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精品资料网 25万份精华管理资料 2万多集管理视频讲座 精品资料网 专业提供企管培训资料 电力行业 电力公司浪 费经营管理 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY WASTE MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN FOR COUNTRY e August 20 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 TAB 1 INVENTORY OF WASTES 3 TABLE 1 International Waste Management Codes 5 FORM 1 1 Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Hazardous Wastes 7 FORM 1 2 Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Non Hazardous Wastes 8 FORM 1 3 Waste Profile Sheet 10 FORM 1 4 Checklist for Inventory of Wastes 11 TAB 2 LOCAL REGULATORY WASTE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS IN COUNTRY 12 TAB 3 WASTE MANAGEMENT PERMITS LICENSES AND AUTHORIZATIONS 13 FORM 3 1 Permit License Authorization 14 FORM 3 2 Permit License Authorization Modification 15 FORM 3 3 Hazardous Waste Management Activities Units Exempt From Permits Authorizations 16 FORM 3 4 Checklist for the Inventory of Hazardous Waste Management Permits Licenses Authorizations 17 TAB 4 ON SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT 18 FORM 4 1 Documentation of On site Waste Management Units 26 FORM 4 2 Hazardous Waste Container Storage Area Inspection Form 27 FORM 4 3 Hazardous Waste Tank Inspection Form 28 FORM 4 4 Landfill Inspection Form 29 FORM 4 5 Surface Impoundment Inspection Form 30 FORM 4 6 Waste Pile Inspection Form 31 FORM 4 7 Thermal Combustion Devices Inspection Form 32 FORM 4 8 Physical Chemical Treatment Inspection Form 33 FORM 4 9 Checklist for On site Waste Management 34 TAB 5 SHIPMENTS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE 35 FORM 5 1 Preparation of Hazardous Material Shipping Papers 40 FORM 5 2 Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper Tracking Form 41 FORM 5 3 Notification of Intent to Export Hazardous Waste 42 FORM 5 4 Annual Hazardous Waste Export Report Form 43 FORM 5 5 Checklist for Tracking Shipments of Hazardous Materials 44 TAB 6 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES 45 FORM 6 1 Equipment Decontamination Form 46 FORM 6 2 Checklist for Equipment Decontamination Activities 48 TAB 7 EMERGENCY PLANNING 49 FORM 7 1 Emergency Spill Reporting Summary and Phone Log 51 FORM 7 2 Local Authority and Community Contact List for Reporting Emergency Spills 52 TAB 8 RISK MANAGEMENT 53 FORM 8 1 Risk Management 54 TAB 9 HAZARDOUS WASTE TRAINING PROGRAM AND RECORDKEEPING 55 FORM 9 1 Training Form 57 FORM 9 2 Employee Training Schedule 58 TAB 10 CORRESPONDENCE LOG 59 FORM 10 1 Written Correspondence Record 60 FORM 10 2 Phone Conversation Record 61 TAB 11 WASTE MANAGEMENT SELF ASSESSMENT 62 TAB 12 WASTE MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN 68 FORM 12 1 Waste Management Action Plan 69 TAB 13 GLOSSARY 70 APPENDIX A SAMPLE FORMS 73 SAMPLE FORM 1 1 Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Hazardous Wastes 1 SAMPLE FORM 1 2 Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Non Hazardous Wastes 2 SAMPLE FORM 1 3 Waste Profile Sheet Sample No 1 3 SAMPLE FORM 1 3 Waste Profile Sheet Sample No 2 4 SAMPLE FORM 3 1 Permit License Authorization Status 5 SAMPLE FORM 3 2 Permit License Authorization Modification 6 SAMPLE FORM 3 3 Hazardous Waste Management Activities Units Exempt From Permits Authorizations 7 SAMPLE FORM 4 1 Documentation of On site Waste Management Units 8 SAMPLE FORM 5 1 Preparation of Hazardous Material Shipping Papers 9 SAMPLE FORM 5 2 Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper Tracking Form 10 SAMPLE FORM 5 4 Annual Hazardous Waste Export Report Format 11 SAMPLE FORM 6 1 Equipment Decontamination Form 12 APPENDIX B COPIES OF LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS 1 APPENDIX C GE INTERNATIONAL WASTE EXPORT POLICY 2 APPENDIX D BASEL CONVENTION 1 APPENDIX E APPROVED VENDOR PROGRAM 1 APPENDIX F GLOBAL WASTE SITE QUALIFICATION AUDIT PROTOCOL 2 APPENDIX G BUSINESS WASTE MANAGEMENT CONTACTS 13 INTRODUCTION The GE Global Waste Management Work Plan has two purposes 1 to assist Environmental Health and Safety EHS Coordinators and plant personnel understand the key elements of an effective waste management system and 2 to assist EHS Coordinators and plant personnel achieve Company or Business level environmental goals through sound waste management practices Completion of this work plan will help ensure compliance with requirements imposed by regulatory agencies in countries around the world and with GE policies Key Concepts To satisfy the goals of this work plan you must be able to answer the following basic questions regarding wastes produced at your facility What wastes are generated How should each waste generated be classified Which management requirements apply to each waste Does the waste management activity require a permit or other similar authorization from a regulatory agency Are wastes properly managed on site Are wastes that are shipped off site properly packaged and labeled and are the correct shipping papers completed Have waste transporters and off site waste management firms been audited to ensure they comply with all applicable regulations and best practices Do your facility s records clearly document compliance with waste management requirements Is waste management equipment properly managed when it is taken out of service This work plan will help you answer these questions and serve as a guide 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