY B .XU C . TV D .YZ( )15 .下面字母用来表示服装尺码小的是。A . M B . Y C . L D . S( )16 .下面字母组合表示中国中央电视台的是。A .CCTV B . UFO C . BBC D . KFC( )17 .That is pen .A .white B . a black C .an red D . a green color( )18 .不明飞行物的英文缩写是。A . HB B .UFO C .NBA D .CCTV( )19 . 下面字母中既是英文字母,又是英文单词的是。A . Aa B . Cc C .Dd D . Ee( )20 .- is your pencil ? -Its blue and white .A .How B . What color C . What D . Whats color( )21. I have(有) a friend. _ is Gina Green.A.He B. Her C. His D. She( )22.- Good morning, Tony. _. - -Nice to meet you, too.A.How are you? B. Whats your name?C.Nice to meet you. D. Good afternoon.( )23. -Is he Mike? - _ .He is Jack.A.Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isnt.( )24. -_ the girls name? - Her name is Aice.A.What B. Whats C. How D. Hows( )25. My name _ Jack. Liu Ying and Sun Mei _ my friends.A.is, are B. is, is C. are, is D. is, am( )26. -Whats _ name? - _ is Eric.A.his, He B. his, His C. he, His D. he, He( )27. - Whats her telephone number ? - _ is 363-4458.A.ItB.This C. That D. Her( )28. - Whats your _ ? - Its seven one two, nine one eight.A.number B. name C. address D. color( )29. My name is Jack Smith. Jack is my _ name and Smith is my_name.A.last, family B. first, family C.last, first D.family, first( )30. - Spell your name, Helen. - _ .A.My name is Helen B. I am HelenC.H-E-L-E-N D. It is not my name三.用 am , is , are 填空(10分)1 . His cup orange .2 . What color they ?3 .-How she ? -She OK .4 . I a student .5 . It a pen .6 .This a key and that a pencil .7 .-What this ? -It a map .四 . 从栏中找出栏的答语(5分) ( ) 1. Whats this in English ? A .Hello !( )2. How are you ? B . Im fine ,thanks .( ) 3.Good morning ! C .PE-N .( ) 4.Hello ! D. Its a quilt .( ) 5. Spell it , please . E .Good morning !五 . 连词成句(注意大小写及标点符号)(10分)1.in, this, English, whats ( ? ) 2.my, it, key, is ( . )3.your, is, this, pen ( ? ) 4.Brown, his, is, name, Tom ( . )5.China, friend, is, my, in ( . )六句型转换(15分)1.Her name is Gina. (对划线部分提问) _ _ name ?2.Im Bob. (改为同义句) _ _ is Bob.3.He is Mr. Zhang. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ _ Mr. Zhang ?No, _ _.4.She is Amy . (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ Amy ? Yes, _ _.5.He is an English teacher (.改为否定句)He _ an English teacher.6. Im fine. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you?七把下列句子译成英语(10分)1.他叫迈克。2.这是一支钢笔。3.那不是一床被子。4.你是戴尔吗? 5.我的电话号码是834-7568.八完形填空(10分)Hello, boys and girls. 1 name is Li Mei. Im from (来自 ) 2and I am a Chinese girl. I am 3 Zhongshan Middle School. I like ( 喜欢) 4 .Because English is easy (容易的 ). Lucy is my good friend. She is 5 English girl. She is 12.Look at (看 ) this 6 . They are my 7 .My father is 40. 8 is a doctor(医生 ). My mother is a 9 . She works (工作 ) in my school. She is 35. Li Jia is my 10 . Hes five. Hes in a kindergarten (幼儿园 ). I have ( 有)
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