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Unit3Howdoyougettoschool SectionB3a SelfCheck Tolearntowriteane mailtotellhowyougettoschool Torevisetheexpressionsabouttransportation Objectives Readthee mailfromyourpenpalTomintheUS Fillintheblankswiththewordsinthebox 3a Hithere Howareyou Thanksforyourlaste mail YouwanttoknowhowI school right Well Iusually myhomeatabout8 00and tothebusstop Theschoolbususuallycomesatabout8 15 Myschoolbusisabout20 frommyhome It about40minutestogettherebybus Thebusrideisnever becauseIalwaystalktomyclassmates Whataboutyou Howdoyougettoschool Tom getto leave walk kilometers takes boring kilometerstakesboring gettowalkleave Writeane mailtoTomandtellhimhowyougettoschool Thesequestionsmayhelpyou 1 Whendoyouleavehome 2 Howdoyougettoschool 3 Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool 4 Howlongdoesittakeyoutogettoschool 5 Doyoulikeyourtriptoschool 3b 写作指导 1 先根据自己的实际情况回答五个提示问题 2 将五个答语连成一段连贯的文字 3 适当发挥自己的想象 写出其他可能的句子 按e mail的写作格式 先向对方进行问候 或客套 然后 将以上文字整理成一篇小信件 5 最后 再通读一遍自己的作品 看有没有错误或不通顺的地方 就大功告成了 DearTom Howareyou Thankyouforyourlaste mail Iknowhowyougettoschool NowletmetellyouhowIgettoschool Iusuallyleavehomeathalfpastseven First Iwalktothesubwaystation ThenItakethesubwaytoschool Myschoolisabouttenkilometersfrommyhome Onepossibleversion Peter Itusuallytakesmeabouthalfanhourtogettoschool Iusuallymeetmanyfriends Somytripisinteresting too Usethewordsintheboxestoformasmanyexpressionsaspossible take walkride drive bus train car bike plane subway boat by takeabus bybus takeaboat byboat rideabike bybike takethesubway bysubway takeatrain bytrain taketheplane byplane SelfCheck HowdoesTonygettoschool Hegetstoschoolbybike Lookatthechartbelow Writeatleastfivequestions Thenanswerthequestionswiththeinformationinthechart Possiblequestionsandanswers 1 HowfarisitfromTony shometoschool 2 HowlongdoesittakeTonytogettoschool 3 HowdoesMarygettoschool Shegetstothelibrarybybus It sfivekilometers Ittakeshimabouttwentyminutes 4 HowfarisitfromMary shometothelibrary 5 HowlongdoesittakeMarytogettoschool It saboutfifteenkilometers Ittakesheraboutfortyminutes HowdoesTonygettoschool Tonyismygoodfriend Helivesaboutsevenkilometersfromschool Heusuallygetstoschoolbybike Itusuallytakeshimabouttenminutes HowdoesMarygettothelibrary Maryismygoodfriend Shelivesaboutfifteenkilometersfromthelibrary Sheusuallytakesthebustothelibrary Ittakesaboutfortyminutestogettothelibrary 1 doyougettoschool IwalkbutsometimesI thebus 2 doesittake It about30minutes and10minutes 走路30分钟坐公交10分钟 takes How Howlong take bybus onfoot 填上正确的单词 补全对话 Exercises 3 isit yourhometoschool It sthreemiles 4 doesittakeyoufromhometoschool It twentyminutes Howlong Howfar from takes 选词填空 1 Howdoyou schoolinthemorning 2 Whatdoyou thetransportationinyourtown 3 Whenitrains I ataxi 4 Howfardoyou fromthebusstation 5 Iliketo mybikeontheweekend getto thinkof take live ride ridetakelivethinkofgetto 单项选择 doesittaketoschool 10minutes A HowoftenB HowlongC HowmanyD Howmuch2 isitfromXiangfantoWuhan About300kilometers A HowfarB HowoldC HowmanyD Where3 Hehasaquickbreakfast andthenleaves school sixtythirty A for forB from forC for atD for in 4 Somestudentsgotoschoolbyboat but gobybus A otherB someotherC other sD others5 IhaveamapoftheU S Ahere butit s English A withB forC inD at6 doyoulikethetransportationinyourtown A WhatB HowC WhenD How s 7 kilometersisitfromBeijingtoShanghai A HowfarB HowlongC HowmuchD Howmany8 Studentshaveto aboattoget home A take toB take C takes D takes to 1 get does to how Mary school2 far the cinema is home how from your it HowdoesMarygettoschool Howfarisityourhomefromthecinema 连词成句 3 how do the subway to school go often take you to4 does John how take it long go to work Howoftendoyoutakethesubwaytogotoschool HowlongdoesittakeJohntogotowork NowyourfriendiscomingtoseeyoufromBeijing Buthedoesn tknowhowtogethereandhowlongittakes Writeane mailtohelphim
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