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2012春四年级期末考试听力材料一、选出你所听到单词或短语。1. concert 2. cold3.star 4.machine 5.China 6.east 7. report 8. Mothers Day 9. 500 10.4200二、听音,把正确的单词下划上横线.1. Yesterday, we (went ) to a concert.2. Amy ( is painting) a picture.3. I ( was) very nervous.4. Washington, D.C. is in the ( east) of America.5.-Where is your school? -Its to the ( north/ south) of the park.6. I (played) the piano in the concert.三、选择与听力内容相符合的图片,按顺序标号。1. Lets watch TV.2. Lets fly our kite.3. Lets go swimming.4. Lets listen to music.5. Lets play football.6. Lets play basketball.四、选择与听力内容相符合的图片,按顺序标号。1. Dont feed the panda.2. Wear the glasses.3. Dont touch the machine. 4. Dont talk here.5. Wash your hands. 6. Stop.五、选择在正确图片下划勾。1. This flower is big and beautiful.2. This bear is mall and thin.3. This water is hot.4. This boy is tall and thin.5. This is a wolf.6. I am from China.7. Kangaroos live in Australia.8. She is playing the flute.9. This boy is playing the piano.10. The sun is very hot.PS:听力材料请念三遍,每题先念两遍,最后连在一起念一遍,要求学生认真检查。版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!1,侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1,版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1
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