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Unit 6 How many?A. Lets learn一 教学目标1. 知识目标 词汇:能够听、说、认读单词eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen 句型:能听懂、会说句型 How many do you see? I see 2. 能力目标 能够运用1-15 的数字单词进行算数、数数、报数等; 能够在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用句型 How many do you see? I see 询问看到物品的数量并回答。3. 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标 能够激发学生对用英语表达数字的兴趣; 能够在教师的启发下,知道英文数字13至15的构词规律。二、教学重难点重点掌握“三会”单词 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen难点单词 twelve, thirteen, fifteen的准确发音三、教学准备 多媒体课件,录音机,磁带,单词卡片,数字卡片,椅子贴图等。四、教学过程Step1. Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Xie.T: Nice to see you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thank you.T: Good. Sit down, please.Step 2. Lead-in T: Ok, today we will continue to learn unit6 how many? First, let me invite you to the numbers kingdom. Welcome to the numbers kingdom. Boys and girls are you ready? Ss: Ready, go! Step 3. Warm-up (PPT呈现芝麻开门图片)T: Now, you need read these words, then you can get into the door. Can you read this?Ss: Two- one- eight T: Wow, so great. Now you can enter into the numbers kingdom, welcome! In numbers kingdom, you need know how to count. So lets count, ok?Ss: Ok. T: First, please count my fingers, and tell me “ how many fingers do you see?”. And use “ I see ” to answer.( 教师出示手指来表示数字)Ss: I see T: Hey, hey, great!Step 4. Presentation 1. 教学单词eleven (PPT呈现10个梨的图片)T:How many pears do you see?Ss: I see ten.(PPT 再出示1个梨的图片)T: Now, tell me how many pears do you see?Ss: I see eleven. 教师手拿单词卡片进行带读,分音节读,升降调读,小组读,抽读。 师生问答“ how many caps do you see? I see eleven.” 提炼出句型后,小组互问操练。2. 教学单词 twelve (PPT呈现12根香蕉的图片)T:How many bananas do you see?Ss: I see twelve. 教师手拿单词卡片进行带读,分音节读,升降调读,大小声读,抽读。 师生问答“ how many cars do you see? I see twelve.” 小组互问操练。4. 小游戏:Lets count 让我们来算一算数字国王想要考考你们,请你们来算数,不仅要会算还要会读哦。例如4+8=11 读作 “four and eight is eleven.” 示范后点学生来计算来读。留下7+6= ?这一疑问引出单词thirteen.5. 教学单词 thirteen seven and six is thirteen. 教师手拿单词卡片进行带读,分音节读,升降调读,高低音读,抽读。 师生问答“ how many boats do you see? I see thirteen.” 小组互问操练。6. 教学单词 fourteen Four and ten is fourteen. 教师手拿单词卡片进行带读,分音节读,升降调读,男女生读,抽读。 师生问答“ how many oranges do you see? I see fourteen.” 小组互问操练。7. 7. 教学单词 fifteen six and nine is fifteen. 教师手拿单词卡片进行带读,分音节读,升降调读,点读机读,抽读。 师生问答“ how many pigs do you see? I see fifteen.” 小组互问操练。8. 火眼金睛: 找出 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen 的共同之处。9. 数数:从1数到15,再 从15数到1.10. Bomb game 观察thirteen 和three, fourteen 和 four, 以及fifteen和five 后带读这三个单词,再带读所有单词,再开始bomb game.11. 开书跟读磁带1遍,教师带1遍,学生自读1遍。Step5. Consolidation1. 对号入座T: Welcome to the happy theatre. Please sit on the right seats.First, lets read the number card. Ss: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteenT: Can you read them reverse?Ss: fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven.(教师将数字卡打乱,再请学生读)T: Wow, so clever. Now lets put the numbers on the chairs. Can you put the word card into the right place?Ok, lets read one times. The one who can read the numbers can come here put the cards. Who can try?Ss: .2. Lets chant第一遍边打节奏边听,第二遍教师带读,第三遍跟录音读。3. Pair work根据表格完成对话,句型如下:A: How many _ do you see?B: I see _. Step 6 Summary1. 总结本节课的重点内容,词汇与句型。2. 布置家庭作业: Read after the tape for 3 times. (跟读课文录音3遍) Copy the 5 words , 6 times each word.(抄写5个新单词,每个6遍,一行写3个。) 天竺山小学 谢 欢
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