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罗源第一中学2019高考综合重点试题-英语(1)第卷第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21. Without _thorough understanding of Chinas specific conditions, you cant have _ say over the only-child policy.A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the( )22. The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding.Who do you think can do the job?_ my students have a try?A. Shall B. Must C. Will D. May( )23. This pair of shoes doesnt look good, but that pair is _ better, I think.A. rather B. less C. even D. hardly( )24. It is said that Jack is very rich and goes to work in his own new car every day. What is he?_, I am not sure.A. Somebody of a manager B. Something of a managerC. Anyone of a manager D. Anything of a manager( )25. I think he dislikes going abroad to study, _?A. dont I B. doesnt he C. does heD. do I( )26. _ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of publicvehicles remains a serious problem.A. That B. What C. In spite of what D. Though what( )27I say, Harry. What did you say to the laid-off worker just now?Nothing. I to myself.Ahad only talked Bam only talkingChave just talked Dwas just talking( )28. The number 911 is a special number, , I think, that will be remembered bythe Americans for ever.A. what B. it C. which D. one( )29. I simply dont know what would have happened to you _ on you.A. if we didnt keep eyes B. had we not kept an eyeC. should we not keep an eye out D. might we not have kept( )30. _, the fat lady could not walk through.A. Being such a narrow door B. The door being such a narrow oneC. Because it was so narrow door D. The door been so narrow( )31.Sorry , Im late.Thats OK. You re here and thats what_ .A. does B. works C. stays D. counts( )32. When _ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the similarities .A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared( )33. She complained to us that nothing _ the way she had expected.A. came out B. brought up C. picked out D. made out of( )34. How long did you do your homework? _.A. Before it struck 10 B. Since supper timeC. So long as I stayed up D. Until 10 oclock( )35. Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water. _.A. Heard it B. Made it C. Got it D. Taken it第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。What might seem fun to most 9-year-old girls doesnt hold much interest for 9-year-old Carolyn White from Dallas, Texas. She thinks Barbie dolls and 36 to the mall are boring. She prefers spending Saturdays 37 with her father. Its wonderful. You feel like you can do anything 38 its really cool.This 39 Saturday, Carolyn killed her first deer, as part of an all-girls hunting trip at Wildcat Mountain Ranch in Robert Lee, Texas. It is one of 40 supervised all-girls hunting trips that state wildlife officials are 41 around the country in an effort to 42 girls to try to help keep hunters from becoming 43 endangered species. According to a survey by the U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, there has been an 11 percent 44 in the number of hunters nationwide from 1991 to 2006.Girls and women has been an untapped 45 for us, says Greg Simons, director of the Texas Wildlife Association. And thats one of the reasons we now have some 46 programs that are designed to facilitate and cultivate 47 interest.Like pink camouflage clothing and fashion lines with names like Foxy Huntress. They even sell pink rifles at places 48 the Academy Sporting Store.The efforts are 49 . They estimate that within the last 5 or 6 years weve realized an approximate 75 percent 50 in hunting from girls and women, says Simons. I think were making some 51 there. Simons argues states need money from hunting licenses to 52 wildlife protection. If we do not do a good job of 53 our hunting heritage we will see a loss of wildlife habitat at a rate thats unprecedented. We cant afford to go there.Simons says girls often 54 the sport more quickly than boys.They dont put as much pressure on themselves which allows them to focus and concentrate better says Simons.Hunting opponents say this sends the wrong message. We want to see children 55 animals, says Heidi Prescott of the Humane Society. We want to see them love animals and not go out in the woods and kill animal
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