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Unit 3 A healthy life 单句语法填空1No matter how busy he is, he makes _ a rule to read at least 20 minutes a day.答案:it2I strongly feel that whatever our friends do_matter to us.答案:does3After decades of effort, the city is still trying to figure out how to ban _(smoke) in public places.答案:smoking4We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his sons illness had put him under great_(stressful)答案:stress5Mum, its so cold outside and I dont feel like _(go) shopping with you.Oh, if you dont, you may as well watch TV at home.答案:going6_(addict) to online shopping for too long, according to a survey conducted recently, will greatly decrease peoples desire to take part in social activities.答案:Being addicted7He only gave an _(embarrass) smile when she spilled the water onto him.答案:embarrassed8The man had so little education that he was _(fit) for this job.答案:unfit9Im trying to lose weight because Im so _(shame) of my shape.答案:ashamed10_ spite of all his efforts,he failed. He was so upset about himself that he felt like crying.答案:In 单句改错1I ashamed of having lied to my teacher that day.ashamed前加am2I think the company places too many stress on cost and not enough on quality.manymuch3Im moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than it in the city.itthat4Although many measures have taken, the worlds economy is still going down.have后加been5Im not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had as more tiring a day as today.去掉more6Next time when you pay a visit to Shanghai, Ill show you around.去掉when 完成句子1The man hopes to_(和他爷爷一样过着俭朴的生活)答案:live as simple a life as his grandpa2To my great joy, the plant _(的确像) what we were looking for.答案:did look exactly like3The heavy rain _(使得他们到达更加困难) there on time.答案:made it more difficult for them to arrive4_(正如预料的一样), he failed in the exam.答案:As was expected5I try to understand_(是什么) prevents so many Chinese from being as happy as one might expect.答案:what it is that【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。 1为了缓解精神压力, 许多人, 特别是青少年, 养成了吸烟的习惯。 开始吸烟的人会沉溺于香烟, 最终他的身体会习惯于尼古丁。 (mental stress; get into the habit of; be addicted to; become accustomed to)2众所周知, 吸烟会对吸烟者以及周围的人的健康产生危害, 很多人由于吸烟死于肺癌、 心脏病。 (It is well known.; do harm to; due to)3所以政府有必要减少烟草的产量, 规定吸烟违法, 以让吸烟者决定戒烟(illegal; decide on; quit)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version: In order to relieve mental stress, many people, especially adolescents, get into the habit of smoking. The person who begins to smoke will be addicted to cigarettes and eventually he will become accustomed to having nicotine in his body. It is well known that smoking does harm to the health of smokers as well as the people around, and a lot of people die of lung cancer and heart disease due to smoking. So it is necessary for the government to reduce the production of tobacco and make smoking illegal so that smokers will decide on quitting smoking.2
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