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市2016届高三元月调考英语试题听力录音原文及答案简析命 题:余吉华等审 题:卫民 文军 崇君 周吉香 听力部分材料 (Text 1)M: Let me see your ticket. Umm This ticket is for Oxford.W: Yes, thats right.M: But this train doesnt go to Oxford. It goes to Liverpool.W: Oh no! Then Ill have to get off and change at London.(Text 2)W: Hi, Luke. Pad and I are going to watch the tennis game this evening. Do you want to come?M: Great! I know Thomas really enjoys watching tennis. Can he join us? W: Well, Im afraid I dont have an extra ticket for him.(Text 3)M: Mum, have you seen my school bag?W: Its hanging up here, with the coats. I moved it because it was on the kitchen table. Tom, remember to leave it in the living room when you come home from school. Then it wont be in my way.(Text 4)M: I havent seen Linda Rivera for a long time. Has she been away on a holiday?W: Oh, you havent heard. She set up her own travel agency.(Text 5)W: I cant believe how hot it is here today.M: If you think this is bad, you should have been here last week.(Text 6)W: Have you chosen the music for the party yet?M: I was going to just let people bring their own.W: Oh, I dont think you should do that. One person needs to be in charge otherwise people will start disagreeing. Sonias really good at music. You could ask her.M: OK, have you got her number?W: Yeah, its on my mobile. Ill text it to you.(Text 7) M: Tracey, I want some new shoes for the party tonight. Shall we go and buy some later?W: OK, but I promised to help my granddad wash his car today.M: Why dont you do that immediately? Well go as soon as youre finished.W: OK. And I suppose I can do my homework when we get back. Im surely doing that before we go to the party I dont want to do it tomorrow!M: Yeah, I dont like doing it till the last day of the weekend, either. So I finished all my homework after school yesterday.(Text 8)M: That was a cool exhibition.W: I knew youd like it! I believe itll help us with our school cloth project. Ive got lots of ideas now.M: I was really interested in the designer wear section. Its totally special.W: Yes, itd be great to wear something so special. But what impressed me most was the part that showed you how to recycle clothes.M: Yeah, but I cant see myself wearing any of my dads old things just now! I didnt expect the show to be so interesting.W: I enjoyed seeing the live models, though Im not sure whether it lived up to my expectations.(Text 9)M: Veronique, when you are not studying, what do you like to do?W: I like listening to music by French singers. Go into any French music store, and youll find the top 10 albums by US, German and English artists. Its good to have variety, but I love French music.M: Do French teens like fast food, you know, hamburgers, chips, and things like those?W: Well, we dont really like that. We usually have quick breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and a family dinner at around 8 to 8:30 in the evening. The younger teenagers like to eat hamburgers at McDonalds.M: Paris is well known for popular clothes, so Im sure it offers French teens the most up-to-date clothes to choose from.W: Exactly. I like to wear clothes by Agnes B, a popular French designer. I think Agnes B clothes are kind of classic, but they can also be very lovely. One of my favorites is a silver jacket because it came from one of the shows and most importantly there is no other like it.(Text 10) W: Welcome everybody to this Cititours bus. I hope youre having a good time here in the West of England. Our tours usually last about one hour.The bus is now turning into Queens Road. From this road we can see a very modern building. This is the towns new sports stadium. All the big matches happen there but at the moment, an international company is using it for a conference.Now look to your left. Were now passing the City Theatre. This building is one hundred years old. Its very pretty, as you see, but it doesnt have enough seats for big shows. Weve got a new entertainment centre in Victoria Park. We dont pass it on the bus, but you may be interested to know its got a cinema and a concert hall. Most people prefer it because its got air-conditioning. Now, on your right, is the High Street. This Cititours bus normally goes along the High Street into the Market Place. But at the moment some musicians are practicing for an outdoor concert there. Were driving round a different route because the roads into the Market Place are closed. The market was an important local trade centre until about 1970. Farmers bought and sold their cows and sheep there. However, we dont see animals in the city centre these days. The market areas got some good shops. Why dont you have a walk round there later on?试题答案第一部分 听力:(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5 ABABC6-10. A BABB 11-15. A BCCB 16-20. CCAAC第二部分 阅读理解(共
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