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四川省沐川县2017高考英语一轮完形填空新练五完形填空【2013石家庄市高中毕业班复习教学质量检测二】A little boy always thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because a disease made him lame.He _1_played with his classmates.When the teacher asked him to answer questions,he always_2_his head without a word.One_3_,the boys father asked for some saplings (树苗) from the neighbor.He wanted the_4_to plant a sapling each person in front of the house.The father said,“Whose sapling grows best,I will buy him or her a favorite_5_.” Seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees,the boy had an idea.He hoped that the tree he planted would_6_ soon.So,after watering it once or twice,he never_7_it.A few days later,when the little boy went to see his tree again,he was_8_to find that it didnt fade but grew some fresh leaves._9_the trees of his brothers and sisters,his tree was even greener.His father kept his_10_,bought the little boy his favorite gift and said that from the tree he planted,he would become an outstanding _11_when he grew up.Since then,the little boy slowly became_12_.One night,he lay on the bed but couldnt fall asleep.Then he got up and came to the_13_.To his surprise,his_14_was splashing something onto his tree._15_,he understood his father had been _16_fertilizing his small tree!He returned to his room,_17_running down._18_passed.The little boy didnt become a botanist,but he was elected President of the United States.His name was Franklin Roosevelt.Love is the_19_nourishment (营养) of life._20_it is just a drop of clear water,it can still help the tree thrive (茁壮成长)1.AbravelyBseldom Cfreely Dalways2A.raised Bnodded Clowered Dknocked3A.spring Bmoment Cwinter Dweek4A.neighborsBfriendsCchildren Dboys5A.sapling Btree Cgift Dtoy6A.die BgrowCbreak Dsurvive7A.led to Battended toCbelonged to Dobjected to8A.pleasedBupset Cworried Dsurprised9A.Compared with BSimilar toCConnected to DPopular with10A.request Bschedule Cpromise Dgoal11A.presidentBbotanist Cartist Dresearcher12A.smart Bdesperate CoptimisticDpractical13A.field BcourtyardCpark Dfarm14A.brotherBsisterCfather Dneighbor15A.All of a sudden BFor a momentCIn timeDFrom then on16A.busily Bquietly CcautiouslyDsecretly17A.water BtearsCsweat Drain18A.Hours BMonths CDecades DCenturies19A.last Bonly Cleast Dbest20A.Even ifBNow that CIf only DWhat if语篇解读一个小男孩由于腿部残疾整天意志消沉,父亲为了帮助他树立自信心,让兄弟姐妹们一起种树,之后父亲偷偷地帮助他,结果他的树长得最好。小男孩找回了自信,长大后他没有成为植物学家而是当选为美国总统,他就是富兰克林罗斯福。1解析:由上文的“thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world”可知,他“很少”和同学玩耍。答案:B2解析:根据上下文的内容可知,因为残疾,他缺少自信,所以当老师提问他的时候,他总是“低”着头不说话。答案:C3解析:根据常识可知应该是在“春天”种树。答案:A4解析:下文的“Seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees”可知,父亲让“孩子们”在房子前面一人种一棵树。答案:C5解析:父亲对孩子们说,谁种的树苗长得最好,就给他/她买一个“礼物”。下文的“favorite gift”是线索提示。答案:C6解析:因为他的兄弟姐妹们都给树苗浇水,而他行动不便,于是他想出了一个主意:希望他的树苗赶快“死”去。答案:A7解析:所以浇了一两次水后,他就不再“照料”树苗了。答案:B8解析:他本以为树苗会枯萎,结果却看到它长得很好,所以他感到“吃惊”。答案:D9解析:他是通过“比较”得到的结果:他种的树比兄弟姐妹的更绿。答案:A10解析:由空后的“bought the little boy his favorite gift”可知,父亲遵守了他的“承诺”。答案:C11解析:按照常理,树种得好应该有希望成为“植物学家”。后文的“become a botanist”是线索提示。答案: B12解析:从那以后,小男孩慢慢变得“乐观”了。答案:C13解析:他起床来到“院子”里,让他吃惊的是他看到“父亲”正给他的树喷洒什么东西。答案:B14答案:C15解析:父亲的行为让他“突然”明白他的树苗之所以长得好,是因为父亲一直在“秘密地”给它施肥。答案:A16答案:D17解析:他回到了自己的房间,感动得落“泪”了。答案:B18解析:一个人的一生应该是几十年时间。decades数十年,符合语境。答案:C19解析:爱是人的一生中“最好的”营养品。答案:D20解析:“即使”是一滴清水也能帮助树木茁壮成长。答案:A。完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we 1 realize that those challenges to the very things than 2 us and make us who we are ,it is the same with the challenges that come with 3 . When we are fared with a challenge, we usually have two 4 . we can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing 5 the challenge isnt worth the 6 and call it quits. Although there are certainly 7 when calling it quits it the right thing to do, in most 8 all that is needed is 9 and communicable. When we are communed to something, it means that no matter how 10 or how uncomfortable something is ,we will always choose to 11 it trough instead of running away from it. Communication is making a 12 for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. 13 you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt.” 14 “You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able solve the problem much faster. In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for 15 they me: small hurdles you need to jump or 16 on your way through life. Nothing is so big that i
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