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第十一讲 语法专练知能闯关1(2016苏州中学开学考试)Where did you watch the film Avengers:Age of Ultron?It was in the same cinema _ I saw Terminator Genisys.AwhenBwhereCthatDasC解析:这是一个强调句, 强调地点状语in the same cinema。 2(2016宿迁三校质检)These problems, _, will seriously affect the growth of teenagers and even the nations future.Anot if solved properlyBif solved properlyCnot if properly solvedDif not solved properlyD解析:句意:这些问题, 如果不妥善处理的话, 将严重影响青少年的成长, 甚至国家的未来。 句子的主语是solve的动作承受者。 从句完整的形式为“if they are not solved properly”, 因为主从句主语一致且从句中有be动词, 可以把从句中的主语和be动词一起省略。 故选D。 3(2016江苏高考压轴卷)Success is not final, and failure is not deadly. It is, you know, the courage to continue _ counts in life.AthatBwhichCwhereDwhenA解析:句意:成功不是最终目的, 失败也不是致命的。 你知道, 是在生活中继续下去的勇气才最重要。 You know为插入语, 做题时可删除, 以免影响思考。 It is the courage to continue that counts in life为强调句型, 强调的是句子的主语the courage to continue。 故选A。 4_you got Wang Fengs autograph photo?Didnt you know I went to his live concert?See?Easy!AHow it wasBWhen it was thatCHow was it thatDWhen was itC解析:考查强调句型的特殊疑问句。 句意:你怎么会有汪峰亲笔签名的照片的?难道你不知道我去他的现场演唱会了吗?看到了吗?很简单!根据答句可知, 此处解释了答话人是如何拥有汪峰亲笔签名的照片的, 故用引导词how。 结合句中的时态可知应用一般过去时。 由强调句型的特殊疑问句形式“特殊疑问词is/wasitthat从句”可知, C项正确。 5(2016宿迁模拟)It was not the word you said_angered Mr. Zhang, but _ you said it.Athat; howBwhich; whatCthat; thatDwhich; whyA解析:考查强调句和名词性从句。 句意:不是你说的话激怒了张老师, 而是你说话的方式(激怒了他)。 第一空填that, 与It was构成强调句型; 第二空填how, how表方式, 在此引导名词性从句。 6When we_a mistake, we must correct it fully, openly, and as quickly as possible.Ado makeBdont makeCmakingDnot makingA解析:考查强调句。 句意:当我们真的犯错误时, 我们必须尽快地、公开地并完全地改正它。 在谓语动词前面加一个助动词do, 表示强调。 7Only after the teacher explained it to me a second time _ the question.AI did understandBdid I understandCI had understoodDhad I understoodB解析:考查倒装句。 句意:只有在老师向我再次解释以后我才明白这个问题。 “only状语”位于句首时, 句子要用部分倒装, 且根据explained可知, 用一般过去时, 故选B项。 8(2016天津六校联考)_, they couldnt make her change her mind.AHard as they triedBTried hard as theyCAs they tried hardDThey tried as hardA解析:考查倒装句。句意:尽管他们尽力了,但他们还是没能让她改变主意。as引导让步状语从句时可以把状语或者表语放于句子的前面,采用部分倒装的形式,故选A项。9(2016浙江金丽衢十二校联考)The director was fully convinced that this moving story, if_for television, would be a hit.AadaptedBbeing adaptedCto be adaptedDhaving been adaptedA解析:考查省略。 此处为条件状语从句中的省略, 省略了主语及系动词, 补全后为if it was adapted for television, 因此选择A。 10Hey, look at your pale face; you must have stayed up late last night, _?Ahave youBhavent youCdid youDdidnt youD解析:考查反意疑问句。 句意:嘿, 看看你苍白的脸色, 你昨天晚上肯定熬夜了, 是不是?由句中的“must have stayed up late last night”可知, 此处是对过去情况的肯定推测,有明确的表过去的时间状语, 故附加问句应用否定形式didnt you。 11(2016北京西城区高三模拟)You should be fully prepared before going walking in the mountain. Above all, _plenty of drinking water with you.Ato bringBbroughtCbringingDbringD解析:考查祈使句。 句意:去山里散步之前你应该做好充分的准备。 最重要的是要带足够多的饮用水。 分析句子结构及语境可知后一句缺少谓语, 故选D项。 此处为祈使句结构。 12Then_, each waiting for the other to let the cat out of the bag.Adid the silence comeBcame the silenceCthe silence comingDthe silence cameB解析:考查倒装句。 在题干中, 副词“Then”位于句首时, 句子应使用全部倒装结构, 由此可排除未使用倒装的C、D两项; A项为部分倒装形式, 也可排除; B项为全部倒装结构。 13(2016南京、盐城高三模拟)To my surprise,when I opened the door,outside the classroom_,with flowers in his hands.Athe naughty boy did standBthe naughty boy stoodCdid the naughty boy standDstood the naughty boyD解析:考查倒装。句意:令我惊讶的是,当我开门的时候,那个淘气的男孩手拿鲜花站在教室外面。介词短语作地点状语置于句首,且主语为名词,所以应使用完全倒装,应选择D。14(2016江苏如东中学质检)Dont press the red button, _you will set off the alarm.AbutBorCsoDandB解析:考查祈使句。 句意:不要按红色按钮, 不然警报就会拉响。 在固定句式“祈使句and/or陈述句”中, 祈使句相当于一个条件, 符合该条件就会有后面的结果, 就用连词and; 不符合该条件就不会有后面的结果, 就用连词or。 故B项正确。 15Hey!Here is a message on my cellphone, telling me that I have won first prize of a weekend for two in Paris.Delete it!Its a trick. Many a person_by such tricks.Ahas been cheatedBhave been cheatedCwere cheatedDwas cheatedA解析:考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。 句意:嘿, 我手机上有一个短信, 告诉我已获得巴黎周末双人游的大奖。 删掉吧, 那是个骗局。 许多人被这样的短信骗过。 “many a单数名词”作主语, 谓语动词用单数形式, 表示复数的含义, 根据句意可知, 许多人已经被骗过, 故用现在完成时的被动语态。 4
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