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状语从句中的省略 Ellipsis 1 Theresearchissodesignedthatonce nothingcanbedonetochangeit A beginsB havingbegunC beginningD begun2 Theeighteen storiedbuilding when willshutoutthesunlightinguptheroomsinmyhouse A completedB tobecompletedC completingD havecompleted 3 IfyougotoBritain you llfindthestreetstherelessbeautifulthancommonly A SupposingB supposedC tosupposeD suppose4 I msureallwillgowellas A beingplannedB plannedC havingplannedD planning 1 Don tspeakuntilyouarespokento 2 I llbuyaTVsetifitisnecessary 3 Shestoodatthegateasifshewaswaitingforsomeone 4 Hewasaswimmerwhenhewasachild 5 Thoughitiscold heworeashirt 6 WhileIwaswalkingaloneinthestreet mynamewascalled 什么时候可以省略 怎么省略 spokento necessary waitingforsomeone achild 7 WhileIwaswalkingwalkingaloneinthestreet Iheardmynamecalled Thoughcold hewereashirt Whilewalkingaloneinthestreet mynamewascalled walkingalonethestreet 什么时候可以省略 怎么省略 在含有状语从句的复合句中若从句的主句是it或与主句的主语相同 且在谓语中含有be时 常省略从句的主语和be 1 在北京的时候 IpaidavisittotheSummerPalace 2 当是个年轻人的时候 AbrahamLincolnwasastorekeeperandapostmaster 3 Hehasnomoney 要是有的话 hewillgiveus 4 除非修理 themachineisofnouse 5 要是给更多的关注 Theboycouldhaveturnedoutbetter 6 Agirlstoodatthegateoftheschoolasif 跟老师讲话 When WhileinBeijing When Asayoungman Ifany Unlessrepaired Ifgivenmoreattentionto talkingwithateacher 一 在含有状语从句的复合句中1 when while as once whenever引导的时间状语从句 2 if unless引导的条件状语从句 3 though although evenif eventhough引导的让步状语从句 4 asthough asif as引导的方式状语从句 5 wherever引导的地点状语从句 若从句的主句是it或与主句的主语相同 且在谓语中含有be时 常省略从句的主语和be 再强调 1 Themanwefollowedsuddenlystoppedandlookedasif whetherhewasgoingintherightdirection NMET2003安徽春 A seeingB havingseenC tohaveseenD tosee asifhewasgoingtoseewhether Heshookhisheadasif hewasgoing tosay Don ttrusther 省略在Asif引导的方式状语从句中应用的较多 1 Tomraisedhishandasif hewasgoing tosaysomething 2 Heactedasif hewas afool 3 Shelefttheroomhurriedlyasif shewas angry 4 Hestaredatthegirlasif hewas seeingherforthefirsttime 5 Theplayerisrollingonthegroundasif hewas hurtbadly 6 Heopenedthedrawerasif hewas insearchofsomethingimportant asif用于省略句中 如果asif引导的从句是 主语 系动词 结构 可省略主语和系动词 这样asif后就只剩下不定式 名词 形容词 短语 介词短语或分词 好象要说什么 好象他是个傻瓜 好象生气了 好象是第一次看到她 好象严重受伤了 好象在寻找重要的东西 高考链接 1 Whenfirst tothemarket theseproductsenjoyedgreatsuccess NMET2004全国卷II A introducingB introducedC introduceD beingintroduced2 Itshamesmetosayit butItoldaliewhen atthemeetingbymyboss NMET2004全国卷IV A questioningB havingquestionedC questionedD tobequestioned 3 Themanwefollowedsuddenlystoppedandlookedasif whetherhewasgoingintherightdirection NMET2003安徽春 A seeingB havingseenC tohaveseenD tosee4 Generallyspeaking accordingtothedirections thedrughasnosideeffect NMET2003上海卷 A whentakingB whentakenC whentotakeD whentobetaken 5 Unless tospeak youshouldremainsilentattheconference NMET2003上海春 A invitedB invitingC beinginvitedD havinginvited6 When themuseumwillbeopentothepublicnextyear NMET2002上海春 A completedB completingC beingcompletedD tobecompleted 7 Though money hisparentsmanagedtosendhimtouniversity NMET2002上海卷 A lackedB lackingofC lackingD lackedin8 toldtostop theexcitedchildrenkeptontalkinginclass soIgotangry A asB whenC whileD though 1 Youshouldhavethankedherbeforeyouleft Imeant butwhenIwasleavingIcouldn tfindheranywhere A todoB toC doingD doingit 2 Theboywantedtoridehisbicycleinthestreet buthismothertoldhim A nottoB nottodoC notdoitD donotto 3 I llbeawayonabusinesstrip Wouldyoumindlookingaftermycat Notatall A I venotimeB I drathernotC I dlikeitD I dbehappyto B A D 链接其他省略 动词不定式的省略 在同一句或联系紧密的对话里 常把不定式to后内容相同的部分省略 只保留to 1 Areyouasailor No butI A amnotB usedtoC usedtobeD usedtobeing2 Whydidn tyoutakepartinmybirthdaypartyyesterday I butIhadanunexpectedguest A wouldliketoB wouldliketohaveC shouldD wouldn tliketo 如果不定式中含有be have havebeen通常保留be have和havebeen 1 Doyouthinkit sgoingtorainovertheweekend A Idon tbelieveB Idon tbelieveitC IbelievenotsoD Ibelievenot2 Theboysarenotdoingagoodjobatall arethey 03北京春招 A IguessnotsoB Ididn tguessC Idon tguesssoD Iguessnot 在I mafraid Ithink Ibelieve Ihope Iguess等开头的作答句中 后面跟so与not分别用于肯定或否定宾语是 宾语从句可省去 主 谓 宾等成分的省略 在英语情景会话中 答语常常省略不会引起歧义的主语 谓语或宾语部分 而只保留对方希望了解的内容 在复合句或并列句中 也有省略主 谓 宾的情况 1 WhatdoyouthinkmadeMarysoupset hernewbicycle A AsshelostB LostC LosingD Becauseoflosing2 Oneofthesidesoftheboardshouldbepaintedyellow and A theotheriswhiteB anotherwhiteC theotherwhiteD anotheriswhite3 Wouldyoulikesomewine Yes just A littleB verylittleC alittleD afew C C C When help oneoftensays thankyou or Itiskindofyou offeringB toofferC TobeofferedD offered Translation 1 他曾经是个老师 他现在在一个政府办公室工作 2 这次展览比预料的有趣 3 她张开嘴好象要大哭起来 4 除非邀请 否则我不会去参加这次晚会 5 明天早点起来 要是不起来的话 你就赶不上第一班车了 6 当我在做作业时 我听到有人喊救命 7 他篮球打得即使没你好 也起码一样好 1 Onceateacher henowworksinagovernmentoffice 2 Theexhibitionismoreinterestingthanexpected 3 Sheopenedhermouthasiftoburstintotears 4 Unlessinvited Iwon ttakepartintheparty 5 Getupearly Ifnot youwillmissthefirstbus 6 Whiledoingmyhomework Iheardsomeonecryingforhelp 7 Heplaysbasketball ifnotbetterthan aswellasyou
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