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SEFCI Unit 18 New Zealand 本文将从教材分析和教材处理、教学方法、教学程序等几个方面对高中英语新教材高一(下)第十八单元New Zealand 的intergrative skills进行说明。一 教材分析和处理1教材内容分析本单元的中心话题New Zealand (新西兰)学习新西兰人文地理状况的相关主题,增强对不同地域及文化的差异的敏感性。说课的内容是Integrating skills,分为读、写两部分。学生通过阅读另一篇有关新西兰人文生活的资料,要求通读全文找出段落大意即文章框架。旨在让学生根据此框架进行写作,即所居住地或省的描述文章。该操练旨在提高学生写作结构多样,信息内容密集的介绍地点的文章的水平。但是从整个单元备课的角度来看,这堂课是整个单元的较重要的输出部分,而教材的写作处理内容不足以体现单元备课的思路。我因此对写作内容稍微做些改编。基于以上的分析,这堂读写课应该侧重于写,读是为写做好服务的。2教学重点和难点恰当写作描述国家或地区的介绍性文章3教学目标:根据新课程标准关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,分语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面制定相应教学目标。总目标:写:能分层次、分段落地描写一篇国家或地区的介绍性文章。1 语言知识make up, be marked with, turn to doing, be shipped to, be of high quality2 语言技能:能理解课文,并能运用到写作中。3 学习策略:学生能在一定程度上培养对比思维、互相评价的能力。4 情感态度:(1) 在有趣的话题激励下,诱导学生积极参与,充分调动他们学习的兴趣。(2) 学习新西兰人文地理状况,拓宽学生的文化视野; (3) 在共同完成设计 an introduction to Yueqing 任务的过程中,加强团体协作意识。5 文化意识:通过不同地域对比,加深对相关知识的理解,增强对本地区的热爱之情。二、教学方法:1说教法: 前苏联著名教育家Vygotsky提出ZPD(Zone of proximal development)。根据此理论,教学要确定好教学目标,新知识的学习一定要做好知识的铺垫,即scaffolding理论。因为是高一的学生,scaffolding更显得重要,对学生的写作要做好充分的铺垫。根据这种教学思路,采用ESA教学程序(engage,study and activate)。2说学法 对比法、合作法和互评法。运用参与、合作、交流、探究等方式进行学习的过程,发展听、说、读、写综合英语技能。三、教学程序 Integrating Skills (writing )Lead-in:(1min) Engage students and study the necessary knowledgeShow some pictures to stimulate the students interest.T: Do you know me? Id like to make friends with you. Id like you to know one of my best friends. Where does he come from? He brought us some pictures. Which country do the pictures stand for?Revision: (3min) T: Its obvious youve known something about New Zealand。What topics have you learned about New Zealand? Review whats been learned about New Zealand in the text. The revision mainly focus on geography and climate,which are crucial parts of describing a region or a country. This step is to require the students to talk about geography and climate and prepare them for the writing task. At the same time, write down some important words on the blackboard, which they might use later.Reading activities:(12min) Students study the necessary knowledgeT: We are going to know some further information about New Zealand(1) SkimmingAsk students to skim the passage and find out the topics for each partMain TopicsPara.1Population, ethnic groups and the languages spoken by themPara.2Culture of one ethnic groupMaori that are native to NZPara.3economyPara.4Sports and spare timeThis step is aimed to train students reading speed and ability to get the outline and the main idea.(2) ScanningThe purpose of this step is to develop their ability of finding detailed information. While filling in the form, they are required to understand the text better, compare it with Yueqing, thus equipped with the phrases for writing.Read the passage a second time and write down the words needed in the blanks.What can be written in a description? ( New Zealand )Population_ million, _ ( 14% )Language_ (majority ); Maori languageCulture of natives1. common meeting place:_2. wedding, burial or conference:_Agriculture1. main agriculture:_2. products:_, lamb, _, _, forests products, _, wineSports& free timesailing, _, _, rock-climbing, _, seaside tripDuring this procedure, we can present some useful phrases such as be marked with, turn to, be of high quality, be shipped to. Through above two reading activities, adopting top-down and bottom-up approach, we can facilitate students writing. Writing activities: (25min) activate students knowledge by writing their own version1. Pre-writing:speaking(5min)T: Imagine some foreign guests will pay a visit to Yueqing for the first time. You are a tour guide. They ask you to introduce Yueqing to them. Which topics will you choose? Show maps and pictures of Yueqingthe city in which we live. So far all the activities are employed to pave the way for their writing.2. Writing(10min)Each group chooses any four of the topics above for their writing.Discuss what to mention in the writing and find out some useful words and phrases. The beginning and the ending has already been given:Welcome to Yueqing-Hope you enjoy your stay here.During the discussion, students have access to cooperation with each other and come up with the suitable vocabulary and expressions together 3. Evaluation (10min) (self-evaluation, peer-evaluation and teachers evaluation) Check their own passages and then each others passages and evaluate them and improve them from the perspectives of vocabulary, especially the words we have learned in this unit, grammar and beauty of the passage. Afterwards, the whole group recommends the best paragraph and presents it to us. At last teachers will give some commends and advice on writing.Throughout the whole period,
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