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英语定语从句中的缩略用法 Abstract This paper discusses the ways of reducing English attributive clauses to carious phrases such as participle phrases, adjective phrases, noun phrases, prepositional phrases and infinitive phrases. Understanding this kind of reduction helps the English learners to verify their writing styles and t improve their reading ability. 有些定语从句可以缩略为各种短语,如分词短语、形容词短语、名词短语、介词短语及动词不定式短语等,且句意不受影响。我们称这一语现象为定语从句的缩略。 研究定语从句的缩略有两点益处:一是丰富写作风格、提高语言表达能力,因为它能使我们学会用不同的方法来表达同一意念;二是提高阅读速度和阅读理解能力,因为在阅读中经常会遇到相当于定语从句的各种短语。 1、 缩略为分词短语 有些定语从句可直接略去作主语的关系代词(who, which, that)和部分谓语(am, is, are were等,从而使之缩略为现在分词短语或过去分词短语作后置定语。例如: 1) I know the men(who are )sitting in that car.(IME)我认识坐在那辆汽车里的那些人。 2) The boys helped the people (that were )hurt in the accident. ( ib ) . 那些男孩子救助了事故中受伤的人们。 3) The problem (which is) bothering everybody is the lack of money. (ib)令大家麻烦的问题是缺少资金。 4) The book (that has been given to him is an English novel.(NEC)给他的那本书是一部英语小说。 有些定语从句不能按上述方法直接缩略,而需变动词为分词。这类定语从句一般缩略为现在分词短语,且在缩略时要考虑现在分词的时态和词态特征。例如: 5) The man who owns that car will be fined for illegal parkingThe man owning that car will be fined for illegal parking .(UGE)那辆汽车的主人将因违章停车而被处以罚款。 6) Bill, who had taken chemistry in high school ,offered to help him . Bill, having taken chemistry in high school , offered to help him.(NEC)彼尔在中学学过化学,他主动提出帮助他。 7) Now, however, the furniture which they are carrying down to the truck feels very heavy. Now, however, the furniture being carried down to the truck feels very heavy.(ib). 然而,此时此刻,正在向卡车处搬运的家具令人觉得十分重。 2、缩略为形容词短 若定词从句为主体表结构,且表词由形容短词充当,可直接略去作主词的关系代词和连系动词,从而使定词从句缩略为形容词短词作后置定词。 例如: 1)he men (who were ) responsible for the administration of the school refused to consider the matter.(UGE)该校行政工作负责人拒绝考虑此事。 2)We said goodby to Mrs. Long,(who was)still busy at her chores.(IME).我们别了仍在忙于家务的郎太太。 3)The puppy,(which was)too excited to be calmed ,barked furiously.(ib.)那条小狗激动不已,难以平静,狂叫个不停。 3.缩略为名词短语 由名词短语作表语的非限制性定语从句略去作主语的关系代词和连系动词便成为名词短语作同位语。例如: 1)The company commander,(who was) Captain Madison, assembled his men and announced their mission.(UGE)连长,墨迪逊上尉,把战士们集合起来宣布他们的战斗任务。 2)You should have a talk with Mr. Worth ,(who is )the adviser to students.(IME)你应该和沃斯先生学生顾问谈一谈。 We finally reached Rio,(which was)the end or our journey.(ib.)我们最后抵达里约我们旅行的目的地。 缩略为介词短语 若定语从句为主系表句型,且表语为介语短语,可略去主语关系代词和连系动词,使之缩略为介词短语作后置定语。例如: He spoke to the girl (who was)from New York,(UGE)他与来自纽约的那个女孩谈了话。 此外,若定语从句中含“有”动词(has, have, had),我们可以用介词with / without 取替定语从句中主语关系代词和“有”动词,使定语从句缩略为介词 with / without 短语作后置定语。With 适用于肯定的定语从句;without 适用于否定的定语从句。例如: 1) The company wants men who have experience. The company wants men with experience.(IME) 这家公司片聘有经验的职员。 2) My father went up to the woman who bad a book under her arm. My father went up to the women with a book under her arm.(ib).我父亲朝臂下夹着一本书的妇女走去。 3)The teacher was looking for a rule that did not have an exception . The teacher was looking for a rule without an exception.(ib).老师在寻找一条无例外的规则。 5、缩略为动词不定式短词 某些含情态动词或助动词的定词从句可缩略为动词不定式短语,不定式短语作后置定词。例如: 1)You need someone who can look after you. You need someone to look after you .(NEC)你需要有人照料。 2)The way you should start the machine is to press the buttonThe way to start the machine is to press the button.(ib) 开动机器的方法是指按这个按钮。 3)There are still many obstacles that must be overcome. There are still many obstacles to (be) overcome.(ib) 还不许多障碍需要克服。 4)The question which will be discussed tomorrow is whether income tax should be increased. The question to be discussed tomorrow is whether income tax should be increased.(ib) 明天要讨论的问题是所得税是否应该提高。 5)There are plenty of toys with which the children can playThere are plenty of toys forth children to play with.(ib) 有很多玩具可供这些孩子玩儿。
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